May 2009 Archives

May 31, 2009

They Don't Make Rickshaw Tricycles Like They Used To

Yes, venerable playground fixture Angeles Tricycles still makes a tricycle rickshaw, the Silverrider. But a few decades of lawyering and design tinkering has taken the edge off. And added some paint to the raw, simple beauty of the galvanized...
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Lord Have Murphy! ECS, Eames Contract Storage

"ECS we hope will help architects, designers and school administrators whose planning and maintenance requirements are extraordinary and multitudinous." In an attempt to expand their reach into the dorm and contract furniture market, Herman Miller launched the ECS, the Eames...
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Girls And Their Toys: Rare Wood Blocks By Judy Chicago

Before the 70's when she got all into vaginas and became famous as a pioneer of Feminist Art--and before she changed her name to Judy Chicago to free herself from the male subjugation of women who were named after...
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May 30, 2009

DT Friday Freakout: Exercise Edition

Did someone say hidden health hazards? Yes, yes they did. After the terrible death of Mike Tyson's 4-year-old daughter this week, how could we freak out about anything other than the hidden health hazards around your house? This single CNN...
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Ooh I Want To Just Run Up To The Nissan Cube And Give It A Hug

What's up, Nissan? Don't tell me you're gonna let a little global auto market collapse keep you from hyping the launch--finally!--of your insanely awesome, new Cube! After catching one out of the corner of my eye while driving past...
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May 29, 2009

Here Come The Sweet, Artist Print ABC's

Turntable Lab's having a site redesign sale, and DT reader Rolf has flagged a couple of great, limited edition, silkscreened alphabet posters that are even cooler at 20% off: Above, Burlesque and Mike 2600's six-color alphabet is a full...
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wee see: Video Tai-Chi For Babies

The whole problem with the "Oh, my 6-month-old just loves Baby Einstein! I put her in front of it and she's transfixed!" concept of baby videos is precisely the transfixed part. It's not that she's so into Baby Einstein,...
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May 28, 2009

F.A.O. R Us

Toys R Us is owned by Bain Capital and Kohlberg Kravis & Roberts. TRU has announced it is acquiring F.A.O. Schwarz, a company whose primary assets consist of two retail leases [NYC, which expires in 2012 and is being...
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Pepperidge Farm, Now Available In Loner Size!

One day your fridge has got nothing but Diet Coke and relish in it; the gas company sends you quarterly letters wondering if you're alive, and if you are, would you maybe just like to disconnect the gas altogether, and...
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There's A Fete In My Tummy! Yo Gabba Gabba Producer Is Obama's New Ambassador To France

Ho. Ly. Smokes. Avec une cerise on top. Charlie Rivkin, the CEO of Wildbrain, which executive produces Yo Gabba Gabba!, was just named as President Obama's ambassador to France. In other world-shaking news, YGG! got picked up for another season....
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We Mourn Not For Thee, Irvin The Magnificent, But For Us

Holy Smokes, people. Put down the sandwich, stop your Twittering, step out of the meeting, and call your parents RIGHT NOW to demand to know why they didn't love you enough to buy you an Irvin the Magnificent. Because...
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Malaise Era Creative Playthings Dump & Derrick Truck - NIB

The compleatist, collector, or gnawed-wooden-toy-ophobe will be bidding against each other for this New In Box Creative Playthings Dump & Derrick Truck that just appeared on eBay. Me, I'll sit this one out. Even though the ability to switch...
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Mecha Bojesen Mega Auction

Though Kay Bojesen has been reduced to expensive teak monkeys today, back in the day, he was a veritable one-Dane, wooden Playmobil, replicating even the most random corners of the modern world in his signature, modernist toy style. At...
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Pregnant? We Can't Help

You know, AFC said this lovely pregnancy photo came from Awkward Family Photos, but the closest match I could find was this: Sorry....
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Let's Read The Sphinx Story Again!

We've been reading our way through the d'Aulaire's Book of Greek Myths at bedtime, and for once, I'm wishing it was more prudish, not less. Because though the kid is loving it, reading the story of Oedipus and the Sphinx...
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May 27, 2009

American Plywood Association Kids' Bed, c. 1975

Dave recently posted some scans on Grain Edit of awesome, vintage vacation house plans from the Douglas Fir Plywood Association . The DFPA changed its name to the American Plywood Association in 1964 when it brought in the new...
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Yanmama: Japan's Having It's Own Jamie Lynn & Bristol Moment

According to neojaponisme, my favorite source for gaijin analysis, Japan is having a yanmama boom. Whether the yan in yanmama is from "young" or from yankii, the Japanese equivalent of white trash, a few young celebrities are having kids really...
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May 26, 2009

Tanzanian Maternity Ward

Wow, I couldn't bring myself to read this weekend's New York Times article yet about the crazy-high mortality rate for mothers and babies alike in Tanzania. But I just scrolled through Beatrice de Gea's photo essay of the Tanzanian...
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Actually, Someone Did Put Baby In The Corner

Miss Ann M. Coleman graciously donated this painted wood & iron baby tender, complete with seat, to the Nantucket Historical Association in 1895, baby tender being the olde fashioned term for "crate fo fmall it renders a child immobile...
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DT Friday Freakout: BPA Ivy Edition

It all seems like a puberty-accelerating blur now, but I think the DT Friday Freakout grew out of my whipsawed boredom at posting about every urgent press release about how Bisphenol-A is as poisonous as a lead pacifier in Chernobyl!...
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May 24, 2009

Avril 68! To The Prisunic Furniture Catalogue, Citoyens!

Spectaculaire. Except for the launch date, which turned out to be a couple of weeks before France imploded in a massive wildcat strike and student revolt, the affordable furniture collection launched by the French department store Prisunic looks damn...
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May 23, 2009

Nuclear Power: It's Childs Play

.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Nuclear Childs Play poster, originally uploaded by daddytypes. This protest poster from the 80's is...
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May 22, 2009

Race & Bake: Rare Euro-Spec BMW E30 Touring On eBay US

Though it's not rare anywhere else, the BMW E30 3-series station wagon was never imported to the US, so this 1991 6-cylinder Touring is a find. Loaded with $35,000 in restoration and tuner receipts, the seller says this little...
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From The Mixed-Up Files Of Mrs Lif E. Magazine: Woodward Cradle By Fritz Goro

When the history of dramatically lit photographs of quirky 19th-century American inventions is finally written, February 9, 1945 will have its own chapter. That's the day LIFE magazine's legendary science photographer Fritz Goro unpacked his Klieg light at an...
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May 21, 2009

Boys And Their Kid-Sized Toys

That ticking sound you may have heard is the New Depression's 24-hour timer here at DTHQ, which begins counting whenever I find something awesomely ridiculous to post about. If I can still overcome the subject's inherent Bubble Era insanity...
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97 177 Commenters Agree, Dad's Overanalyzing Playground Hubbub

Jason Kottke wrote about a playground incident, where he intervened to stop a slap-happy 2yo from beating on his own son Ollie, only to be accused by Slappy's mom of threatening her son. The particulars of his situation matter, of...
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Bad Day At The Sit-n-Stroll Factory: NHTSA Recalls 55 Units For Faulty Harness Straps

Attention SkyMall Shoppers: Or buyers Sit-n-Strolls wherever you are. If you bought one of the Barcalounger-shaped stroller-carseat contraptions in the last year or so, check your manufacture date. NHTSA has just issued a recall for the 55 units made on...
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May 20, 2009

Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie & Stokke Cupholder

This post requires some background music, so before you begin reading, just turn up your speakers and click on this link, which will open in a new window. OK. It's been--wow!--five years since Stokke launched the Xplory. Which makes it...
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The 8-lb Vespa-Riding Gorilla In The Room

From Hypebeast, the hipster press release transcription service beloved by corporate brand managers the world over, comes an announcement about a hundred scooters dropping:Aside from the 100th Anniversary Apparel Collection, quintessential brand Fred Perry collaborates with legendary Italian company Piaggio...
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Come Back, Fall! Awesome Coats At Chigo

Some friends are going to Tokyo, so I was just looking up the map to Chigo, the children's retail branch of the super-tasteful Landscape Products mini-conglomerate. And whoops, I clicked across these two coats so insanely awesome, they made me...
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Futuro House, DIY Futuro House

.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Why buy a vintage Futuro House at auction for $50,000, which you'd still have to...
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May 19, 2009

A-S-S + Hole: Vito Acconci's Name Calling Chair

Name Calling Chair is a kind of alphabet of building. Name Calling Chair equates basic building with basic language with basic insults. What you see is what you get; what you read is what gets you. When he created his...
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Wharton Esherick's Captain's Bed Was Sweeter Before

I know it was a little rough--OK, a lot rough--but seriously, this twin-sized captain's bed with built-in drawers that Wharton Esherick made for Julian Bloch in 1925 was much cooler before it was stripped clean and refinished. On the...
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Wow, Graffiti Increases Value 45%--For Stroller Shoppers

No need to lecture Phil or Ted on the impact indiscriminate graffiti can have on property values. has graffiti fabric-covered versions of the $489 P&T Sport Buggy with the doubles kit, plus the Lazy Ted bouncy chair conversion...
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MasonGray: ducduc, Ethan. Ethan, ducduc

We were out of town, so I missed it, but I haven't seen much interesting kid-related news at all coming out of the ICFF expo in New York last weekend. And one of the bigger launches has barely registered...
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25 Pedra De Sal: Portuguese Changing Table X Bicycle Mashup

Except for the linkless mention on Designboom, I can't find any information at all about Jacinta and Casimiro Costa, the parent/designer duo who apparently made this crazy contraption. Dubbed 25 pedra de sal [25 rock crystals], it's a mobile...
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May 18, 2009

Bibs To Go: A Book Of Bibs

Finally, a book that will not be rendered obsolete by iPhone and Kindle. And yet, Bibs To Go is destined to get thrown away. This pad of 20 disposable bibs looks perfect for people who leave the house, but...
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Day Of Reckon-ing?

When I first posted about Reckon, the Austin poet-slash-awesome-Onesie*-silkscreener in 2006 and then again in 2007, it was because his etsy shop had the awesomest-looking Gena Rowlands, Buckminster Fuller, Krysztof Kieslowski, Wittgenstein, Robert Smith, and Jon Stewart Onesies on...
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Thankyouveruhmuch, Social Security Administration!

I bet you didn't realize that when you named your kid Emma, you agreed to let the Social Security Administration use your kid's name in its kooky, Quiznos-like, Elvis-impersonatin' viral marketing videos for Medicare and prescription drug benefits. Read...
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Ernesto Neto's Playwomb At The Park Avenue Armory

One of the most beautiful kid-friendly art installations the kid has been to was Ernesto Neto's From What Are We Made, Made Of Of , which he showed at Tanya Bonakdar Gallery in late 2006. I got a ton...
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May 17, 2009

ASD: The Next Generation

Matthew Baldwin makes a pretty compelling case for Spock as the role model [Spocksmodel?] for the new generation, where neurotypical kids and kids with diagnoses along the autism spectrum live side by side in galactic peace and harmony:That Spock is...
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Donald Barthelme's The Slightly Irregular Fire Engine

I don't know who started it, but there was a period in the 1960s and 1970s when everyone from Monty Python, to the four-armed swami on Sesame Street to Sister Mary Corita Kent to whoever made the tables at Wendy's...
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May 15, 2009

DT Friday Freakout: Viagra Edition

Just a little list of headlines, recalls, and over-interpreted science and medical news to ruin your parenting weekend: The Northbridge, Mass. bus driver who left a 3-yo on the bus all day had dropped a 5-yo at the wrong day...
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iPhoney: Gorgeous Handcarved iPhone Teether

This is so beautiful. Corey Jones made a hardwood iPhone for his somebody's daughter to gnaw on. It's so precise, I assumed it was laser-etched, but the flickr photoset says it's all handcarved. Just fantastic. iPhoney photoset on flickr...
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On The Return Of ______ Drives A _______!

You know what I was thinking we haven't had enough of lately? Those fun, inspiring "______ drives a ______!" where we get to identify with a celebrity dad and [possibly!] validate our own stroller purchase a little. Yeah, maybe...
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"Otherwise They Get The Wrong Idea"

K2 loves tearing pages out of books. Once, in the car on the drive to NYC, she was fileting a gimmicky boardbook copy of There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly in the back seat. It was keeping...
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Where The Wild Sweater Things Are

Hello, crazy Dutchman Koos Van Der Akker, who made those Cosby sweaters that sent dad fashion completely off the rails for most of the 1980s! Hello, awesome blog named We Love You So about all the crazy inspirations and...
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May 14, 2009

Misemono: Meiji-Era Sideshow Pregnancy Dolls

In the late 19th century Meiji Era, a newly reopened Japan rushed to modernize and catch up to the West. One often-overlooked field which Japan had dominated since the 18th century was the creation and presentation to the paying...
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The Case For Regifting

This idea of regifting has been eating at me for months now, ever since a discussion with a parent at the kid's preschool about how, between family, church, work, neighbors and school, it seems like there's at least one but...
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May 13, 2009

How To Draw Robert Lambry Animals The Albert Verbrugghe Way

You know, I'm always debating with myself over how much info is enough for a good post. Is it really useful for anyone to dig up the publishing history of the pre-war French Augustinian version of Highlights magazine? Isn't it...
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How To Draw Animals The Robert Lambry Way

In case you're ever called upon to draw some animals, you may want to brush up on this flickr set of scans from Robert Lambry's les Animaux tels qu'ils sont [Animals as they are]. Lambry's instructions were originally made...
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'Temporarily Closed': Oilily On Madison

I was in the neighborhood today, and though the Oilily website had an announcement that the US stores would remain open through the company's Dutch-governed bankruptcy proceedings, I would say that the Madison Avenue location, which has been "Temporarily...
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May 12, 2009

Neutraface Blocks: Teaching The ABC's Of Typefaces Since 2009

So awesome. Before House Industries introduced their Alexander Girard-inspired blocks a couple of years ago, the mid-century modernist alphabet block market was in a rut. Actually, it didn't exist, but that's not important now. What's important is that House...
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May 11, 2009

Daddy Types: Another Word For Nothing Left To Lose

As happens so often here at Daddy Types, I recently received an unsolicited press packet about a revelatory, new baby product being prepared for the market. At the bottom of the email, however, was this restriction which, when asked about...
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DT Freakout Friday: Vaccine Autism Celebrities Edition

Close readers of the Daddy Types will notice that there was no Friday Freakout over the weekend. Sorry. Things got a little busy, I didn't want to ruin Mother's Day, or when it comes to dishonest and dangerous pseudo-scientific quackery...
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Meet Your Custom Coloring Book Industrial Complex

The in-laws came through town recently, and one day was spent at their hotel, the Mandarin Oriental. We played in the pool, dined early in the lobby restaurant, and watched the parade of over-the-top outfits going to the Louis...
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May 8, 2009

Insane Argington Bamboofest At BKLYN DESIGNS This Weekend

Alright, this is like five kinds of freakin' bamboo awesome all in one. Argington is one of the half dozen kid-related design outfits participating in the BKLYN DESIGNS festival this weekend in DUMBO. [The others are Boo-Coup, Casa Kids, Hugh...
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What's Wrong With This Piet Hein Eek Picture?

If you ignore my sloppychoppy highlighting, nothing. But HOLY CRAP, DWELL MAGAZINE! If you're gonna have a fine interview with Piet Hein Eek, and then you add a 27 [!] slide slideshow, DON'T have the caption on the 27th...
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Always Be Clocking

You know how people always complain that they wish they had an extra hour in the day? Total bullshit. What we need is two hours less. Personally, I'd put the three hours between five and eight PM in a room,...
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Your Baby Name's As Unique As Everyone Else's

Looks like someone at Wired just discovered Baby Name Wizard. There are two articles this week featuring sociologists talking about baby naming trends. But none of the explanations and blanket analysis is as persuasive as seeing the raw data....
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Faces Tape By Our Children's Gorilla

The Swedish kid's design company Our Children's Gorilla has advertised on Daddy Types before, but they come up with such awesome stuff, sometimes I think I would pay them to write about it. Seriously, I think I'll PayPal them...
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Hans Christian Andersen's Paper Cuts

The way I remembered it, Hans Christian Andersen was a perennial houseguest of wealthy patrons and would make his intricate paper cuts as a sort of hostess gift. There are something like a thousand still in existence, which would...
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May 7, 2009

Hans Christian Andersen's Alphabet

Steve Roden is always finding the most unusual things. Now it's a little square book, Hans Christian Andersen's Alphabet, published in 1955 to commemorate the 150th anniversary of his birth. The illustrations are by the Danish artist Dagmar Starcke,...
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Awesome Coloring Book Paintings By Charleston's Favorite Angry Black Artist

Maybe if I were black and had decided to stake out an art career in a bastion of the overly genteel, "we don't have a problem with our black people at all" South like Charleston, I'd be as cynical...
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Simplicity/SFCA Out Of Business, Into Trouble

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May 6, 2009

Mein Name Der Hat Drei Hyphen

Nein, das ist verboten! [bbc via the awl]...
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Papi Culla: So What Else You Got, Riva?

As far as I can tell, Riva 1920, the maker of the Pininfarina Giulia, does not offer any cribs or cradles carved from solid blocks of cedar. Maybe in a couple of hundred years, when the hardwood trees in...
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Daddy Talked, Adults Educated

A quick recap of the Adult Education lectures last night at Union Hall: it was awesome. Not quite knowing what to expect, I was kind of unsure how my Sesame Street timeline [aka Can you tell me how to get--how...
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Pininfarina Giulia Rocking Horse Object For Riva 1920

The names Pininfarina and Giulia go together like, well, like Alfa and Romeo. So I was a little concerned that would Pininfarina blithely attach the name of one of its founder's last and greatest creations to anything, much less...
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May 5, 2009

Molto Colani! The Limited Edition Luigi Colani Action [sic] Figure

Decked out as they are in remarkably detailed recreations of the butter yellow trenchcoats the Professor created for Swissair in 1990 and possessed of the maestro's intense, visionary gaze into the biomorphic future, the 1/6 scale collectible figures of...
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May 4, 2009

Fou, Fou, Completement Fou! Hermes Pour Les Petits

OK, the massive auction of vintage Hermes stuff coming up at Artcurial in Paris on the 20th better be because hedge funders are scrambling for liquidity in the face of the global depression. Because if 700+ lot sales of OG...
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Daddy Talks, Tues. @ Adult Ed: Children's Educational Television, An Illustrated History

This month, the topic for Adult Ed, the awesome, esoteric, funny, and useless lecture series--in fact, it's "Brooklyn's favorite useless lecture series"--is Ambivalent Parenting. I know, right? I feel so targeted, too. But I'm actually on the program. Here's the...
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May 3, 2009

Fifth Circuit Appeals Court Step On Barney, Too

When I started reading this 1999 ruling from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in the trademark infringement case of Lyons v. Giannoulas, I was offended. Didn't the judge--or his clerk, more likely--have any consideration for the seriousness of...
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Malaysian Dads Love The Drypers

Did you know that for a while there in the early 1990s, Drypers were the next big things in diapers? It's true. A startup founded by three guys in Texas was growing like crazy, putting pressure on the diaper industry's...
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Leave The Stores, Take The Oilily: Founding Family Buys Back The Brand

Well that's interesting and a little complicated. The government-appointed trustee overseeing the sale of the bankrupt Dutch luxo-moppet fashion chain Oilily has announced a deal, of sorts. Turns out it's the family of Willem Olsthoorn, the hippiepreneur who founded the...
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Car & Driver's Mazdaspeed 5 Boss Wagon Is Done, Goes Like A Bat Out Of Ann Arbor

You'd think that after burning a year or two on my own cockamamie projects here and there, I'd have had more empathy, but no. I kind of mocked the Car & Driver guys for taking so long on their...
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May 2, 2009

DT Friday Freakout Followup

We had the in-laws in town for a 4-day playdate, so if the Freakout list is late and lazy, I hope you'll understand. Besides, isn't swine flu enough of a freakout this week already? Obligatory swine flu freakout: a charter...
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May 1, 2009

Where's The Outrage??

So a Wisconsin grandma and volunteer crisis counselor makes a coloring book in 2003 to help kids in her town deal with a tornado strike, and five years and 100 days [...] later Fox News throws a FEMA hissy fit...
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Justice Dept. Turns Illegal Hardwood Crib Smuggler Every Which Way But Loose

So I had a call into the press office at the Department of Justice today--more on that later, definitely stay tuned--and their crib guy called me back. Only it wasn't the crib guy I was looking for; it was...
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Mille, Pedal Car By David Seabra

The finalists in the Prix Emile Hermes design competition were exhibited at Milan last week. If there had been a category for awesomest ride-on toy, I'm sure Portuguese architect David Seabra's Mille pedal car would have won. Also the...
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Cheap Crib Recalls R Us: Dorel x BRU Cribocalypse Tally Climbs To 472,450

The CPSC added another 96,000 Jardine cribs to its existing recall yesterday, bringing the total to at least 472,450. Jardine is a brand name used exclusively at Babies R Us and Toys R Us to sell low-end cribs [mostly...
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Huggies Pure & Natural Hypoallergenic Latex-Free Organic Cotton Huggies Brand Initial Steps Toward Environmental Improvements!

I was one of two finalists to give the student address for my business school commencement. My speech was a hilarious [obviously] reminder that we'd be more effective business leaders if we learn to avoid knuckleheaded jargon and "speak...
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