July 2009 Archives

July 31, 2009

DT Friday Freakout: No Toms, Dustins Or Leos Edition

Have we got a pile of overhyped science and alarming news stories to ruin your parenting weekend! "Does Breastfeeding Cause Autism?" This insane headline is the reason the Freakout was created. It is also practically a quote from the UCSF...
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Why Not...Turn Your Old Clothes Into Diapers?

This early Meiji-era diaper at Sri Threads already sold, but you can follow these simple instructions and make your own, no problem! It's easy and economical, plus it helps the environment! Here's what you'll need: An old yukata summer-weight...
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Every Dad Thing Is Terrible

Wow, I'd never thought of it before, but the WTFound footage cesspool/paradise Everything is Terrible is also the most important parenting resource ever! Hi, I'm Yogi Ogi Dogi?? And my yogic black rooster friend Rasta? Dadaerobics? This video is barely...
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Mombody Puts Daddy In A Corner

Were you actually the one doing the knocking up? Has Baby helped you learn the kind of person you want to be? Do circumstances have you looking for something to do?We're Looking For Dads, Guest Bloggers! We'd love Do you...
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July 30, 2009

Blame Australia! For All Their Pervy Hullabaloo, And Their 'Tits' On Onesies, Too

Hide your Baldwin Brothers, Australia! New Zealand is pissed. Pissed about the smutty jokes being served up on baby t-shirts and rompers at Cotton On Kids, the bub-subsidiary of the hometown clothing chain that's equivalent to American Apparel or Urban...
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'Needs More Vodka': Stroller Happy Hour

When the sustainable fish-loving Washington celebuchef Barton Seaver isn't busy "setting himself up as the Alice Waters of seafood," and shaming you away from both Texas and Outback Steakhouse ["It's morally reprehensible to eat 16 ounces of protein in one...
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The Details Guyde To Fatherhood

Which one do you think wants the SNL audition the baddest? Also, chain wallets for babies are a serious choke hazard, yo. [via the awl]...
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Wienermobile Crashes Into, Breaks Heart

So did you realize that anyone can invite the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile to his event, and they'll come? With at least three months advance notice and a bit of "Oscar Mayer relevance," even a dadblogger organizing a fundraiser can...
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July 29, 2009

It's Alright, Stewardess, I Speak Muppet Jive

Man, but there were some groovy urban muppets livin' on The 'Street back in the day. If I ever saw this segment as a kid where Roosevelt Franklin leads the class in a lesson on African pride, it was clearly...
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Put Your Child In Touch With A Conscious Blankee

In the West, we somehow accept the concept of a blankee providing soothing comfort and reassurance to a child. And yet sometimes we are so blinded by our cultural and scientific preconceptions, we miss the deeper underlying Truths. Fortunately,...
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Jack's Big Me Music Show

When I checked back and saw that kid Wesley's "Folsom Prison Blues" video had gone from a couple hundred to over 60,000 views in one day, I started to worry about the web celebrity dynamic that could emerge among...
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July 28, 2009

From Mid-Century Nursery To Mid-Century Kid's Room

Ahh, summer, when a designblogger's thoughts turn to wondering what California modernism aficionado [and DT regular] Darren's daughter Ava's room is up to. Last year, Darren and his wife Elise had their La Jolla Eichler home featured on Apartment...
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Lil Sprout Photo-Equipped Growth Chart

The problem with tracking the kid's height on the door frame is that your house gets foreclosed on, and then you're living in your minivan, and so you're just leaving a trail of context-free single Sharpie marks on the...
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I Shot A Man In Weno

As a guy who sings Johnny Cash's cover of "Hurt" to his kids at bedtime, I got no problem with a 5-yo singing "Folsom Prison Blues." But unless his next number is "A Boy Named Sue," someone needs to...
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Who Knew? Mike The Magicat

Our era didn't invent the idea of people being famous merely for being famous. Gong Show judge/psychic Jeane Dixon, I'm looking at you. I'm old enough to have seen your later TV career, but too young to know how...
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July 27, 2009

DT Monday Mommy Mailbag: Post-Partum Boutique Edition

Evening, ladies! It's only been a few weeks since it was born, but it looks like the Mommy Mailbag is already back into its skinny jeans, no pressure! "HadleyStilwell, a Designer of Clothes for Breastfeeding Mothers Returning to Work, Now...
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Judge, Joovy: Baby Trend Angles For Bankruptcy After Court Smackdowns

One post about The Guiding Light and suddenly it's wall-to-wall soap opera around here. In today's episode of As The Stroller World Turns: A court in Orange County The O.C. has awarded $8.4 million to Rob Gardner, formerly the head...
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July 26, 2009

ITandem And The Emergence Of Homo Portlandicus

One of the two theories about the emergence of behavioral modernity 50,000 years ago is called the "Great Leap Forward." It posits a sudden major change, like a genetic mutation, perhaps, or linguistic innovation, which triggered a rapid expansion of...
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For Sale: VHS Baby Video Box. Never Rewound.

Not sure which is sad-lamer: The very idea of an engravable, "Pewter Look" For Your Baby's First Video Keepsake Box designed to preserve for a lifetime a cherished memory recorded on an obsolete videocassette format. That these things turn...
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July 25, 2009

Recycled LACMA Bears By Robert Fontenot

When the Los Angeles County Museum of Art decided to deaccession over 100 items from its collection, artist Robert Fontenot was there to scoop them up. He bought over 50 items, mostly from the museum's costumes and textiles department,...
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Open Wide! The Horse Is Coming Into The Barn!

DT reader Wesley and his family were on holiday in Italy, and they popped into the supermarket to stock up on diapers before reached their Tuscan hill town [pannolini, by the way, but you can also just say Pampers]....
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Caulk Sucker Blues

First up, caulk is evil. It is Vonnegut's Ice Nine, Spiderman's nemesis Venom, that mirror in The Matrix, that dropped vial in Moonraker. Alright, I'm clearly scraping the bottom of the analogical barrel now, but it's a disgusting, cascading mess...
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July 24, 2009

Mallet Time! Break It Down

Yesterday I was firing up the DVD player for the kid, and when I turned the TV on, there was a frustrated white man in a parking lot with a stroller. He slammed it on the ground, then smashed it...
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We'll Buy You Up, We Love You So

There's a new short out--not exactly a trailer, and not something I dig calling a "featurette" like I'm supposed to--with mostly Maurice Sendak talking about Spike Jonze's Where The Wild Things Are. Spike's great, but Sendak's awesome, and I feel...
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Snap Crackle Pop--Can You Hear Me Now?

I asked the kid if she wanted Cheerios for breakfast, and she goes, "No, the other ones. The little cell phones."...
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Red Hookalypse Is Nigh! IKEA Banishes Breastfeeding Mom To Bathroom

Pull up a POÄNG chair, folks, and have a seat. It's gonna be nothing but breast milk and meatballs for the rest of the summer. Of all the furniture joints in all the towns in all the world, a security...
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The AT-AT Imperial Loft Bed

If you have never found yourself cheering for a slideshow before, you haven't seen Bykmandan's making of his son's AT-AT Imperial Loft Bed. Duude. Star Wars Imperial Walker Loft Bed [youtube via dt readers rolf, sara, eric, david, geoff,...
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Pre-P&T Buyout Closeout! OG Mountain Buggy Madness

Like never forgiving the Dodgers for leaving Brooklyn, or Miuccia Prada's scheming husband Patrizio Bertelli for hounding Jil Sander out, I'm sure there are some folks who will never forgive Phil & Teds for buying their awesome-but-bankrupt competitor Mountain...
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DT Friday Freakout: Early Start Edition

Usually, I don't get these science, news, and political stories designed to ruin your parenting weekend together until much later in the day. But given today's freakout roundup, I figured it's never too early to start: "A 16-year-old mother who...
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Dan Meth's Comic Influences? You're Soaking In It!

IN: This video montage of artist/illustrator Dan Meth shows his influences and inspirations in roughly chronological order of exposure. OUT: And this animation montage of more movies adapted from toys is the output. If it were just Care Bears...
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July 23, 2009

Daddy Talks--With The New CEO Of The New The Right Start

I admit, I was caught off guard by Liberty Media's purchase of the assets of The Right Start and babystyle at a court-supervised bankruptcy auction a couple of months ago. What interest could John Malone, aka the Infobahn Warrior, have...
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When Harry Bit Charlie. Or Charlie Bit Harry

Yeah, I love that some baby video can have over 100 million freakin' views on YouTube and I've never heard of it. Finger on the pulse here. [via dan meth]...
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Bugaboo*Dad Will Paint Your Chassis, No Ups And No Surprises

Hey-o! Some dad--not just some dad, Bugaboo*Dad!--in Minnesota's powdercoating Bugaboo chassis and selling them on eBay. Says he'll do 10 of them, in either red or black, Frog or Cameleon. Takes around two weeks. Since he's only selling the...
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Check Out The Joolz Family

A happy, baffling little video for the Joolz stroller from Bloom. Could the kid be any less thrilled? And why is half the video about pushing the empty stroller around while you're holding the kid? And when the dad...
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July 22, 2009

Father/Son Art Show At Minnetonka Center For The Arts

Today was the last day of Father/Son Art Show, an exhibition of work by four artist dads and their 5-9yo sons at the Minnetonka Center for the Arts. One of the artists, John Scheuerman, told the Minneapolis Star Tribune...
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Dads: There're Just Too Damn Many Of Them

If you leave something open in your browser tab long enough, it becomes irrelevant or a bona fide trend. Right now, the trend is, there are just dads everywhere. Dads dads dads. Dads in Manhattan, dads in Brooklyn. They're like...
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Ahh, Soothing Okinawan Aquarium

"load this video up in HD, full-screen, let it buffer, and then just watch for awhile. You'll feel right as the mail." Amen, Brother Kottke. couldn't have pointed to Jon Rawlinson's video of the Kuroshio Sea at a better...
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Slate's Toddler Tuesday Reminds Me Why I Hate Consulting

Between Slate's trademark pseudo-scientific shopppertainment, blurby non-review of a couple of sippy cups that would work better as a PowerPoint slide, and their bone-dry, scandal-less recap of the FDA's BPA review panels that feels like it was torn from the...
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July 21, 2009

Purple Mountains Of Farm Toys From Sea To Shining Sea

Leaving Philadelphia on the 5th of July, we decided we wanted to be anywhere but I-95, so we headed to DC via the farm country of Lancaster County. Of course, the only Amish Experience we could expect is that...
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Ruh Roh! Glenn Ligon Colored [sic] Coloring Book Paintings

So remember how tight that concept was of that one Charleston, SC artist, who decided to make a civil rights coloring book, then have actual kids color it, then turn those into paintings a couple of years ago? Yeah,...
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Joey, Do You Like Coloring Books About Cowboys?

The comic-sized Wrangler Western Museum Coloring Book is an obvious marketing tool--that was published in 1962 by Custom Comics for my high school buddy's grandfather's company, Blue Bell, which operated textile mills way out in the west-- -ern part...
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July 20, 2009

DT Monday Mommy Mailbag: Rack After Rack Edition

Wondering what Smart, Haute Moms are being sold this week? Just check out these marketing messages meant for the Mammary Set from the Daddy Types Monday Mommy Mailbag: First up, Sea Goddess contouring swimsuits:Hi There - Every summer, women agonize...
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Finally, Stitch Wars Is Here, And Not A Plush Jar-Jar Binks In Sight

Sheesh, teasers from Stitch Wars, the Star Wars-themed indie craft exhibit/sale at Bear and Bird of Lauderhill, FL have been dribbling out for so long, it felt like the release of Episode I. But it's finally out, and after...
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Circumcision Is The New African HIV-Fighting Hotness

The NY Times reports on the latest trend in southern African penises: circumcision. After several international studies found that adult male circumcision reduced female-to-male HIV transmission by up to 60%, hundreds of thousands of men are lining up to chop...
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Bend Over Obama Bib [???]

I didn't have kids in the 90's, so I never needed to answer awkward questions about why Ken Starr, Newt Gingrich and Lindsey Graham were talking about oral sex, blue dresses, and cigars on every TV channel, every day...
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Stoke The Insanity! Threadless Cakes

hahahahahahhahaahhahahahahaa.... lololololooolollolol.... wtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtf.... whoawhoawhoawhoawhoa... mmmmmmmmmmm.... This is my mind on Threadless Cakes. Any questions? Threadless Cakes: An online cake competition by Chris Cardinal & Threadless.com [threadlesscakes.com via waxy]...
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Small Coloring Book By Small Magazine

I've always liked small magazine, even as I've watched with amused resignation as the cool, progressive, creative, self-aware, modern, world-changing, ethical, sustainable, handmade, independent kid's product world small embodies turns out have the same retrograde gender biases as the...
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They Giveaway So Fast: Magic Beans 5th Birthday Daily Drawings

It feels like just yesterday when a couple of new parents emailed to say they were opening a cool baby store near Boston. And whaddya know, they're five and giving away amazing stuff every single day to celebrate Magic...
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July 18, 2009

Dude, Where's My Oscar Mayer Wienermobile?

Yesterday, a wayward Oscar Mayer Wienermobile slammed into the lakefront house Nick Krupp, 23, rents from his mother in Racine, Wisconsin. The Wienermobile [codename: WEENR] got lost on the way to a public appearance Friday, ended up on a...
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On The Street Where You Live: Awesome Map Quilts By Haptic Lab

Fantastic. Haptic Lab's Haptician in Chief is Elizabeth Emily Fischer, who makes Soft Maps, quilts with map patterns stitched onto them:These heirlooms are meant to be used: wrap your children in them, have a picnic, pull them close during...
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Creative Stranglings: CP Indoor Gym House [Of Strangulation] On eBay

Wow, you don't see these on eBay very often. Nowadays, the company known as Creative Playthings makes nothing but slides and playground sets. But back when Creative Playthings was Creative Playthings, this was about it. The Indoor Gym House...
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July 17, 2009

The Station Wagon Lives! Volvo Redwoody

.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } originally uploaded by Zach Klein. Volkswagen has the Wolfsburg Edition, and now Volvo has the...
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DT Friday Freakout: Neighborly Edition

The lead time on overexcited science study press releases must be around two weeks, and so the 4th of July gives us time to freak out over some other news this weekend: Lord knows I've seen a few, but Barack...
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The Three Little Starchitect Pigs, By Steve Guarnaccia

When it was published in 2000, illustrator and ur-grup Steve Guarnaccia's design snobby retelling of Goldilocks & The Three Iconic Chair-Collecting Bears practically defined the gay uncle gift book genre. Now he's back with another DWR catalogue x fairy tale...
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1. Have Babies 2. Race Volvos 3. Make T-Shirts

So my first thought when I read this in Automotive.com: Volvo has started off this year's racing season in the Swedish Touring Car Championship with a bang - pole position in all races and several victories. Volvo has also...
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July 16, 2009

Pfeiffer Opens Kaiku's Kimono

kaiku: sweet molded ply wagons and toy strollers set to drop this Fall but how do they look? website only teases: "little modern movement" AND?? whoops, hip designer's portfolio shows the goods inadvertently [?] kaiku design: little modern movement...
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Mama Bear

O forgive me, for I am a weak and imperfect man who is unable to resist temptation--especially when it is placed right before me on AKGovSarahPalin's Quitter Twitter:Great day w/bear management wildlife biologists; much to see in wild territory incl...
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Changing Table Americaine, Années 60!

The off-kilter photo is giving me a headache, but otherwise, this vintage table a langer, or how you say, changing table, which DT reader Catherine [sweet blog here] just spotted on Belgian eBay, is pretty sweet. The seller thinks...
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Special Delivery! DT Mommy Mailbag

It's not Monday, I know, but this seemed like such an important message to get out there right away. Dads, won't you help? Take a few minutes on the golf course this weekend and see if you can think of...
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Haha, Crocs CAN Sink

Crocs, the fugly foam shoes only an escalator-suing personal injury lawyer and a pediatric reconstructive plastic surgeon could love, are doomed. The company expanded like crazy to meet infinintely expanding global demand, only to find that no one replaces indestructible...
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LOLNYT: Nude Kids Are Funny, Normal, Awkward, Inappropriate

There are amusing reactions aplenty in Julie Scelfo's NY Times article about how, when, where, and if kids could or should be nude. I think I'm pretty laid back about the naked kids thing--K2 strips down far more than her...
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July 15, 2009

M-I-C See If We Tell You B-P-A Actually, We Won't! M-O-U-S-E

Wow, Disney's refusal to disclose whether their new stainless steel kids' drinking bottle contains any BPA is so cheerful, friendly, and upbeat, it makes me want to take the kids to Mickey's Toxic Toontown right now! Disney magically refuses request...
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One Backwards R To Rule Them All

Wow, so last we heard from Toys R Us & Babies R Us, they were buying up F.A.O. Schwarz, or whatever's left of it--a soon-to-be-evicted, toy store-themed amusement park on Fifth Avenue, and parents' vague, vestigial fondness for Tom Hanks...
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Birdspotting: Oeuf Robin $565 Crib Spotted In The Wild

Wait, Oeuf WHAT? DT reader Geoff sends along a head-scratching find: the Oeuf Robin, an all-FSC birch and pine, "made in Europe," "eco-friendly", full-size convertible crib that comes in at a rather remarkable $565. It's on the website for...
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Drinking Games

K2 will drink anything from anywhere, except milk, which has to come in a bottle. We've been working on that, and over the weekend, we went cold turkey. So far, it's not going well. After working through our random...
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July 14, 2009

Felix Gotze: Eine Kleine Schaukelmotorrad

I've been trying to link to this all day, ever since DT reader Rolf tipped me off about it, but the original site who posted German designer [whose facebook says Hong Kong?] Felix Gotze's Motorcycle Rocking Horse has been...
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Audi Q5: Awesome $50,000 Not-A-Wagon

I get it, I get it, New York Times guy. Everyone hates station wagons, unless they have lift kits and smaller storage, get terrible mileage, and cost at least $50,000. Like the lovely, Murano-esque Audi Q5 you love so...
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Daddyblog Made The Web Radio Star

If you missed Jason from Dadcentric's guest spot on the Nupoppa Radio podcast a couple of weeks ago, no worries. He just announced that he's going to be the new co-host on the show, joining founder Doug Zanger every Thursday...
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AMG! Hammerwagon!

What does this New Depression mean in real terms? Let us consider the rare late-1980's Mercedes Benz, the AMG Hammer 6.0 Wagon, of which as few as a hundred may have been created, and which originally sold for around...
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July 13, 2009

Jazz für Kinder Diesen Sonntag

I feel just sick for not mentioning the free They Might Be Giants kids' concert this past weekend in Brooklyn at the Prospect Park Bandshell. So I want to make it up to you. By giving you almost a full...
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DT Monday Mommy Mailbag Supréme

Good morning, ladies! What's being marketed to you this week? Large crates of diapers, now with an accent aigu!We've got good news for Mom! Kirkland Signature Supréme Diapers are here with great improvements! Soft, breathable outer cover, wraparound stretch, comfortable...
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Spring Break Wasilla 2009!!

Nothing like waking up to a giant photo on the front of the NY Times of Sarah Palin signing some snowbilly kid's rack. She's never going to have bathtime again. Palin's Route to Resignation: Missteps and Ignored Advice, photo:...
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July 12, 2009

Oilily Be Right Back

At this rate, I'll need to start a "back in business" tag to go with the "out of business." The bankrupt Dutch psychedelic hippie/moppet clothing company Oilily was recently liquidated; the intellectual property and trademarks for the firm were reportedly...
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h2o architectes: Ceci N'est Pas Un Loftbed

You may know h2o architectes from such elaborately minimalist children's indulgences inserted into historical buildings as that insane, EUR75,000, 4-level birch ply buildout of that abandoned garden shed for that suburban Paris teenager. Well, they're at it again. A young...
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Ninetonine Kids Furniture Son Grande y Mas Blanco

Ninetonine is a Madrid-based kids furniture company launched by Alberto Marcos and Sacha Bancroft Cooke. Their designs were floating around last year, but it seems like they've actually gone into production and heavy press releaseification this past spring. All...
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Real-G: Life-size Gundam Lands In Tokyo

.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } CIMG6990, originally uploaded by ryoki. That is mecha-mazing. To commemorate the 30th anniversary of Gundam,...
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July 10, 2009

DT Friday Freakout: Beach Edition

How about some alarming studies and news reports to fill your sunny parenting weekend with freakout and doom? Fat and lazy, true, but not dumb: child obesity researchers in East London found out some of their lazier test subjects were...
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7ITBB Interview With Calef Brown

New new new new new. You'd think I never sat at a computer surfing around for interesting kid-related material before. Seven Interesting Things Before Breakfast is a great bookblog that has a fascinating interview with author/illustrator Calef Brown, who...
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Blackhawk Down At Toys R Us Right Now!

For purposes of blogging, I'll assume these are real ads, and not just linkbaiting comps. Creative Review says the stills from this ad campaign for Mattel's Matchbox collection come from Ogilvy & Mather's office in the happy happy, good...
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July 9, 2009

Goodnight, Starched Moon

Interesting. Steve Roden posted images of a little children's bedtime storybook from like 1895 that came free with a box of Faultless Starch. A kid dreams he travels to the moon, where he finds that the lunar pixies clean...
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Brian Wildsmith Overdrive

Given world enough and time, I guess I could get all deep into the children's illustration world to find the really incredible stuff. Then maybe I might have already known about Brian Wildsmith, a British illustrator and author whose...
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Just A Little Something To Start The Day

I've got meetings out all morning, but I know that sometimes a guy just needs a fix, amiright? So here's a video of a 2-year-old Chinese kid smoking a cigarette. [liveleak thanks dt reader sl]...
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July 8, 2009

Right Start Restart: Liberty Media Gets Into The Baby Business

This weekend in Pennsylvania, we passed a mall that had a big Right Start sign on the street, and I thought, huh. Are they actually still open? [They were not.] And then tonight I get an email from DT...
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Ahh, You Never Forget The First Time--Your Dad Asks You To Help Ditch The Hooker's Body

Wow. In a cage match for Father of The Freakin' Year against Alan John Jett of BF Florida, Stone Cold Derek Lindsay just won with a knockout in the first round. Jett took his 5th grade son out with him...
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Brits Say They Created Sperm From Stem Cells

Soon the only thing left for you to do will be taking the pictures. AP: British scientists claim to create human sperm [ap/google] OTOH, this same stem cell researcher's been crying "Sperm!" since 2006 [telegraph.co.uk]...
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July 7, 2009

DT Monday Mommy Mailbag Meets Tuesday Turf War: Our365

The publicists were off for the holiday, because I didn't get any seriously biased mommy marketing pitches until today. And the one I got bears looking into:Shutterfly, Inc. (NASDAQ:SFLY), the leading Internet-based social expression and personal publishing service, today...
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Honda Twitterstalker Confirms The 2010 Accord Crosstour Not-A-Wagon

From DT reader [and car-sharing Canadian] Cam: This woman started following me on Twitter when I mentioned seeing an FCX Clarity test drive event at the convention centre down the street from us... Sounds like the Crosstour is official... hoping...
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I'm So Glad I'm Not In Preschool, Boss

Sorry for the delay in posting today; we were off--far, far, far away from any cable news or liveblogging whatever--researching foam playgrounds. Oh, and trying to find a union official to comment on this 3-year-old in an Oompa Loompa...
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July 6, 2009

4 Million Aqua Leisure Baby Floats Recalled For Drowning Risk [!]

If you thought reaching a live customer service rep at Aqua Leisure was hard before... The CPSC just issued a recall for over 4 million baby floats made by Aqua Leisure between 2002 and 2008 and sold until June...
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Slides Rule: The 517 Awesomest OG Suberidai In Japan

Andrew posted a few pictures of vintage Japanese slides [suberidai] on his blog, and I realized it's been two years since I visited iharay's amazing online collection. He's up to 517 slides now, and not even half of them...
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Tintori Time! Trendy Toddler-Terrorizing Auteur Talks Turkey

We Love You So has a nice little interview with Ray Tintori, who directed the sadistic 80's horror-themed music video for MGMT's hit "Kids" [and whose name, I just realized, I'd mistyped as Ryan.] Tintori's young, and clearly a...
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The Tip Of The Iceberg

We went to Pennsylvania for the weekend, and one of our stops was The Crayola FACTORY® Hands-On Discovery Center [note: "not the real manufacturing plant"] in Easton. More on that later, but first, The Crayola Store next door, where...
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Evian Street Skating Crew Brings It

The only thing crazier than an Evian commercialful of roller discoing babies is realizing that to shoot in Central Park means following US child labor laws, which limit the hours/day a child performer can work. The only practical way...
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You Gank My Battleship!

The trick with the Monday morning What's New? email blasts from the vintage design gurus at Virginia-based Three Potato Four is realizing that they actually put the items in their online shop Sunday night. Usually, that means the awesome...
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July 5, 2009

Mmmm, Muppet Mashup

Mashup master dj BC told Cory: "In honor of my daughter's first birthday- and one month late- I'm rolling out 'Muppet Mashup.' Ten mashups, remixes, and covers of music from The Muppet Show and Sesame Street. With the legendary...
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July 4, 2009


On Independence Day, let's take a moment to celebrate what makes America great: like a network of drug dealers in the Bronx moving their heroin around the tri-state area inside Build-A-Bears. And the free press who keep referring to...
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July 3, 2009

DT Friday Freakout: The British Are Coming! Edition

A short list of hyperbolic parenting, safety, and science news to freak you out over the weekend: If pollution caused premature births, it would be enough. If preeclampsia occurred more frequently in Long Beach, it would be enough. But holy...
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July 2, 2009

They Might Be Patriots: A Schoolhouse Rockin' Weekend

We're going to take a little family trip to Philadelphia for the Independence Day weekend, so posting may be a bit scarce here on Daddy Types. Meanwhile, I've loaded some appropriate educational materials onto the iPod to help the kid...
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Why Not...Use A Tool Cart For A Changing Table?

Indeed. Congratulations to Cookie editor Meryl's friend Sara and her husband for this innovative use of an automotive tool cart for a smart, sleek and chic industrial-style changing table! The industrial changing table that launched Daddy Types, which I...
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Uh, Yes I HAVE Heard About The Boyfriend's Python Strangling The 2-Year-Old

What I hadn't heard was that the lid on Jason Darnell's pen for his 8.5-ft Burmese python was "a quilt and some rope." Un. freaking. believable. Also, Shaiunna? Or is it too soon to ask? OXFORD, FLORIDA -- Charges Possible...
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July 1, 2009

Somewhere In New Jersey: Citroen DS21 Wagon On eBay

Remind me again why I lament the absence of awesome euro station wagons in the US when there's a perfectly restored 1971 Citroen DS21 on eBay right now? Why cry over not being able to spend EUR30,000 on an...
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Snopp! You Must Not Hop On Pop!

A young Swedish couple has decided to raise their kid gender-neutral, and is not revealing whether the two-year-old is a boy or a girl. The paper Svenska Dagbladet interviewed them in March [google translation]. They used the aliases Jonas, Nora...
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Expensive Tastes

K2 just drank my wife's prescription eye drops. Poison control says the steroids are in such low concentration, it's not a problem, which frees me up to be angry at having to spend $98 on a replacement bottle because the...
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There's Some Rubble In Brighton Tonight

Anish Kapoor, the British elemental sculptor who you may know from such public sculptures as the Bean in Chicago, was the artistic director of the Brighton Festival this year. Which gave him the opportunity he'd been waiting for "for...
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Harold And Kumar Go To The Combination Pizza Hut & Taco Bell

I have to post this, not just because Das Racist's interview in the Village Voice is awesome, or because they address the Important Issues of The Day ["DID YOU KNOW THAT 1/3 OF ALL THREE-YEAR-OLDS IN URBAN AREAS ARE...
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