Category archive: newborn
May 24, 2016
Hospital Blanket Screenprint Edition By Aaron Krach
Aaron Krach, Indestructible Artifact #19 (Swaddle), 2014, image A few days ago I spotted this awesome screenprinted hospital blanket on the website of New York artist and writer Aaron Krach. It was a little Lawrence Weiner, a little...
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February 8, 2016
Medieval Orphan And Foundling Nametags
'This child is named Bartholomew': Erfgoed Leiden, HGW, Archiefnr. 519, Inv. nr. 3384, slip 1 (15th century) - Photo EK via Here is a poignant story by medieval schlar Erik Kwakkel about a rare collection of 15th century notes...
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July 13, 2015
Except For Not Knowing How To Use A Car Seat, You're Totally Ready For This
Mazda's commercial about nervous new parents being well prepared to bring the kid home from the hospital in their safe CX-5 warms the hearts of everyone who doesn't notice that the kid's car seat straps are ridiculously loose. [thx...
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March 29, 2015
I Cried A Great Deal At This Newborn Anencephalic Twin Organ Donor Story
When Ross and Sarah Gray learned one of their twins was anencephalic and wouldn't survive, they decided to donate his organs and tissues to medical research. Their sons were born five years and six days ago; today is the anniversary...
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March 17, 2015
Californians Have 40 Different Words For Extreme
Ever since the state replaced the water it normally serves with Disneyland Measles™, concerned parents in California have begun taking "extreme steps" to keep their kids from getting sick. Extreme steps like not having playdates with unvaccinated kids. And keeping...
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February 23, 2015
Makeup Apps Are The New Filters
I have some inexplicable apps on my phone, I'll admit. And if I haven't used the phone as a peacemaker in the backseat of the car for a couple of weeks, I'll might get an alert to remind me...
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January 6, 2015
By Your Paternity Leave, Milord
Ho. Ly. Crap. I go away for ONE week, and this is what happens to the state of newdadwriting? Writer William Giraldi gets paternity leave from Boston University and the only thing he manages to nurture is a drinking problem?My...
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December 4, 2014
Andrew Sullivan Is Skeptical Of This CDC Circumcision Recommendation
The CDC recently released a recommendation that circumcision leads to lower HIV infection rates in men. Noted man and intactivist Andrew Sullivan is not having it--the rationale, that is, not circumcision, though I assume he is also not having that--and...
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November 26, 2014
The Case For Me Time
Come to Laura June's Parent Rap post about giving a kid time alone for The Awl for the license it gives you to not spend every waking minute attached and focused on the kid. Stay for writing, and the emotional...
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November 8, 2014
New Born Fame: App Mobile Put Social Media Power In Babies' Clueless Hands
New Born Fame is a series of social media-enabled baby gear created by Laura Cornet for her graduation show at Eindhoven Design Academy. It went viral during Dutch Design Week. Though kid-free herself, Cornet studied the steady stream of...
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October 2, 2014
Your Brand Here
.@darrenrovell Announcing birth of my son Brand Product Lund. Hospital says 1,000 RTs will get us a free iPad. Help!— Jeb Lund (@Mobute) October 2, 2014 Mazeltov, though I hope you didn't sign away the kid's naming rights completely....
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July 11, 2014
Two Cut Jews Cover L-rde">@ftrain called this a pro-circumcision music video, but I'd probably call it anti-intactivist, and pro-mohel, with some factoids about the benefits of circumcision for sexually active men penciled in. It says a lot that the strongest argument for infant...
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June 2, 2014
Jesus Loves The Little Children Secured On The Train
To that nice Christian lady and her baby daddy in Memphis, who strapped their 1-month-old kid onto the train of her wedding dress when she walked down the aisle, who then posted the pic on Facebook, and faced down...
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May 19, 2014
Gunnersaurus Had A Playdate
As recently as 2012, when they were still in the middle of a long, cupless losing streak, Arsenal was so desperate to keep its fans happy that they'd send the team mascot Gunnersaurus out on playdates with largely immobile...
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February 27, 2014
Area Man Didn't Work On His Base Tan
I dreamed a dream my life would be so different from this hell I'm living. Also, I that they paid retail for that Bugaboo and Maxi-Cosi combo. image: rocketing around twitter I don't even want to know don't tell...
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January 25, 2014
Babies Cry For Attention
In lieu of a DT Friday Freakout, here is the shocking result of a Japanese researcher's 6-month in-depth study of two babies: one sometimes fake cried for attention.Just over 98 per cent of Baby R's crying episodes were also preceded...
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January 23, 2014
Mazel Tov! Now Name This Jewish Baby For $20,000
OK, then. A Jewish family in Central New Jersey has put the naming rights for their ninth daughter up for sale on Craigslist. After eight girls, the dad says to the JTA, "we're out of names basically. We needed...
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November 13, 2013
This. Is. CNN's Ridiculous Paternity Leave Policy.
This case has been brewing for a couple of weeks now, but it's never too late to point out how Time Warner has bumbled its way into an unnecessarily unfair, even discriminatory parental leave policy, and the obvious, right thing...
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October 21, 2013
Finally, A Scientific Justification For Circumcision
People say a boy should look like his father, which, what? But scientists in Pakistan and Columbia University have found that when it comes to baldness, a father doesn't have to look like his son:The researchers took papilla cells from...
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June 21, 2013
Area Couple Manages To Give Child Google-Proof Name
Honestly, given those parents and their perspective on human existence, I think North West is just about the most brilliant hashtag keyword Google search-thwarting baby name in the history of the Celebrity Infotainment Industrial Complex. Think about it: she's completely...
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June 6, 2013
Finland Still Giving Out Free, Swag-Filled Cardboard Bassinets
They were giving them out in 1938. they were giving them out in 1949. They were giving them out in 2008. And yes, the BBC's WTFScandinavianParenting correspondent reports this week that Finland is giving out cardboard bassinets stuffed with...
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May 21, 2013
5 Top Updates You Can Make On Your LinkedIn Profile During Paternity Leave
Today's paternity leave accomplishments: cleaned, cooked, reread some DeLillo, long walk w/ Jane, caught a projectile newborn shit midair.— Brandon Stosuy (@brandonstosuy) May 22, 2013...
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March 8, 2013
Egon Schiele Sketchy Newborns
The turn-of-the-last-century Viennese expressionist Egon Schiele has always creeped me out a bit, maybe half the time in a good way. An OB/GYN friend giving the 20yo Schiele free rein at a maternity ward so he could paint newborns...
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February 25, 2013
How I Met Your Mohel
If you only read one thing in deciding whether to circumcise your son, then for G-d's sake, DON'T DO IT. You really ought to give more thought, consideration, and research to the matter: it's another man's penis being sliced up,...
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December 7, 2012
DT Friday Freakout: L'Edition Sperme
We missed a couple of weeks, but here are a handful of headlines from the worlds of health, safety, and parenting, bundled up to freak you out all at once, on your own schedule. It's the Daddy Types Friday Freakout:...
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October 9, 2012
Occupy Protestors Multiplying
You know how it goes. When a peaceful Occupy Wall Street protestor and the medic who treated her pepper spray burns love each other very much... Mazeltov to Kaylee Dedrick, Robert Grodt, and their new daughter Tegan, who joined the...
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October 5, 2012
Introducing Tom Ford For Dads
Mazeltov, I didn't even know they were expecting. Maybe because I stopped paying much attention to what Tom Ford was doing or thinking or talking about many years ago, and so missed his 2008 interview in Fantastic Man where...
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September 13, 2012
No Blood For Mohel
Every time this whole, metzitzah b'peh, mohel sucks the blood off the freshly circumcised penis thing turns up in the news, I thank G-d that being a New Yorker only makes you Jewish on the inside. And speaking of the...
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September 10, 2012
Inglourious 'Breastapo' Prefers The Milk.
Oh, man, if these Sunday Star-Times reports are any indication, the health care system in New Zealand has been seized by power-mad lactivists loyal to the WHO, who have turned the little island nation into the breastfeeding version of...
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August 16, 2012
EBB: Everything But Breastfeeding
People really do get worked up over breastfeeding and bottlefeeding. But whether you go the formula route, or the pump, dads giving the kid a bottle, especially in the middle of the night, provides a real and concrete benefit to...
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July 31, 2012
Latch On, Latch Off: Bloomberg Tells Hospitals To Lock Up That Formula
The Bloomberg administration has persuaded 27 of New York City's 40 hospitals to adopt new, breastfeeding-friendlier procedures for newborns. As part of the new Latch On NYC program, maternity ward nurses are supposed to encourage new moms to breastfeed by...
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July 6, 2012
Greg McKeown has a nice piece on the Harvard Business Review blog about how, contra the example and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, he totally went to some random Very Important Client Meeting the day after his kid was born.To my...
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June 12, 2012
Tony Promo
Starter young, that's what I always say. And by I, I mean pro golfer Tony Romo, who went all Tori Spelling and dressed his newborn son in some gear from his sponsor, Starter, and then snapped some pics, which the...
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May 10, 2012
These Things We Pray
I know that two days before Mother's Day is arguably an even worse time to bring this up than when I thought about it--in the middle of church, staring at the kids a couple of rows ahead of us--but...
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March 30, 2012
Uh, OK! Parent Profile Rattle From Cameo By RUX
When you find a concept that works, you stick with it, I guess. Russell Greenberg designed his wedding rings by extruding his and his wife's profiles, and now that they've had a kid, he's deployed his profile extrusion technology...
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March 16, 2012
DT Friday Freakout
Whether it's criticism of your choice of preschool art party clown or something weightier, like, say, your soon-to-be-born baby being poisoned by everything in your house, the DT Friday Freakout is your one-stop headline roundup for ruining your entire weekend:...
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March 14, 2012
Kissing Babies
Our 5-week old daughter and Mitt Romney have one thing in common; they've both been up all night, crying.— Michael David Murphy (@whileseated) March 14, 2012...
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February 23, 2012
The Deam Guide To Airstream Living
You may remember Christopher Deam from such blog posts as "guy who created plexi-walled cribs for his twins" and "molded ply guy whose wife started Dwell." Anyway, he also has been doing Airstream trailer renovations, which look awesome, perfect for...
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February 16, 2012
I'll Be Your Memory
With 2.5 years of dadhood under his belt, and twins on the way, Coding Horror's Jeff Atwood has given some thought to this whole parenthood thing:Being a new parent is both terrifying and exhilarating, a constant rollercoaster of extreme highs...
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February 6, 2012
Letterpress Year You Were Born Cards, By Double Bravo
Double Bravo Design Studio's sweet little Year You Were Born Card for New York lets you fill in the kind of vital info that the mainstream, non-city-specific baby books leave out. Things like Nearest subway stop, Number of hot...
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February 3, 2012
Blue Ivy's Got 99 Problems, But A Drawn Out Trademark Application Process Ain't One
From TESS, the US Patent and Trademark Office's Trademark Electronic Search System: Word Mark BLUE IVY CARTER Goods and Services IC 003. US 001 004 006 050 051 052. G & S: Fragrances, cosmetics, skin care products, namely, non-medicated skin...
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January 20, 2012
Fatherhood Is Is Awesome
Woo-hoo, this is awesome. Though I think Adam Brown, the new dad under the kid above--and behind Fatherhood Is--is underestimating the extent to which his non-Internet-famous twin will resent his sister's Internet fame. Then again, with a new dad...
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January 10, 2012
How Awesome Is This Kid/Photo/Natural Rubber Pacifier?
OMG, so cute! Buy a natural rubber pacifier just like Andy from Reference Library and Stork Bite Man's peace sign-throwing kid! It's like the blogger version of People Magazine all up in here. Next up: Little Sartorialist's exclusive street...
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December 22, 2011
And They Shall Call His Name Emanuel. And His Jesus.
Let's put this story from the northern Brazilian state of Para into chronological order:Claudioner Assis de Vasconcelos, director of the hospital in Anajas where she gave birth, told Brazil's O Povo newspaper that the mother came in because she was...
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September 22, 2011
Mmm, Bends Like Chicken
I was stunned and impressed and not a little jealous that DadWagon managed to score an interview with rock star Paul Ford on the very day he announced the birth of twins. But then I realized it was a pre-dadhood...
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September 21, 2011
The Foreskin Tree
Foreskins! So simple and obvious, yet so complex! So there's not giving a moment's thought to circumcising your kid. There's thinking about it and wondering, "Holy smokes, why would I cut off this guy I just barely met's penis...
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September 20, 2011
Hmm, Should I Cut Off Part Of My Son's Penis?
Here is the story of a guy--from his pen name, I'm guessing he's in Oklahoma City--who is, for the first time, really contemplating whether to cut off part of another guy's penis. He wisely asks his dad for advice--only to...
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July 22, 2011
Plum Trying To Monetize Hand-Me-Downs
The kids can wear the hell out of some outfits, and then barely get one wear out of others before they grow out of them. You can get a ton of free stuff to cover the first few months, and...
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July 12, 2011
There Is No Buy: Another Yoda Baby Hat There Is!
Nearly seven years after the first one hit the web, Australian knitter and Etsy seller Knitterkrys has introduced her own design for a Yoda baby hat. And unlike George Lucas's Yoda retreads, this is actually an improvement. Unfortunately, it's...
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June 6, 2011
Circumcision Ban Campaign Not Quite Ready For Its Closeup
So the campaign to enact laws banning circumcision in California without religious exemptions is "gaining momentum," reports the New York Times. At least it was until the Times also asked the folks at the Anti-Defamation League what they thought about...
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