February 2010 Archives

February 28, 2010

Whitney Biennial X Crying Babies Mashup?

So high five to the Whitney Museum for offering "Stroller Tours" of the 2010 Whitney Biennial, a chance for "new moms and dads"--and crying babies 0-18 months!--to see the show "when it's not open to the public": an hour before...
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February 26, 2010

Pepsi-Cola Playscape By Jerry Lieberman

Does any headline capture the 1960's ideal playground better than "A Child's Garden of Plastic Delights"? Beginning in 1965, Manhattan designer/dad Jerry Lieberman, under the sponsorship of Pepsi-Cola and the National Recreation and Park Association, worked to develop a...
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February 25, 2010

There Is A Perfect Age To Buy DMFD's Awesome Cork Kid's Chairs

Ever since the Cub chair, Brooklyn designer Daniel Michalik has been refining the technology for molding furniture from eco-awesome cork waste. His most recent kid-sized design, the Tilter chair, debuted at ICFF last year, and is currently available at...
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I, For One, Welcome Our Ki No Haguruma Overlords

First, let me apolgize in advance for any feelings of inadequacy that may stifle your own woodworking projects after watching these videos. Don't sweat it. Your day job probably isn't in the engineering, mechanics, manufacturing, robotics or design industry, and...
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Bee Plus Or Bee Fixed?

Wow, DT commenter FOG lite just posted a link to a new Metropolis Magazine feature on Jaap de Boer, the designer behind the Bugaboo Bee--and the Bugaboo Bee Plus. It's a short, fascinating story, and it's full of frank,...
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Bee Plus: Redesigned Bugaboo Bee Set To Ship In April

There's been some PR hints, and Boston's Magic Beans has already announced a preview party, but now the word's official: Bugaboo is shipping a new & improved version of the Bee in April. The key changes are called upgrades,...
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February 24, 2010

Never Saw: Enzo Mari See Saw

Mamma mia, how could I have tracked down every variation of Enzo Mari's iconic 16 Animali puzzle last year [on Feb. 25!], and yet somehow I missed l'Altalena/ See-Saw? What an awesome-looking book. Michael has a full set of...
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Knocked Up Spokesmodel Can't Fix Canned Food Industry's BPA Marriage

BPA, I sure wish the canned food industry knew how to quit you. Alternatives to BPA containers not easy for U.S. foodmakers to find [washpost] Previously: WTD BPA Spokesmodel: Nice Cans, Pregnant A Plus, Some Travel Req....
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February 23, 2010

Encore Disponible! OG Citroen CX Diesel Wagon, Now On The West Coast

When we last saw our heroically rare, low-miles, three-row 1981 Citroen CX diesel station wagon in December, it was on eBay in Florida. And we mourned, because it had sold so quickly, thanks to the seemingly low Buy-It-Now price...
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Advertising Wants To Be Free!

Please. Please tell me I'm the only parent blogger who got an email from a publicist for NBC/Universal--the subsidiary of GE which is set to become the largest media company in the world when its sale to Comcast goes through--providing...
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Kid-Sized Lambing Chair

This boxy kind of chair is apparently called a lambing chair, on account of all the lambs they have up there in Lancashire and Yorkshire from whence the design came. This particular boxy chair is kid-sized, and it rocks,...
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Five Teething Sticks & A Couple Of Nuts

What's that, five carved ivory teething sticks not enough for you? Fine, they'll throw in a couple of carved oriental nuts. And one nut stand, but not two. And that's Bonham's best offer. Whoops, that's today: Feb. 23, 2010:...
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February 22, 2010

DT Friday Freakout: Monday Makeup Edition

Tell me why I don't like Mondays? Because they remind me that I have so many open browser tabs left over from the Friday Freakout I didn't do, I start out the week feeling behind. So let's just clear the...
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American Kids Don't Need No Kaufladen To Sell Their Apples On The Street

Kids in the US get play kitchens. Kids in Germany get play sales kiosks. Which country has a childhood obesity problem and which one has already pulled out of the recession? That's what I thought. Kaufladen by Hase-Weiss, EUR290...
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February 21, 2010

Giacometti-esque: Bumming Man

.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } 5 table, originally uploaded by MrsBadger. How's that for proof of concept? DT regular Becster...
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Betty Thomson's Multiplications Cubes Now Have Five Google Results

The moral of this story is, if you see a garage sale at one of those Ice Storm-lookin' houses in Connecticut, pull. over. Do you want to play a game? [mondo-blogo via andy] Previously: but they're clawing their way...
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February 20, 2010

10,000 Crowdsourced 4-Letter Boys Names

Congratulations to Tina and G on the birth of Swissmister. Hope he's out of the NICU and home soon. They named him Tilo, which is close to Till, one of the 10,000 4-letter boys names Tina crowd-sourced last fall. Which...
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February 19, 2010

'The Earliest Known American Rocking Horse'?

At some point, when there's just so much great stuff, one right after the other, it's neither accidental nor mysterious. Nevertheless, John Foster's blog accidental mysteries is a non-stop stream of awesome finds. Let's look at this one, shall...
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RenĂ© MaltĂȘte On Parents

The caption on the Why Evolution Is True blog, written by someone who should presumably know better, is "How Genetics Works." Except it's not. Not unless, as commenter Kassul points out,the alleles for vertical bars(or not) and horizontal bars(or...
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I Lego N. Y.: The Boardbook

Emily Jagoda's Star Wars bathroom tiles reminded me of the awesome NY subway map bathroom tiles Christoph Niemann designed for his young, subway-expert son. Which, of course, reminded me of Niemann's "I Lego N.Y." series in the NY Times. Which,...
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Star Wars Tiles

So I'm coming down a bit from my Neutra bunk bed endorphin rush, still wondering who could tear such a thing out. And then I see the same beds in the same place on architect Emily Jagoda's blog. Now it...
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February 18, 2010

Good Price, Bad Karma: Richard Neutra Bunk Beds

How many ways can a bunk bed kick you in the nuts? These incredible, pared down, cantilevered beds were designed by Richard Neutra--excuse me, Richard FREAKIN' Neutra, in 1959. For the Singleton House, a masterpiece of modernist simplicity set...
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February 17, 2010

Sherrie Levine's Shiny, Rocking Playthings

I don't quite follow how these sculptures of vintage children's objects cast in bronze fit in with Sherrie Levine's ongoing questioning of authorship and originality. They're not quite as iconic as, say, Marcel Duchamp's urinal, which Levine had previously...
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Brinca Dada Dollhouse v0.9 On eBay

Weird, and interesting. DT commenter MC recognized the newly unveiled brinca dada Emerson dollhouse--from an eBay listing last December. Sure enough, Here it is/was, and it sold for a whopping $407+75 shipping. It's not clear whether this was a...
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Wanted: Alberto Giacometti-esque Dolls

Alright, now that the modernist upstart toy company brinca dada has broken the mold on dollhouse families, DT commenter Teufelkindsvater suggested going all the way: I think little dolls made out of twisted wire or dark bronze coloured Sculpey...
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I know it says it's perfect for pregnant women and nursing mothers, but if there's one place the Kush intra-breast sleep support device fits perfectly, is on the top of The List Of Stuff You Probably Should Check With...
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Playhouse Modern: Emerson House By Brinca Dada

From the twittering sound of things, I am the only dadblogger who didn't make it to Toy Fair 2010 this year. So I'll have to wait to see the Emerson, a new modernist dollhouse by brinca dada [that's day-duh,...
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February 16, 2010

Massachusetts: Pummeling The Crap Out Of Restaurantgoers Since 2002

You know, it's funny--and by funny, I mean the exact opposite of funny--I thought today's Massachusetts criminal justice system story was going to be how this 2-year-old post about Stone Cold Derek Lindsay, the arresting-est dad in Taunton, MA, has...
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What Is Wrong With You White People?

So much going on in Jonathan Liu's Geekdad post about how parents are turning our kids into racists. And by parents, I guess Liu means white parents: The attitude (at least of those who think racism is wrong) is generally...
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Now They Tell Me

Dadwagon meta-reports that having a kid has mellowed Bode Miller, thus making him either a better skier, a less competitive skier, or both. I can say that from where I stand, several many rungs down the skiing ability ladder, having...
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The Golden Book Of Chemistry Experiments

At first, the idea that the 1960 Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments was teaching America's Youth how to make deadly chlorine gas at home makes me sad for the decline of Education, Science, and Progress in These United States....
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Lead Bear, Lead Bear What Do You See?

Alright, I'm back! Did I miss anything?The products, which were made in China for Target's in-house brand, were identified as the retailer's two "Message Bears" - one a pink stuffed bear with "XOXO" across the chest and the other...
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February 14, 2010

Dharma Initiative Maternity T-Shirt

I don't follow Lost at all, though I understand the timeline's a mess. For example, this baby-equipped Dharma Initiative logo merchandise on CafePress seems like it's from about two years ago. On the bright side, the design is being...
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DT Cutestorm: K2 On A Snowboard

OK, first an apology to all the parents at Sundance yesterday who felt a twinge of inadequacy for your kids. I'm sure they're delightful, and you should be very proud. That said, we did have some idea about how awesomely,...
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February 12, 2010

The Snowed-In Village

There were no taxis, and no taxis answering the phone, so my mother-in-law came to pick us up and take us to the airport. The roads were bone-dry and largely untrafficked. The airport was line-free. The planes were on schedule...
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February 11, 2010

Skiing Lessons Indeed

We really want the kid to learn how to ski. Real skiing on real snow, too, none of that sad manmade ice-on-a-little-hill fake skiing they have on the East Coast. So we booked a trip to to Utah. Leaving today....
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February 10, 2010

Two Degrees Of Jenny McCarthy

This just in from Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy: Dr Andrew Wakefield, whose vacctivist shitstorm-causing article was just formally retracted by The Lancet after his data was discovered to be fabricated and his research methodology was found by a British...
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4900 Fuse Beads, After Gerhard Richter

.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Fuse Beads, After Gerhard Richter, originally uploaded by gregorg. We'll get through this Snowpocalypse one...
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'This Baby Has A Mommy.'

- K2, pointing at Jeff Koons's 1988 porcelain sculpture, Michael Jackson and Bubbles on my computer screen....
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February 9, 2010

CPSC Goes Through The Archives, Recalls 500,000 More Dropside Cribs

Just when you thought you'd heard every possible CPSC recall of 500,000 cheap dropside cribs, they spring a new one on us. Today the agency recalled all dropside cribs made by Generation 2 Kids and branded either Generation 2...
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Hilfiger X Haring Together At Last!

Everyone in the shoe colabo world was wondering when it would ever happen--holding their collective/collector breath if it would ever happen. And now it's happened! The Keith Haring Foundation has finally teamed up with the all-American, uberhip, hyper-downtown kicksologists...
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Round And Round And Square By Fredun Shapur

Fredun Shapur's illustration and design work is as awesome as his name, and it baffles me how little information about it exists on the web. Shapur did toys and graphics for Creative Playthings, including an iconic series of posters...
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February 8, 2010

This All Goes Down On Your Permanent Google Record

There were a lot of manly man ads and daddish and baby birthin' ads in the Superbowl last night, but none that beat Google's punchline. Eventually, though, Google will probably start suggesting you put that extra cookie back, and then--if...
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Interlocking Stool Cube, This Time By Habitat

Every few years since the invention of lumber, someone invents a pair of interlocking cube stool/chairs for kids. This year, it's the UK design store Habitat, and the twist is, this one's made of molded ply, to give it...
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February 7, 2010

On The Bright Side, This May Cure The Kid's Pony Fixation

After some playground discussion, apparently, the kid decided she was a Colts fan. Because, you know, horses. And sure enough, she watched her first Superbowl with the intensity of a crappy, watered-down beer addict. And as we started bundling her...
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DT Advertiser Shoutout: Gold Pants Edition

It's a snowbound Sunday night, and a doddering, old English couple just lipsynched in the middle of an LED extravaganza. What better time to give a shoutout to the advertisers who support Daddy Types and line the kids' 529 plans?...
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February 6, 2010

Playgrounds At An Exhibition: Palle Nielsen's 1968 Adventure Playground-In-A-Museum

After building guerilla adventure playgrounds for kids on abandoned lots around Copenhagen as a form of social activism, the Danish artist Palle Nielsen convinced the Moderna Museet in Stockholm to let him turn the gallery into a playground, too....
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DT Friday Freakout: Snowmageddon Edition

If there's not two feet of snow to freakout over where you are, here are some other options: That definitely counts as two Freakout items. Which is freakier, I'll let you be the judge: A new dad in Kent, UK,...
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February 5, 2010

Coloring Wallpaper

I guess I'm fine with both the idea of colorable wallpaper AND this particular execution. I like the drawing style, or what I can see of it, well enough. Though frankly, I'm not sure it's really even necessary. For...
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February 4, 2010

All The Characters In Rumplestiltskin, I Need To See You In The Hall

Not my thing, but I can respect and appreciate the fine work Paul Zelinsky did on his renaissance-style illustration of the story of Rumpelstiltskin. Some of those characters are so finely drawn, I expect they are relatives or neighbors...
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More Words K2 Gets Amusingly Wrong

iPod = iPog smoke or steam, as comes out of the sidewalk or the middle of the street = Holy Smokes! The first is just mis-hearing, but holy smokes? That reminds me that she's not just making these up; she's...
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Awesome Dollhouse, Much Else, Made By Joel

Joel is an at-home dad in Portland, where he just finished building this awesome modernist dollhouse for his son Jack. [His daughter's apparently more into bicycles at the moment.] Hardwood dollhouses are sweet. Holy smokes, he made all the...
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February 3, 2010

Jerry, Erik, Nanna & Bear

That kid there is Erik Ross, I met him once with his mother Lillian, at a party I helped organize for Sofia Coppola. Nice folks. And of course, that's a Nanna Ditzel high chair, which looks pretty fantastic. Never...
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Knockoff London-In-A-Bag

Wow, just because they don't have labels doesn't mean you can knock them off. The Museum of London is selling a London-in-a-Bag play set which is a straightup ripoff of Muji's original -in-a-Bag series of toys, which were created--in...
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'This Was A Harsh Reality For Mike, Who Had No Significant Human Relationships'

From the unbridled destruction of the landscape by proto-suburban sprawl, to the ever-looming threat of unemployment from technological obsolescence, to the desperate search for work--any work--that drives prices and wages to near zero--and literally leaves the working man trapped with...
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New York Magazine, Seriously.

I cannot get over how dead-on accurate this is. I get a press release every. single. weekend from New York Magazine about some over-educated city parent anxiety-inducing cover story or another. Every. Single. Week. Dear New York magazine, My baby....
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MoMA/Creative Playthings Collage Kit Definitely Worth Preserving In The Box

Wow, Airform Archives posted a mint-in-box Collage and Construction Set, "A Project by The Museum of Modern Art, New York, and Creative Playthings, Princeton, NJ" It looks like the perfect companion for Art for the Family the 1960 book...
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February 2, 2010

The Oscar Night Max Wore His Wolf Suit

And was sent to his room without any nominations. Yow. As if this weren't a big enough buzzkill already. Oscar Snubs: Why The Wild Things Aren't Nominated [vanityfair.com]...
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What The World Needs Now Is Mayakovsky's The Bedbug For Kids

We sure showed those Capitalists bastards, eh, Comrade? With the discovery of this awesome Soviet-era children's book version of a Bolshevik-era play, it's turning into Trotsky Tuesday around here. These days, Will from Journey Round My Skull is on...
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Marxist Bill Martins Are Everywhere!

Holy smokes, Matt from DadWagon has an awesome IM chat with Bill Martin, the Marxist one who wrote Ethical Marxism: The Categorical Imperative of Liberation, not the Marxist one who tried sneaking his capitalist-hating propaganda into Texas schools disguised as...
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February 1, 2010

Awesome Jalopy Nursery Mural Couldn't Be Easier

Not only did Jive-Bomber post photos of his daughter's awesome animals-driving-vintage-cars nursery mural at JalopyJournal.com, he also provided complete how-to instructions for making one yourself: 1. Get a job at Pixar. 2. Ask a couple of artists from work...
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Abitacolo Spectacolo! Robots Is Still Producing Bruno Munari's Kid's Bed

When I first posted about Abitacolo, the incredible powder-coated steel children's bed/storage/play contraption Bruno Munari designed in the early 1970s, I couldn't find it for sale anywhere. Robots, the Milanese retail fixture manufacturer Munari worked with, had non-vintage promotional...
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Anorak iPhone App For Kids

The awesome kids magazine Anorak is published in the UK, and the positively colonial exchange rate and the fact that they have to fly copies over on the Concorde means it's too expensive to buy regularly in the US....
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