Category archive: gear not strollers

October 29, 2015

The Birth Of The Phonecam And Vice Versa

This is apparently the first picture taken and sent by a cell phone. It is Philippe Kahn's daughter, born June 11, 1997. Kahn is a Silicon Valley entrepreneur who founded Borland, and then in 1994, he founded Starfish, a...
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September 18, 2015

The Internet Of Things That Are Probably Spying On You, Like Baby Monitors

Internet- and WiFi-connected baby monitors are still ridiculously insecure and can be hacked and turned into surveillance devices for your home and your home networks, experts find. Experts recommend a couple of easy fixes, such as not connecting your baby...
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August 24, 2015

The What?? Fiberglass Magic Cradle By Stauffer Reducing

A few days ago DT reader Nathan spotted this amazing-looking vintage cradle on eBay in St Louis. [Turns out it's also on craigslist.] "Had this been up a year ago," Nathan wrote, "I would have considered it for our...
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August 18, 2015

Watched Over By Hacked Machines Of Loving Grace

So this guy Ted Benson [who named his kid Everest, great move] just posted about how easy it is to hack Amazon Dash buttons, those ridiculous little gadgets Amazon wants you to put around your life so you can...
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July 30, 2015

Tactical Baby Carrier by Mission Critical

The Tactical Baby Carrier from Mission Critical looks like it's just a bodycam and a couple of Kevlar inserts shy of a Take Your Kid To Work outfit for law enforcement. There is black for urban crowd control, coyote...
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July 13, 2015

The Bouncy Desk

Why hasn't someone made this? It's the perfect VR motion rig! 😂 via @SuB8u— Darshan Shankar (@DShankar) July 14, 2015 Meanwhile, if anyone does invent this, I'll just scootch mine over to the stairs and end it all....
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June 23, 2015

Confederate Flag Diaper Wipes

Are not out there yet, but they definitely should be. Someone get on it please. LOL there goes that million-dollar bizness idea. As the URL shows, when I first linked to this Fusion story, the headline was "Confederate Flag Sales...
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April 2, 2015

Oculus Rift With Haptic Touch Baby Bjorn Attachment

The 21st century parent.— Kevin Buist (@KevinBuist) April 2, 2015 I have no idea, but am awaiting more information. The Future is now, though. Update a few seconds later: It was from a "mini Comic-con" held at Kevin's...
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March 27, 2015

OG Etruscan Baby Wrap

A kourotrophos is a type of Etruscan sculpture depicting a female figure carrying a child. Like on this amber pendant at the Getty Villa, where she's got her kid in a baby wrap. OG. There are more pics at...
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March 22, 2015

The Ten Best Ways To Get Headphones To Fit Your Kid

1. Headphones too big and keep falling off? Come see y Dad....— Craig Potter (@CraigLPotter) March 18, 2015 Nos. 2 -10 are doing the same thing, just with a different stuffed animal....
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Uh Oh, NHTSA Fines Graco

NHTSA has fined Graco $10 million for failing to report customer complaints to the government in the run-up to the Jan. 2014 recall of several million car seats. The car seats had defective buckles that were extremely difficult-to-impossible to release....
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February 10, 2015

Walking Bike Meets Hyperlapse Steadicam

The walking bike dad phonevideo genre has found its Goodfellas, and David Friedman is its Scorsese. He's using Hyperlapse, the timelapse video app from Instagram, at 1:1 speed as a Steadicam to follow his kid around the playground on...
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January 14, 2015

Paul Revere Whistle And Teething Stick

While doing a little research on Paul Revere the other day, I came across this: "His most unusual items were made before the Revolution, when he crafted a chain for a pet squirrel an ostrich egg snuffbox, and a...
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December 7, 2014

Amazon Elements Diapers And Wipes Are The Kirkland Of The Internet

Well, they've gone and done it. They've finally gone and done it. After building an awesome diapers-in-the-mail business, then buying, and introducing subscriptions, and Amazon Mom [sic, obv], Amazon has finally unveiled its own brand of diapers and...
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November 28, 2014

The Blackest Friday

"Deal is 58% Claimed". [amazon via kottke] Friends don't let friends buy Amazon Black Friday deals. For themselves. But they might buy them for their friends' baby showers. Or for their brothers who just had a kid. Just sayin'....
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November 8, 2014

New Born Fame: App Mobile Put Social Media Power In Babies' Clueless Hands

New Born Fame is a series of social media-enabled baby gear created by Laura Cornet for her graduation show at Eindhoven Design Academy. It went viral during Dutch Design Week. Though kid-free herself, Cornet studied the steady stream of...
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October 24, 2014

200,000 Evenflo Infant Car Seats Recalled For Sticky Buckles

Evenflo has recalled over 202,000 Embrace 35 rear-facing infant carriers, which were manufactured between Dec. 2011 and May 2013. See the affected model numbers at Evenflo's site. The carriers are still safe, crash-wise, but the buckles and harnesses become...
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October 9, 2014

Damn, NIGO, That's All You Had To Sell!

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September 19, 2014

Aphex Twin Is A High-Tech Parent

By now everyone's read that Steve Jobs was a low-tech parent, and that none of the people who work in Silicon Valley let their kids have screen time during the week. And now I'm like, well, at least Aphex...
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August 31, 2014

Area High-End Woodsman Wears Kid On Back

One of the 1,200 high-end culture experiences on the globally curious digital storytelling platform Nowness is a short film about visceral artist Elias Hansen, who is not one of the Hanson Hansens, obviously, but who does chop down saplings...
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June 5, 2014

LEGO Spaceman Will Hold Your Charger Cable

Why has no one thought of this before. WHY.— Techmog (@Techmog) June 5, 2014 All you need is a little Kragle....
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Float Baby, Or The Decline Of Western Civilization

img alt="float_baby_vox_wtf.png" src="" width="525" height="349" class="mt-image-center" style="text-align: center; display: block; margin: 0 auto 20px;" /> Vox's Matt Yglesias seems to think that Houston's kidcentric day spa Float Baby is a sign that our rich have too much disposable income to...
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May 30, 2014

Top 10 Things That Get Cleaned Less Frequently Than The Car Seat

10. the broiler pan 9. that gap between the seat and the hump where that french fry fell that time, but which is too narrow and far down for the vacuum to reach. umm... honestly, that's all I got, and...
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April 1, 2014

Samsung Galaxy S5 Also Functions As Baby Crying Predictor

The Samsung Galaxy S5 functions as a "baby crying detector," an amazing "hidden feature," which is techblog for "a feature that's not sexy enough to make it into the ads or the launch announcements or the press materials, but...
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March 17, 2014

There Is Still No Better Breast Pump

Speaking of It Doesn't Get Better, the Times asks, "Shouldn't the Breast Pump Be as Elegant as an iPhone and as Quiet as a Prius by Now?" Yeah, no. Considering how recent the iPhone is, and how rare design talent...
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February 20, 2014

Skip*Hop Stroller Handle Handy

Well this looks handy. Skip*Hop's new stroller handle loops onto a stroller, but it could just as easily loop onto a bag or a belt. The only catch is that to get the most benefit from it, your kid...
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February 17, 2014

Daddy Pillows

I'm just going to post the screenshot Jessica Suarez posted on her blog--she said she stumbled across it while looking for a set of sheets for her guestroom--and leave it at that. It's all too mindblowingly sad to handle...
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February 11, 2014

Mazeltov, The Nightlight Is Mostly Here!

Finally/So soon! It's Here!/It's almost here! I don't know quite the best baby birthin' metaphor to use for The Nightlight's soft launch today: was it born a little premature, and needs to spend a few weeks in the Kinja...
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February 7, 2014

Wine Sippy Cups Exist

There are days when I wonder why I keep going with the new dad angle, and then someone will tweet about wine sippy cups, and it all makes sense again. The lids are colored Merlot and Party Pink! Stroll...
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January 28, 2014

This USB-Lookin' Wet Diaper Detector Will Be A Thing

It looks like a normal, everyday USB stick, but when it gets near a wet diaper, it lights up! Because it's a wet diaper detector. Made out of a USB casing. That's how Eric Schuh designed his Kickstarter, and...
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January 12, 2014

This Is The Last Thermometer You'll Buy

Yes, you could buy this thermometer pacifier if you want. Even if it's a little off, or your kid doesn't really take to it. It's only like ten bucks, so what the hey. But either way, I'll tell you...
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January 7, 2014

Tech Up, Ladies!

This is actually a snapshot of the MommyTech summit at #CES2014. It's all dudes— Lauren Goode (@LaurenGoode) January 7, 2014 So the family & kid-related gear section of CES is called MommyTech, and it's all dudes. Even the things...
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December 16, 2013

Slate: Making Fake Babies For Discount Shopping Since Saturday

Congratulations to Matt Yglesias, whose fake baby Tim Duncan Crawford was born over the weekend as part of a Slate pitch on how you don't need to actually verify you have a baby to get 20% discounts on subscriptions...
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October 23, 2013

A Brief History Of Breast Pumps - DRAFT

Aah, Autumn, when the young journalist's heart turns to thoughts of, "Wait, how exactly did we become a world where people are mailing each other breastmilk after meeting on the internet? I bet I can get a 1,200-word backgrounder out...
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October 9, 2013

Apple Care

Note to self: do NOT spill breast milk on your computer! Note to baby: Sorry. Steve Jobs ate your lunch.— Nina Simon (@ninaksimon) October 9, 2013...
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September 25, 2013

3rd Gen Mambo Family Baby Swim Collar

After tumbling into the labyrinthian world of Chinese knockoff baby bath gear yesterday, I floated past this remarkable product: the 3rd Generation Mambo Family Transparent Baby Swim Ring Collar. Let's all take a moment to remember the brave families...
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September 24, 2013

Baby Shower Cap Photo Reviews Itself

What can I add to-- I mean-- It doesn't even-- and meanwhile, this photo shows up on this Baby Shower Cap Baby Shampoo Visor ["Features: Is your kid hate taking a bath because he/she hates getting water in his/her...
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September 20, 2013

DT Friday Freakout: Future Edition

There's less science and safety this week, but that shouldn't keep this exclusive amalgamation of headlines from ruining your weekend. It's the DT Friday Freakout: A bunch of NYC independent schools--but not all!--are saying they'll drop the E.R.B. as part...
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September 8, 2013

You're With Me, Leather: Ferrari Custom Booster Seat

DT reader Todd spotted this custom booster seat & beach towel combination in a Ferrari F430 Spider at his kid's back-to-school-night. Definitely an improvement over the official licensed Ferrari Booster Seat: A couple more years, inches and pounds, and...
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August 22, 2013

Trying To Understand Muslin Extremists

The other night I was watching Merchant Ivory's A Room With A View for the first time in like 15 years. And Judi Dench and Maggie Smith are these two buttoned up Edwardian ladies, and there's a scene where they're...
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Precious Cargo: Noomad Bike System And Child Seat

In some ways, the Noomad cargo fork looks completely brilliant, the way it trades one front wheel for two, and can hold a suitcase or whatever, centered and low to the ground while you ride. In other ways, like...
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July 24, 2013

Area Man Installs Car Seat Incorrectly

So every thing these people do is going to be picked apart my everyone in the entire world? Count me out. [via publicists for Purveyors of Infant Car Seats to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, apparently] Related: The Queen...
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May 21, 2013

Kids Are Short

Chris Angelini let his toddler-sized son try on his Google Glass while they went to get some juice. The takeaway: HOLY SMOKES, KIDS ARE SHORT! SERIOUSLY, the world looks so weird when seen entirely from crotch height. [via waxy]...
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April 30, 2013

Cowacca, Small Strap For Kids

OK, this is flat out amazing. Cowacca is a small strap and ring for kids to hang onto. It just clips on your belt, or backpack, or stroller, or wherever you need it to not lose a kid. It...
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March 7, 2013

It Was An Ancient Randonneur

I've had a draft for a post about this 1940s randonneur in the style and meter of Coleridge's "The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner" half-written for so long, the unsold item listing has disappeared from French eBay. Which is...
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February 12, 2013

Here Is A Fine Rollup Canvas Pack From D'Emploi

Lest you think Brooklyn dadding is only about repurposing $750 leather duffles as diaper bags, just take a look at this: it's a very fine-looking waxed canvas roll-up pack that zips almost flat, and that's just the right size--14x11x5--to...
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February 11, 2013

Hipster Fathering Is Not A Crime!

I've been cheering on the inside for Kindling Quarterly for over a month now, because I know exactly how it feels to stand on the brink of fatherhood, survey the parenting magazinescape, and see a deep, daunting, me-shaped void....
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February 7, 2013


The best and chicest diaper bags for dad— Dadding (@BabbleDads) February 7, 2013...
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January 31, 2013

Tweet Or Get Off The iPotty

"If only we had a place to put our tablet computers, all our potty training hassles would be solved," said absolutely no one ever in the history of pooping and peeing. Until this year at CES, when CTA Digital...
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December 14, 2012

Sounds Like These Nap Nanny Infant Recliners Are Killin' Babies

Even after one death that led to a 2010 recall and a redesign to strengthen the 3-point harness, the Nap Nanny and related Chill infant recliners are apparently killin' babies. Now the CPSC is suing Baby Matters, the manufacturer,...
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