October 2004 Archives

October 31, 2004

Putting the "Boo" in Bugaboo

Thanks and congrats to DT reader John for the photo...
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MoMA Store Pacifier Amuses, But Doesn't Pacify

We got this pacifier early on as a gift. It's sold at the MoMA Design Store, but it's designed for Vice Versa by Elisa Gargan and Terry Pecora. The pacifier is certainly distinctive-looking and comes in a molded hard plastic...
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October 30, 2004

Republic, 37 Union Square West @ 17th St - NO

restrooms are in the basement, but there's nothing. Outside the restrooms, there's a waist-high wall that's too thin, and a takeout order desk that's usually too busy. If you get the feeling that I spent the last two days running...
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Circuit City Union Square, 52 E 14th St @ 4th Ave - YES

The bathrooms are on the second floor, straight back by the TV section....
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Hotel Gansevoort, 18 9th Ave at 13th St - NO

I didn't check the Ono or O Bar side, but the two tiny bathrooms tucked into the alcove just past the check-in/concierge have sinks so small, you couldn't even do blow on them. Not the Hotel Gansevoort bathrooms I've heard...
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Jeffrey New York, 449 W 14st at 10th Ave - CLOSE ENOUGH

There's not a table per se, but the marble counter is wide and deep. The bathroom's on the right (E) side of the store, just past the shoe department fountain....
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Andale! Andale!, Nicolai!

Unlike Denmark, Romania clearly has no government-approved list of baby names for parents to choose from. A couple was racing to the hospital in some random city (seriously, does it matter?). The wife's in labor in the car. The husband's...
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October 28, 2004

2004's Scariest Halloween Costumes

bwahahahahahahahahaha The Stranger has some suggestions for DIY costume folks, including Lynndie England, Nancy Reagan, the Abu Ghraib guy... But I'm sorry, the Jenna Bush's Liver costume? That's going too far, bringing someone's daughter into this. 2004's Scariest Halloween Costumes...
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Is There A Doctor In The House/Motel/Chalet?

A roundup of dad-related stories about needing to find a doctor pdq have some good advice of where to look: At the JCC in Hamden, CT: In a recent interview with his hometown paper, Gary Greenberg, the author of Be...
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The Kidco Food Grinder Is Better

Grammy the foodie bought us the First Years Food Grinder first, and well, it totally sucks. You want it to work because it looks like a little Cuisinart. Well, it doesn't and it's not. It has a million pieces, none...
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October 27, 2004

Bathtub Stickers Like You Remember Them

As everyone who lived through the seventies knows, anti-slip stickers for the bathtub should be shaped like groovy flowers. But since there's nothing grosser than 30-year old bathtub stickers, Funmade makes new ones. They're cheap and easy to use. They...
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Born to Buy, Now On Sale At Amazon!

A Zoo party full of corporate-sponsored Halloween stunts, baby Air Jordans, the entire breakfast cereal industry, Snapple in the schools. There's enough kid-targeted marketing to make you long for the good old days--when it was just Lurchi the Salamander...
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Baby Butt. Ja, ja, das is richtig, 'Butt.'

Congratulations to Baby Butt, which is celebrating its 36th year of providing German parents and children with a wide selection of high-quality baby products from the best manufacturers at sensible prices. [And providing lazy English-speaking comics with free jokes.]...
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Lurchi Needs A New Pair Of Shoes

Compared to Lurchi the salamander, even America's oldest corporate cartoon characters are like punk kids (M-I-C, Copyrights are forever... K-E-Y, Why? Because Congress does what we want...) Lurchi's the mascot of the 100-year old Salamander shoe company started in...
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October 26, 2004

But I Thought 'Yale Man' Was An Oxymoron

At least that's what I heard. Just goes to show you, you never know how they'll turn out... [photo: 41's museum, via lowculture] Buy a Yale fleece hoodie/crawler, $24.98 at the Yale bookstore....
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October 25, 2004

The Zenith Radio Nurse: Vintage Baby Monitor by Isamu Noguchi

In 1937, two years after the first Trial of The Century--the Lindbergh Baby kidnapping/murder--had ended, Zenith introduced the Baby Nurse. Used in conjunction with the wireless Guardian Ear, this was possibly the earliest baby monitor around. The Radio Nurse was...
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Keep Me Away From Your Costumed Children

Parking for church yesterday morning, we saw something I'd never even heard of before: the pumpkins on the porch of one house had been completely gnawed away. A squirrel was perched on top. At the next house was another squirrel,...
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Papas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Buckle Bunnies

If you're as conflicted as I am about the effect on your kids of your love of bullriding, you should skip this post. Why? because official PBR [Professional Bull Riders] rompers are on sale. And it's a pretty short hop...
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October 24, 2004

LI Dad Delivers Baby On Northern St Parkway

Buy that man a new set of floormats. Robert Pickus was driving his wife to the hospital on Long Island when--due to a combination of construction on the L.I.E., traffic on the Northern State Parkway, and a sudden cry of...
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Halloween Costumes For Bald Babies

I don't wanna sound like a hillbilly or nothin', but down the street at the National Zoo today, they had a big Halloween party for zoo members, and I swear, only one kid didn't have a store-bought costume. Back when...
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Manomia Djellabah

Manomia is small French company creates exquisite baby clothes using some of the highest quality fabrics and techniques around. Almost the only Google result for them is a blurb in Departures, the Amex Platinum Card Magazine. Meanwhile, Baby Chic 101...
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October 23, 2004

Books of Revelations, or The Coming Parenting Apocalypse

In the NY Times Book Review, Alissa Quart reviews a whole slew of childrearing-related books which either feed or refute her hypothesis that, more and more, it's not about the kids; it's all about mothers and their fulfillment. Let me...
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Lie Back and Thank England

"Agreeably tetchy." We are honoured [sp] to report the Guardian 'as bestowed upon Daddy Types the title, Site Of The Day That Hellion, Prince Harry, Throttled A Photographer. Harry's minders to blame, says former royal snapper [Guardian]...
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October 22, 2004

Ann Hulbert on WNYC on The History of Parenting Experts

I'm listening to Leonard Lopate's June 2003 interview with Ann Hulbert, whose columns for Slate I keep linking to here. She's discussing her book, Raising America: Experts, Parents and A Century of Advice About Children. One interesting insight she had...
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October 21, 2004

I Like You, 2

I just finished my first issue of 2, The Magazine for Couples (in Canada), and I have to say, I liked it even before I got to the page where they gave Daddy Types a nice plug. Funny and informative....
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A Chameleon Finds A, Um, Daddy Type

Leo Lionni wrote every book you read as a child, including A Color Of His Own, the story of one chameleon's quest to find out who he really is. Along the way, our confused hero meets an older, wiser chameleon...
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Stokkes in Boston=Salt in Wound?

As if New Yorkers needed any more reason to stay curled up in bed today, the first reported delivery of Stokke Xplory strollers arrived...in Boston. Magic Beans, a baby gear and toy shop in Brookline, just got their first shipment...
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October 20, 2004

Q: Who's Your Daddy?

Q (cont'd) Because even though he's whipping our daddy's butt 8-1 in the 7th inning, we're still gonna act like we're winning by taunting you and stuff. - Yankee Stadium crowd...
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When Buying Clothing, Especially For A Girl

Check and double check, then triple check for superfluous, ridiculous crap. Because seriously, there is NO way you can understand the sick, twisted minds of baby clothing designers. See, for example, this totally plain mushroom-colored parka by Lili Gaufrette. There...
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October 19, 2004

Rubber Duckie, YOU'RE The One

And all this time, I thought it was Neo. I was looking down in the shower and wondering...Where did all these yellow ducks come from? [The duck-shaped anti-slip stickers we just put in the tub are from Grometville (at least...
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Raised Type

Forget baseball players or hiphop stars; if you really want your kids to hook you up when you're old, raise them to be typeface designers. At least that's the message I'm getting from the remarkably similar childhoods of Jonathan Hoefler...
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Barney Shakur

With all that's going wrong in the world these days, some new parents worry, is this any time to be having a kid? To them, I say, "Relax." It wasn't so long ago, remember, when the world's children were enslaved...
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October 18, 2004

Cool Bugaboo Sheepskin Seat Cover Made Easy

Yesterday in SoHo, I stopped a little Euro family (and probably freaked them out a bit; sorry) to ask where they got the fluffy white sheepskin that lined their black Bugaboo. It had slits for the 5-point harness and, whaddyaknow,...
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Schiller's Liquor Bar, 131 Rivington St at Norfolk - NO

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What Magazines Do You Like And Why?

A couple of magazine people have asked me recently about reworking some Daddy Types content for use in print (which I guess counts as progress; normally, magazines just have their people rip off your story). Anyway, It's made me think...
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October 17, 2004

My Pretty Expensive Pony

His seating is nothing if not innovative. Eero Aarnio is the guy who designed the Mentos-with-a-seat-scooped-out plastic chairs that filled my elementary school library (the ones I now wish I'd snagged at a school surplus sale, had I only known...)...
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Sweet Modernist Oak and Steel High Chair

[I forgot where I first saw this; if you recognize the reference, please pass it along.] Among UrbanPeel's tightly edited selection of contemporary furniture is this beautiful minimalist solid oak-and-chromed steel high chair from Niels. Who or what is Niels?...
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October 16, 2004

Challah Baby: Think Ms. Potatohead for Jews

Maybe it's a tribal thing. American Indians made dolls out of corn husks, and Disney fans make pancakes that look like Mickey Mouse [??]. So why am I so confused by a doll patterned after a loaf of Challah bread?...
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Thumbs Up to New Dad Spc. Charles Graner Jr.

It can be hard sometimes for a man when the mother of his child is more famous than he is. In the case of Sp. Charles Graner, it's not just hard, but hard time. His ex-girlfriend, Lynndie England (Abu Ghraib,...
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On Kids On Laptops

DT reader Nick has a problem: his 1-year old has gotten very good at removing laptop keys. And when we put babysmash software on one of our Powerbooks, the kid popped off several keys within minutes. Don't know if that...
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YOW. 1-Year Old Drowns In Bucket Of Water

While a father in Michigan was "distracted for three to five minutes" talking to someone--or "playing football," I'm not quite clear--his one-year-and-a-day-old daughter got out of the house, onto the porch, and into a 5-gallon bucket of water that'd been...
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Bratproofing your kids with artificial non-affluence

The Wall Street Journal thinks it's news that a Sacramento couple with an 8,000sf, 6br house makes their two sons, Neo and Eon, ages 3 and 2, respectively, share a single bedroom. Otherwise, they become "little czars," says their mother,...
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October 15, 2004

CBGB Kids Gear

You weren't part of the original CBGB generation; you're barely part of the CBGB t-shirt generation. But don't let that stop you from decking your kid out in official CBGB & OMFUG logo bodysuits, beaters, t-shirts, and stocking caps. Think...
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A Repentant Trend-Chaser Thinks Of The Children

There are too many ponchos in New York City, but that didn't keep me from poking around online for a bit, looking for a poncho for the kid. I have since seen the error of my ways, and this article...
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Not Your Grandmother's Glider--Finally

It looks like it'd work best in a full-on mid-century modern house, but at least it doesn't look like you just pulled it out of the Winnebago. If you're not going to get an Eames, check out the Nurseryworks Rocker,...
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October 14, 2004

Rietveld Early Modern High Chairs

Even from the earliest days of the De Stijl movement [that's gotta be annoying to Dutch readers; I might as well say "the De Stijl style."] , architect Gerrit Rietveld was designing childrens' versions of his modernist, geometric chairs....
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October 13, 2004

Wanna put your reality in reality TV?

The producers of ABC's new reality series, Wife Swap, are looking for families with at-home dads to work their television magic on. Listen to their pitch:ARE YOU AN AT-HOME DAD? IS YOUR FAMILY READY FOR...PRIMETIME TELEVISION? Wife Swap is an...
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Jumping Through Danish Baby Naming Hoops

Helen Hunt, you've been warned. Like in other Scandinavian countries (and Germany and Japan and the list goes on...), the Danish government maintains an official list of baby names parents can choose from. Any deviation from that list must be...
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MUST READ: The Unhip Parent Manifesto

Brian hits it out of the park with his scathingly conscientious response to the Mary Elizabeth William's weary hipster parent essay in last week's NY Observer. I know it sounds disingenuous coming from a guy who flogs $800 strollers, but...
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October 12, 2004

2004 Celebrity Baby Names

Celebrity Baby Blog has compiled an exhaustive list of names and dates for every famous person in the world who's had a baby this year. Everyone. Seriously. Very good for name ideas, whether to use or to avoid, it's up...
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Chris "Family" Robinson

He's in some band called the Black Crowes, his wife, well, you'll have to read Us Weekly to see what she's up to. But what brings bohemian rocker Chris Robinson to these pages is his choice of wheels: A Bugaboo...
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New Nanny Fiction

Ann Hulbert strikes again. In Slate, she spots a new trend in the wake of The Nanny Diaries, where the parents--and particularly the fathers--are the ones who get most of the care. Hulbert compares the literary Mary Poppins (who has...
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Maybe it's the glasses?

Whoa. Both coming home last night and waking up this morning, the kid freaked out seeing me in my glasses. She cried and cringed in my arms until I took them off. Does she think they make me look like...
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October is Children's Month at Apartment Therapy

Celebrate the little monsters in October. The excellent Apartment Therapy is featuring design, "furniture and household products for New York apartments that relate to children." First up: daddy types favorite modern seed (which, DT reader Other Greg reports, recently had...
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Thank the children of linguists, but pity them, too

SUNY Buffalo professor Dr. Jeri Jaeger researches how children develop language skills by studying how they slip up. Turning "one, two, three," into "one, twee," for example. In this previously unstudied field, it was necessary to be very familiar with...
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October 11, 2004

Obligatory IKEA Caveats

Of course, while I praise their high chairs in one post, I have to point out the dark or crappy side of IKEA, too: 1) According to Apartment Therapy, the stores--especially the NYC-area locations--run out of stock way too frequently....
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Gawker Stalking Jon Stewart

MEMO FROM: Jon Stewart TO: Self SUBJECT: Move! Cf. the two most recent Gawker Stalkers:Oct. 11: Jon Stewart walking with his wife on 12th st. and 5th ave. A baby was strapped to his chest in one of those snuggly...
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Howto: escape the consequences of your random acts of violence

A funny, if inexplicable flash-tutorial for how to wreak patriarchal havoc without getting in trouble. [via Anil] Dad's Home [safe for work, but watch the volume if there's a sleeping kid nearby]...
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Totally Decent IKEA High Chairs

For someone who doesn't live within the gravitational pull of an IKEA, visiting the store can be an epiphany. Sometimes, it can even break through your own IKEA fatigue and cause you to take a fresh look at the stuff...
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October 10, 2004

Odin now rules his personal Asgaard, or an Extreemie goes home

Eric Snowdeal IV has left the building. After 95 days in the NICU, little Odin went home, just a week shy of his original Oct. 16 due date. Congratulations and continued best wishes to Odin's parents, who might like to...
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October 9, 2004

George W. Bush made my baby cry, too

We left the kid at Grandma's house last night so we could attend the opening of a friend's art exhibit. When we called Grandma at 9:45, well after the kid's supposed bedtime (obviously, Grandma lets her get away with anything.),...
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Ten-Dollar Miracle Vaporizer Puts Kid To Sleep

The kid's been a little sniffly in the wake of her cold (Did I say sniffly? I meant she couldn't have more snot on her face if she lived in a rusted out trailer park). A few nights, it was...
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October 7, 2004

Cary Leibowitz's Baby Bottles As Art

We've been friends with Cary Leibowitz for several years; he shows his paintings at Andrew Kreps Gallery in NYC. Last winter, when my wife was six months pregnant, we went to the opening of "Mama's Boy," a group exhibition at...
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Stupid Creatures

Think of Stupid Creatures as the result of Ugly Dolls hooking up under a Stitch'T quilt. Stupid Creatures are actually the creation of John Murphy, no doubt the hippest ceramicist/illustrator in North Carolina [sic]. He makes them from old socks...
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What's Going On In That Bald Little Head?

I remember hearing that babies are born capable of making and understanding all possible human language sounds, and that their ability gradually narrows as they're exposed to a dominant language (or languages). Here's an interesting study of a preverbal baby's...
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October 6, 2004

You're On The VIP List

Vaccination for Influenza Priority groups, that is. Now that influenza vaccine stocks have been cut in half in the US this season, the Centers for Disease Control are recommending that only people in certain priority groups get vaccinated. The full...
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Beyond Pollock-Spotting: Kids in the City

"Look, I made a Pollock," "That new 'don't walk' sign looks like the ones in Europe." City kids say the darnedest things. In this week's Observer, Mary Elizabeth Williams writes a funny, thought-provoking essay on how challenging it can be...
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Sleep or Breathe? Why Not Do Both?

The kid's finally getting over her first cold, which has produced several sleep-deprived nights for all concerned. With a stuffed up and/or runny nose, she had a really hard time getting to sleep. Several times, she even seemed to panic...
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October 5, 2004

Yoya, 636 Hudson at Horatio - YES

Since Yoya is "a store for moms, by moms," their bathroom's probably not technically a men's room, but it does have a changing table. I'm sure no purchase is required, but it'd be pretty damn tacky to go in their...
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Yoyamart--Like daddytypes: the store

We were walking around Hudson St. Sunday afternoon when we popped into Yoya and Yoyamart, a clothes shop and toy/gizmo/furniture shop, respectively. First, Yoya has an uncommonly cool selection of kids clothes, none of it particularly cheap. Yoyamart, meanwhile, is...
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Stitch'T: Quilts Made From Your Old T-Shirts

If only there were a way to share the glory of your college years with your kid while getting rid of that shelf-ful of Greek Week T-shirts. Look no further. Stitch'T will turn your beloved old T-shirts into a fleecy...
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So You Want Your Kid To Be An Artist

Marla Olmstead is a 4-year old from Binghamton, NY whose paintings are selling [or, at least, they're for sale] for $6,000 in a gallery in town. Her painting career began a couple of years ago, when her father gave her...
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October 4, 2004

Farmer Jason: 10/4 at Pete's Candy Store in Williamsburg

Heads up to New Yorkers (or at least to Brooklynites and the non-lazy in Manhattan who don't mind crossing the river): Jason Ringenberg, aka Farmer Jason, is performing next Sunday 10/4 at 4PM at Pete's Candy Store. Jason Ringenberg is...
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October 3, 2004

Porsche Car Seats

I used to say, when I was a car-mad teenager, I would only ever have enough kids to fit in the backseat of a Porsche: two very small ones. Never mind that before the Boxster--a car designed to separate...
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October 1, 2004

The Man Who Loves Formula. A True Story.

After reading Daddy Types' baby formula taste test, a reader told me about her husband, who has been putting nothing but Isomil, soy-based Similac, on his cereal his whole life. Now that he's got a kid, their bottles of formula...
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Ugh. The Kid's First Stagedive

So the kid's been pulling herself up on the edge of the sofa all week, just jonesing to climb up on the seat. Then she scrambles to climb over the back, or the arm or whatever precipice is handy. She...
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