May 2008 Archives

May 30, 2008

Miami Nice: Limited Edition Bugaboo For Genius Jones

Wow. As of next Saturday, June 7th, Genius-Jones joins the likes of Neiman-Marcus and Stefani-Rossdale by inaugurating their very own custom Bugaboo model. The Genius Jones Limited Edition Bugaboo will be unveiled at a full-blown "Bugaboo Event," which involves...
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There's A Party In My Pampers!

What the hell are you doing in there, tickling? Get OUT of my kid's diaper before I wring your little red neck!...
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The DT Friday Freakout: BPA, Pb, BC, TKO, CA

Just some of the latest stuff you don't need to worry your pretty little head over this weekend--unless you want to be a good parent, that is: A woman in Arkansas is seeking class action status for her federal...
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Hmmm: Herman Miller Stuffed Centaur Looks Like Marilyn Neuhart Stuffed Centaur

Wright20 dates this shaggy centaur stuffed toy to 1961, but for some reason, they don't mention Marilyn Neuhart at all, just Herman Miller, thanks to a label on the back that reads, "Licenciatarios de Herman Miller Industria Argentina Coleccio'n...
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May 29, 2008

Duluth Trading: Plan Station Could Also Be World's Manliest Fold-Down Changing Table

Damn, surfing around Duluth Trading's website, makes me want a job-site. They sell this awesome, portable plan station as a time-saving alternative to building your own temporary table: "Simply pound 2 nails into the wall, and slip 2, 24”...
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No Sweat, Duluth Trading Still Makes Their 2nd Manliest Diaper Bag

In their Father's Day newsletter, Stephen, a happy, manly, satisfied Duluth Trading customer thanked the construction and contractor outfitter for helping him be all the man he can be:“My quest for a diaper bag took me through the forest...
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Interesting Kids Stuff Coming At Wright20

I start wondering what's the point of pointing this stuff out. But then I think, if I can touch just one heart, change just one life, by helping someone find the $3,000 stool shaped like an Andy Warhol soup can,...
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Except for the part about thousands of parents getting thousands of letters telling them their kids didn't get into any of the programs of their choice, I can't figure out what the hell is going on with the NYC Schools'...
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Filmmaker x Beavers Colabo Chair For Grey Rabbit

"The chair, created from beaver-gnawed wood, was made by Bruce Gundersen, a filmmaker and furniture designer, to mark the birth of Ms. Puett’s son, Grey Rabbit." Ms Puett is J. Morgan Puett, and her baby daddy is the artist...
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May 28, 2008

Yow. Brooklyn Playground Graffiti Is Edgy

In Manhattan, the public playgrounds are full of Tibetan nannies. In Brooklyn, they're full of chalk-scrawled declarations to, "Free Tibet, Bitch!" and "You can smack people with the swing." Try working that into the pre-school application essay. Tot Lot Graffiti...
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Wagons You Can't Get In The US, Vol. XLVII

Cool station wagons are being spotted somewhere else! The new Mercedes C-Class estate in Italy! [via moseleyworld] The new Citroen C5 Tourer in either Africa or the UK, I can't quite make out. [above, via thanks dt reader dt]...
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Old Toy Shopful Of Creative Playthings On eBay

There's been a whole slew of vintage Creative Playthings toys turning up on eBay the last few days, all in beautiful, unused, condition. For collectors or just folks who like their vintage wooden toys unbeat and unchewed-on, it's like...
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May 27, 2008

Make Way For Ducklings To Not Get Sucked Down The Drain, Smithsonian

Ten little ducklings, swimming in the pool. Because the National Museum of the American Indian thought it'd be cool. Five little ducklings sucked into the drain. Fourth or fifth time? Well, it happened again. Little Aussie children were "standing there...
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DTQ: What's Under Those Bugaboo Hub Caps?

DT reader Mark has a problem. He lives in a brownstone apartment, and his Bugaboo Frog is about 1/2-inch too wide to fit into the phonebooth-sized elevator. So they have to fold the stroller every time they go in or...
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By The Felt Rugs Of Grey Skull!

John Pour Home is a Swedish outfit that hand-cuts 5mm felt into the eye-catching, fuzzy, customized rug of your choice. The skull rug shown here in grey or cream [and available in a dozen other colors] is just 128...
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Citroen Kar-A-Sutra Had Room For Seven Horny Mimes

Mario Bellini created the Kar-a-Sutra as a collaboration for Citroen and Pirelli in 1972. It was first exhibited at a groundbreaking show at MoMA that introduced Italian modern design to the US, Italy. The New Domestic Landscape. Not just...
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May 26, 2008

NYT: Flip Is For Chicks, But Dudes Like It, Too

Rob Walker performed his consumer marketing analytical magic on the awesome enough Flip Video camera in the NY Times Magazine yesterday. Turns out it was designed to encroach on dad's traditional turf as Chief Family Cinematographer, but that's just fine:Consider...
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May 25, 2008

Unhappy Meal

This photo at Consumerist of a funny sign at McDonald's reminded me of the kid's own discovery of the secret of Happy Meals. Personally, I was just going for the pies, but I couldn't very well just eat pies...
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May 23, 2008

Go Figure: Tom Cruise Loses It Over PR-Hungry Baby Store

Not sure which is less surprising: that the West LA publicity whores running the baby store Petit Tresor occasionally totally make shit up about celebrity purchases at the store. that they self-importantly proclaim that they "don't talk about any of...
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DT Friday Freakout: Allergies, Bread & Crib Bumpers

BPA. Phthalates. Sugar-spiked formula. Mercury in sushi. There's always some new study or story that stokes parental anxiety and powerless fear in the face of a threatening world, but the uncertainty of when they come out is nervewracking! Which is...
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SHO-wing! Shostar: The Ford Windstar SHO Concept Car

I know some Dodge Caravan's got a hemi, but I had NO idea Ford ever contemplated an SHO version of the dreariest minivan they ever produced. Oh wait, that was the Aerostar. The Windstar was what it was. But...
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May 22, 2008

Surrogate Brokers To The Stars! Actually, To Their Gay Agents And Publicists

W Magazine has a long, glowing profile of Growing Generations, a pioneering surrogacy consultancy and fertility center that is one of the first organizations founded to help gay and lesbian folks become parents. With offices in Los Angeles, Boston, and...
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Kunigi Unu: Mom, Dad, I'm A Polyurethane Foam Pouf

These were at ICFF, but I must have blocked them from my mind like a drunken experimental incident at college. Brent White tells the New York Times about the inspiration for his Kunigi Unu stools:I like the idea that...
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May 21, 2008

Yoshitomo Nara's Children's Book, The Lonesome Puppy

Now I love me some Yoshitomo Nara. Maybe not as much as Takashi Murakami loves him, but still. I just wonder if the mischievous-bordering-on-evil-looking little kids he paints are really appropriate for children. If you want to find out,...
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Daddy's Playmates

Hugh Hefner's son Marston is turning 18. He lives with his younger brother and his mother, 1989 Playmate of The Year Kimberley Conrad, next door to the Playboy Mansion:“With Marston, I was there, a hands-on father. As you look at...
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What I'm Thinking About Nurseryworks' New Neo-Traditional Collection

.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } DT@ICFF: Nurseryworks, originally uploaded by daddytypes. So I've been thinking about the Lawson-Fenning collection Nurseryworks...
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DT@ICFF: Baby Furniture Swagdown

I hate getting stuff at industry events; it feels very wasteful to me. At a gig like ICFF, most companies are just giving out tote bags anyway, tote bags designed to swallow all the folders and discs and stuff...
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May 20, 2008

Jalopnik Circles The Wagens

Jalopnik overwrites the first installment of their trademark 3-part review of the VW Jetta SportWagen. The verdict so far: they look better from the inside [as someone who's only ever seen the potato-shaped Wunderwagen in photos, I would certainly hope...
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I, For One, Welcome Our New Russian Oligarch Overlords--With These Blocks!

With all their petrorubles, the Russians are buying up the entire art world! Soon they'll be coming for Rockefeller Center. [Will they do any better than the Japanese did? Stay tuned!] I'm not saying you should fire your Mandarin-speaking...
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CP^2: Old Minimalist Dollhouses On eBay

Not sure if this is a sign that the doll real estate market is softening, but two fully furnished classic modernist dollhouses just went up on eBay. The big Creative Playthings house above is like an analog version of...
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DT Headline Roundup: Peace & Love Edition

From the Boston Globe's profile of early childhood development researcher Nancy Carlsson-Paige, all I can figure about her new book, Taking Back Childhood: Helping Your Kids Thrive in a Fast-Paced, Media-Saturated, Violence-Filled World, is that kids should cut back...
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May 19, 2008

The Original Mah-Na Mah-Na, In English

This Similac Sucrose thing has got me going, so I'm off to investigate the scientific and regulatory background of the Baby Formula Industrial Complex. As soon as I watch this original [1] 1969 version of The Muppets singing Mah-Na Mah-Na...
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DT@ICFF: The Leander Bed Finally Comes To The US. Sorta

One of my all-time favorite crib designs [alright, huge nerd alert for having a list of favorite crib designs. whatryagonnado?] is Denmark's hometown favorite, the Leander Bed, from Stig Leander Nielsen. The molded birch beauty converts from a crib...
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Sweeet. Similac Sucrose Organic Formula A Gateway Drug For Lucky Charms

It's been four years since the first Daddy Types Formula Taste Test, and I have not been eager to do another one; they all pretty much taste like crap, if they taste like anything at all. Well, clear the table...
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'Quirky' Garmento Dad On Bowery Drives Orbit Stroller

Entertaining family stories and crazy New York real estate stories go hand in hand. Andrew Gluckman and his family live in a throwback Bowery St apartment: no lease on two crooked floors above a lighting store in a building...
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DT@ICFF, Or Should I Say ICNCFF?

The ICFF was hopping on the first day, Saturday, but for all the buzz, I couldn't help wondering how it compared to the blowouts last year at CNC Router Expo '07 and Laminated PlyFair. And it wasn't just the...
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May 18, 2008

DT@ICFF: Kids Design Roundup

.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } DT@ICFF, originally uploaded by daddytypes. I've gotta run out the door, but I wanted to...
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DT@ICFF: Enzo Mari Kids Furniture

So I went to the International Contemporary Furniture Fair yesterday in NYC, and there was a whole bunch of interesting kid-related designs. While my photos are loading up, though, there's an awesome design that wasn't at the Fair. At...
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May 16, 2008

Mmmmm, Toyota Tercel 4WD Wagon, The Ur-Scion, On eBay

Sheesh, the last thing in the world I need right now is another 1980's project car. So why do I have a saved eBay search for the weirdo-classic Toyota Tercel 4WD wagon? It looks so tame now, but I...
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Eyes On The Bjorn

The stroller's in the trunk, so I broke out the Bjorn for the first time to run some errands this morning. Once again, I'm reminded that strapping a happy baby to your chest can give a man new-found appreciation for...
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Bill Gates' Magic Robot

Let's all come and play with DJ Bill Gates today! What Gates showed on Wednesday was a 4-foot-by-6-foot prototype called TouchWall. Among the things that appealed to me was the idea that presentations might shift away from the sort of...
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May 15, 2008

Hippie Or Hipster? Harmony Ball Company Chiming Spheres Rattles At Areaware

So I read on notcot that Areaware, the NYC design studio/distributor is planning to launch a kid's collection called Areaware Jr. [they already distribute Salvor Fauna's silkscreen t-shirts and Onesies, as well as a few toys]. Then I see...
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OG AMG Mercedes Benzes Laying Down Black Stripes Across My Breaking Heart

In case you haven't guessed, all these years of station wagon smacktalk are really just about me trying to alternately psych myself into or talk myself out of getting an actual family car. Or maybe it's a friend car?...
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And Meanwhile, Sparkability's Having A Sale Today

I was just factchecking myself on those P'kolino cubes, and I see that another DT advertiser's having a sale right now, too. Sparkability's running a 15% off spring sale, just use the code "spring08" at checkout. It ends today, so...
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Nice. Via Toy Box Is Having A Sale Right. Now.

Even though the company was only founded a couple of years ago, I've been a fan of Via Toy Box's modular plywood storage cubes since the 1940's. They make a great version of a classic, flexible, and modern solution for...
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The Class of 2008 Were Not Conceived On A Thursday

So Harvard Law professor Lawrence Tribe tells the graduating class at NYU that on this, the biggest day of their lives, they should think about their parents having sex:Think about it — if your mother and father had watched...
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Handknit Dissected Frog On Etsy, 100% Formaldehyde-Free

It's made with wool, not formaldehyde and that weird, snappy blood vessel rubber, so this dissected frog is totally safe for the the kid's room. And when she becomes a little animal rights activist, she'll have an unassailable argument...
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May 14, 2008

DTQ: Anyone Going To ICFF? Anything I Should See?

I'll be at the ICFF this weekend. If you're there, or if you know of something I should check out, definitely let me know, either in the comments or via email. thanks and see you and/or your product or event!...
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Dapipa Creature Bags Are Dadorable

You don't have to be Japanese to know that putting little eyes on something makes it exponentially cuter, but it helps. That's part, but not all, of the kawaii genius behind the Dapipa Creature Bags, designed by Kamakura-based design...
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Boston Likes Its Local Parent Sites The Way It Likes Its Baseball: Totally Nutless

You gotta give them credit for sticking to the concept; when the Boston Globe created its local parenting website/community, they named it "BoMoms: for moms in Boston & beyond." And damned if it isn't the girliest girl talky girl...
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Some Old French OB: Seeing Your Kid Born Will Make You Crazy, Divorced, And Sexless

Michel Odent is a crazy old conservative hippie of an obstetrician who may be influential for bringing water birthing and low-intervention home birth to France in the Seventies. He's also an insufferable crackpot who makes sweeping, off-the-wall scientific pronouncements based...
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May 13, 2008

Aussie Dad Wants You To Pay $188 To Beta Test His Pregnant Seatbelt Adapter

Tough call. The Tummy Shield was designed by an Australian dad, who spent years coming up with a way to prevent injuries to a fetus in the event a pregnant woman is in a car crash. An injury like the...
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And If Medicaid Doesn't Pay For Your Kid's Ringbo Riding Robot Chair, We'll Reimburse You!

Honestly, forget teaching your kid Mandarin; Korea is where the future is at. The future of ride-on toys that look an awful lot like the cart grandma gets at the mall; the future of snappy brand coinage ["RINGBO will be...
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Yes, The Jerrari: Sultan Of Reno's 1969 Jeep-Ferrari Mashup On eBay

Wow. After Enzo did that chin flicking thing when he asked for a 4x4 Ferrari, casino pioneer and car junkie Bill Harrah made one his own damn self. Or rather, he had his people do it. "It" being the...
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Stroller Flats In Brooklyn? Connect The Dots, People!

The NY Post reports that the new strollers--BOB, Mountain Buggies, Phil & Teds, and Bugaboos and the like--have air-filled tires, which sometimes get flats. Which need to be fixed at the bike place in Park Slope. Which is just the...
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Totally Tubular: Japanese Hospital Bassinet

DT reader Goemon sends along this shot of a sweet, plexi hospital bassinet from Tokyo. That tubular steel is pretty nice as-is. Those dainty-colored wheel covers could use some reworking, though. Previously: Sweet plexi hospital bassinets I have loved...
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May 12, 2008

In 'N Out, In 'N Out. It's What A 4-Month-Old's All About

Never mind that I can't believe K2's already four months old. After she checked out fine with the doctor last week, we thought we might as well get ready to try her out on solid food sometime, so my wife...
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Hey You Guyyys!!! CTW Is Remaking, Probably Ruining, The Electric Company

Let's be realistic; with it's third-generation Laugh-In format, cheesy acting, and random-at-best pedagogy, the original Electric Company was not great television to begin with, and it definitely has not aged well. So any OG purist objections to the recent...
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A. E. I. Oh, Uh, Sometimes K

.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } A. E. I. Oh, Uh, Sometimes K, originally uploaded by daddytypes. I was walking up...
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Serious/Silly Nursery Chairs At Wright20

In case you haven't found the right low five-figure chair for the kid's room yet, there are two possibilities from the upcoming design auction at Wright20 to consider: There's a pretty early example (1975) of Wendell Castle's Crescent Rocker done...
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The Playhouse That Love Built In The Garage

.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } playhouse - full view, originally uploaded by shanecyr. A trip to Lowe's and a weekend...
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May 10, 2008

It Is Really, Really Not Easy Being Green. Really.

Wow, just wow. Better put the kids down for a nap before watching Sad Kermit do his cover versions of Elliot Smith's "Needle in the Hay" (The Royal Tenenbaums mix) or NIN's "Hurt." Funny thing is, I've watched the...
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Fantastique! Bronze Bassinet By Philippe Hiquily

After debuting as an organic modernist sculptor in the 1950's, Philippe Hiquily became the Surrealist Metal Furnituremaker To The Stars [of the French aristo jet set] in the 1960's and 1970's. For example, the limited edition coffee table, "Poupouce,"...
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May 9, 2008

Babytalk: Phthalates Are Hard! Let's Go Shopping!

Holy crap. A few weeks ago, a group of educated, well-paid, professional women sat in a conference room at the Bonnier Corporation in midtown Manhattan and decided that, in matters of basic science, medicine, and health, they would treat moms...
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Lotta Jansdotter's Stuffed Toys Are Eco-Friendly!

Sure, I thought they were small and cute and pleasantly crafty, and the colors called forth fond memories of the fridges of my childhood. But thanks to the seven [seriously, I counted] mentions of their sustainable eco-friendliness in a...
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Check Out These Vintage Hospital Symbols

.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } IMG_6581.JPG, originally uploaded by crabstick. E. Christopher Klumb & Associates designed a symbol and signage...
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Niice. More Wall-Mounted Via Toy Boxes, Please

They're pitching it as a bedside table, but I wonder if this wall-mounted Via Toy Box couldn't be paired with others to make a row of them along a wall, or maybe stick them in a checkerboard pattern or...
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May 8, 2008

A Little Something To Go With Your Vintage Totem Pole

Wow, I've driven through Parowan, Utah a dozen times, and I had no idea that I could get kid-size American Indian caftans handmade of hand-beaded boarskin. Then I wouldn't need to email to get measurements of the "size 2-4";...
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How! Sweet Creative Playthings Totem Pole [??] On eBay

Sure, there's a fine-looking Creative Playthings dollhouse on eBay at the moment, complete with a family of squatter dolls, who at least haven't tossed out the matchy [if not all matching] furniture. But who cares when there's a freakin'...
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Virginia Is For Kid Lovers

"No sir, officer. I'm not drunk. I was just laughing at the tag on the car in front of me, and she got away from me..." [photobasement via jalopnik]...
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Some Parenting Is Local

I don't know if it's a trend, but I do seem to be hearing more these days about very local parenting blogs, sites, and communities being sponsored by the hometown paper. I just got a tip about The Miami Herald's...
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Hey! Modernist Furniture Made By A Mom!

DT reader Jason spotted this article in the LA Times today. Apparently, there's a mom in town who taught herself woodworking so she could make her own modernist-style furniture for her kids' rooms. So she built some prototypes for family...
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Removed: The Last Two Reasons For Not Getting A Bugaboo

Did you not get a Bugaboo because you're too chintzy or because you're not chintzy enough? Well, Bugabooyeah, my friend! Today is your lucky day! Twilite Moon is collecting information on people who like free stuff, and they will trade...
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Virginia Is For Lovers, Staten Island Is For Wives

Congratulations to Congressman Vito Fossella, Republican [surprised?] of Staten Island, on the birth of his daughter. Three years ago. To his mistress. Who bailed him out of a Virginia jail over the weekend after his arrest for drunk driving. Mrs...
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Little Red Stuga Keeps Making Toy Versions Of Landscape

If you were wondering what features of the Swedish landscape the design team at Little Red Stuga has been turning into kid-sized play furniture lately, now you know: a folding screen house with mirrors on one side; and a...
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May 7, 2008

DTQ: What Do You Think Of Your Dozuki?

So I'm still kicking around the idea of building a dining table using a design by Enzo Mari [see some longwinded discussion of it here.] It's supposed to be made out of plain, unfinished pine lumber, which you can...
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Now That's Vitalian! Sweet Nesting Dollhouse By Kaefer

Kaefer is German for "beetle," and this sleek, alderwood dollhouse by the toymaker Kaefer is German for, "You can't go wrong by taking a cue from Antonio Vitali." If only it was a little bigger than six inches--no, you...
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Yo Gabba Gabba!: It's What The Kids Are Watching These Days. WHEN THEY'RE HIGH.

This just in: ABC News reports that college students smoke pot. And watch Yo Gabba Gabba. Which is funny, because I remember when it was launched, some raver described it as the Teletubbies with the Ecstasy baked right in. But...
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Wait, Carhartt For Toddlers? Did My Hipster Card Expire?

How did I not know about this? It feels like I was looking for Carhartt kid gear a couple of years ago, and couldn't find any. Or was that Dickies? Either way, now I'm worried that somehow, passing 40,...
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DT Headline Roundup: First, The Bad Ideas Edition

So a family from Northern Ireland goes to Portugal for a little vacation, by the evening, the parents are puking, the kids [ages 6, 2, and 1] are in protective custody, and there's a court appearance set for drunken...
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Holy Crap, Our Book Is #652 On Amazon, And We're Having A Signing Tonight

I was up too late watching the primary returns, so I couldn't go stand outside the Today Show this morning while Heather talks about our book, Things I Learned About My Dad (in therapy). But I think I'll be...
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May 6, 2008

Come On And Pontiac Catalina Safari With Me

Wow, just wow. From the era of $0.55/gal. gas, by way of Burlington, VT's craigslist:1973 Pontiac Catalina Safari station wagon with 47k original miles. Rare 455 cu. in. engine with 4bbl carb. Great for towing that vintage trailer. Very...
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They're Baaack! Amazon $20/99 Deal On Pampers & Luvs

Well it has certainly been a while, but Amazon has brought back a classic deal for the month of May. If you order $99 worth of Pampers or Luvs products by May 31st, Amazon will give you a $20...
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Bribes For Surrounding Passengers: They're Not Just For Infants Flying To Australia Anymore

.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Collin's Gift, originally uploaded by mnot. This is awesome. A couple flying from San Francisco...
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Daddy Improvises: The Ikea Stroller

.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Ikeahack: Car Seat + Ikea Bag + Cart = Stroller, originally uploaded by daddytypes. Here's...
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Amazon's BPA-Free Baby Store, Now 33% BPA-Freer!

On Friday, Jeremiah at Z-Recs reported that Amazon had launched a BPA-Free Baby store--which included several products that were not, you know, actually BPA-free. [Z-Recs knows from BPA; they have been building an exhaustive product list, cross-referenced with manufacturer information,...
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NYT BREAKING: Long Waits To Eat At Crayon-Filled Chain Restaurants

My sister-in-law came down to DC from NYC over the weekend, and she wanted to go to Olive Garden. I'm an Outback guy, but she was a guest, and it was her birthday, so she got to choose. At dinner,...
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May 5, 2008

Sorry, BPA! The Mob Has Spoken

So despite the totally objective wisdom of the JPMA, we gave in to the media hysteria. Actually, my wife just got tired of me making BPA jokes about K2's Playtex bottles, so she picked up a Born Free tempered glass...
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Hey Baby Gear Makers, JPMA Missing Something Here?

Why is your company still a JPMA member? Because I am a Wharton MBA who's been following the baby/parent industry closely for the last five years, and I really can't figure it out. The Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association is...
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Squid Hat? Yes, Squid Hat

Looks like it's Etsy Day around here. Feel free to chime in. I don't want to roast my little butterball, either, but the Gilligan Bucket Hat Hegemony in the baby market has been getting me down. The soft jersey...
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Ninja Baby Blanket, Also Robots

Though she's married to the dadblogger behind NonToxicReviews, the maker of this sweet, crocheted ninja baby blanket does not call herself Mrs. Stinkyhead. At least not on her Etsy store. She also makes a sweet robot blanket, too. Somehow,...
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Tetris Baby Blanket

Kayster is a crafting genius. I mean, every time I sit down to crochet a Tetris baby blanket, I get a row done, and it just disappears. Very annoying. Topic: Tetris blanket [ via wonderland]...
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May 4, 2008

Hey-o, Julianne Moore's Tripp Trapp Is On eBay

Seriously. Moore and her husband Bart Freundlich have donated a "gently used" Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair to Johnson's Celebrity Hand-Me-Down Auction. All proceeds go to some dizzying constellation of kid-related charities. [And all goodwill goes straight to Johnson's....
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May 2, 2008

Playgoda: Slot-Together Playground Nirvana

So this morning Andy forwards me a link to a very promising blog, Playscape, which will focus on the art and science of playground design. And one of the first posts is the Playgoda, an awesome, slot-together laminated plywood...
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Lexus IS 300 SportCross: Saab Quirky Or Aztek Quirky?

Since I'm not an orthodontist, a middle market hip-hopper, or my parents, I haven't paid much attention to Lexus. So I had no idea Lexus ever made a wagon--or a 5-door hatchback, or a sportback sedan, or whatever phony...
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I.D. Q&A Re: Kid O Toys

I.D. Magazine just published a little Q&A with Kid O founder Lisa Mahar, who talks about the ideas, design, and production of the new Kid O Toys collection. Mahar sounds like they're doing things very right, and not just...
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May 1, 2008

You Gonna Finish That? Yes, Yes You Gonna.

A 5-lb bag of trail mix. A 3-lb canister of cashews. A 2-lb bag of dried mangos. A 3-lb jug of peach salsa. With a giant bag of Tostitos. A 1-lb box of edamame. A 1-gallon jar of sweet relish....
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JPMA: We Are 100% Behind BPA. Until We're Not.

I totally forgot to post this earlier this week. At first glance, this press release from the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association might seem like one more mindlessly self-serving, knee-jerk response to a damning front page article in the Washington Post...
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DT Publicity Contest Roundup: Or At Least Two.

Did the National Association Of Publicity Stunt Managers declare May Publicity Contest Month? If your kid is born in May, you can enter him or her to win a $20,000 savings bond and to be named the first Vlasic Pickle...
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DT Link Roundup: Play, Automobili, Playmobil Edition

A collection of things I'd have posted about at length if K2 wasn't propped on my lap with her bottle. It's one-handed typing you can discuss at the playground! Is a spoiler alert required before I ask Grand Theft Auto...
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Sweet Juniper + Etsy = Sweeter Juniper

At the end of the day, none of us has that much control over when we become famous; Jim's awesome photos of the Detroit Public Schools Book Depository were like the 4,711th thing in his flickr stream when they...
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