September 20, 2013

DT Friday Freakout: Future Edition

There's less science and safety this week, but that shouldn't keep this exclusive amalgamation of headlines from ruining your weekend. It's the DT Friday Freakout:

  • A bunch of NYC independent schools--but not all!--are saying they'll drop the E.R.B. as part of their application process for preschool and kindergarten admissions, probably starting in 2014 [i.e., for 2015 admissions]. But it's not clear yet, so the admissions process will have one last, great jolt of uncertainty before it's fixed forever. No pressure. [nyt; isaagny]

  • Redshirting for kindergarten doesn't seem to actually work. Perhaps that Freakonomics ERB Prep Course has a money-back guarantee. [newyorker]

  • Penn State has decided not to fine faculty/staff participants in its WebMD-managed wellness plan $100/month for not reporting their impregnation plans after all. [nyt]

  • How is it that a $280/mo CrossFit for Toddlers course has popped up in Long Island City before Park Slope? Hustlier publicists? It don't make no sense. [dnainfo via @metrodadnyc]

  • You shouldn't let your kid have a smartphone because they prevent us from learning empathy and appreciating the bottomless pit of terrifying loneliness that is at the core of human existence, Louis CK told Conan O'Brien. [youtube via everyone today, srsly]

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