Category archive: food

March 12, 2017

Pour One Out For Baby Daddy IPA

enjoying the last batch of @SpeakeasyBeer, fixture of olde 90s SF— Wayne Bremser (@wb) March 12, 2017 I don't drink, and I don't know much about IPA, but if I did, and I did, I'd drink Speakeasy Baby Daddy....
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July 5, 2016

Sucre Daddy Types

I think the blog may have a new mascot. Hmm. []...
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May 10, 2015

Build Any Mobile Lactation Suite And The World Better Beat A Path To Your Door

The idea for Mamava portable breastpumping cabins came from a 2006 New York Times story about how hard it is for non-white-collar moms to find time to pump breast milk at work.Years of design, testing, and bootstrapping startup ups...
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April 30, 2015

Poo Food

'Stinky! I no like this poo food!' Trying to keep parental poker face while hiding from 2y.o that I find this killingly funny— Hari Kunzru (@harikunzru) April 30, 2015...
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April 15, 2015

#EatShitDAE, You Know, For Kids

The Food Non Food department of the Design Academy Eindhoven picked up and moved to Milan for Salone 2015, and their exhibition program about the cycle that keeps living things alive is called Eat Shit. I don't know if...
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April 10, 2015

DT Friday Freakout: Breast Milk Dot Com Edition

It's the Daddy Types Friday Freakout, a roundup of headlines from the worlds of health, science, and parenting, bottled up and delivered all at once to ruin your weekend instead of your entire week: A survey found 10% of the...
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March 20, 2015

DT Friday Freakout: Breastfeeding Edition

The Daddy Types Friday Freakout is here/back, a collection of freakout-inducing headlines from the worlds of science, politics and parenting, dumped all at once to ruin just your weekend. Sometimes the headline doesn't need changing at all: The longer babies...
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January 23, 2015

DT Friday Freakout: Arsenic Edition

The Daddy Types Friday Freakout is a compendium of news stories from the worlds of science, health, and parenting, saved up during the week and unleashed here all at once to freak. you out: Though one could easily say, "There's...
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Where Did The Bad Formula Commercial Touch You?

Bwahaha, at first I was like LOL, then LMAO, then ROTFLMAO, and then I was like, FULL STOP, AS YET UNIDENTIFIED ADVERTISER. Advertiser who was making me laugh at parenting stereotypes one second, but who the next compels me...
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January 14, 2015

Philippe Starck Baby Name Generator

Nothing has prepared me--not even blogging about his kid-related designs for 11 years--I tell you nothing has prepared me for the datapoints coming in about Philippe Starck as an actual parent. For example, this bit Simon flagged, which was originally...
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January 6, 2015

By Your Paternity Leave, Milord

Ho. Ly. Crap. I go away for ONE week, and this is what happens to the state of newdadwriting? Writer William Giraldi gets paternity leave from Boston University and the only thing he manages to nurture is a drinking problem?My...
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December 12, 2014

This Internet Feeds Us A Roll Of Toilet Paper Every Day

It looked like a Clickhole story, as so much news does these days, and so I didn't need to click it. But John Hermann traced the link chain of "This Mom Eats A Roll Of Toilet Paper Every Day" backwards,...
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December 6, 2014

Breastfeeding Mums Welcome

Apparently there's a breastfeeding in public dustup in the UK right now? Where Ukip, the local reactionary, nativist political party, objects to the present not being the past? Who would like to return England to the good old days when...
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November 24, 2014

Best Alternative Baby Mama

Here is a picture of Nirvana backstage at the 1993 MTV Video Music Awards, where RuPaul tries to deal with a fussy Frances Bean. And here is an interview after Nirvana won Best Alternative Video where Kurt Cobain doesn't...
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October 28, 2014

Tripe Too Delicious To Factcheck

1952: 'Win the weight of your baby in tripe!' via @Colvinius #austerity— Hari Kunzru (@harikunzru) October 28, 2014 Not everything was better in the old days. Take parody book marketing campaigns, for instance. "The Tripe Council was originally...
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October 3, 2014

DT Review: Zingy Chili Lime Goldfish

We've seen this sort of thing before. In order to drive more consumption, to expand the brand, to capture new "eating occasions," and to hold onto linear feet of shelf space in grocery stores, cracker people introduce a whole...
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August 23, 2014

Choosy Dadbloggers Choose Jif Cereal

The kids spend so much of their time in a peanut-free environment they've come to see peanut butter as precious as Nutella. The idea that there is a peanut butter cereal might just blow their fragile, little minds. Jif Cereal...
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August 14, 2014

Mini-Tomates Happy Meal

tate Sometimes it really IS the little differences. The cherry tomatoes in her Happy Meal have converted K2 to France....
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July 24, 2014

My Name Is Dad And I. Am. Canadian.

Alright, Peanut Butter Cheerios Canada has just made a sequel to the greatest commercial the second largest land mass in North America has ever seen. And it stars a dad who we don't know if he's named Joe or...
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June 18, 2014

To Be Fair, Most Recipes Do Suggest Onions

CHILD AFTERBIRTH "@SUBWAY: Guess this month's Featured FOOTLONG, then get ready to book it to @SUBWAY."— stevarinho⚽️ (@stevecoy) November 20, 2013...
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May 27, 2014

Sushi Blocks

These handmade sushi blocks are awesome. They were created by Tokyo creative design firm Plaplax for a food-themed exhibition in Okazaki. They will be produced in a limited edition of 20 by woodworker Mochizuki Tsutomu. The 48-piece sets reserved...
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May 23, 2014

DT Friday Freakout Bed Stuy Edition

for full-sized image: nydn Rather than hype every science and parenting-related press release when it comes out, Daddy Types saves them up and dumps them on you all at once, so you can freakout for one day and be...
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May 8, 2014

I'm Sure If This Were Your Kid Your Nanny Would Tell You About It

OH in Park Slope cafe, nanny to child: "I'll give you a muffin, but don't lick the table."— Jeff Chu (@jeffchu) May 8, 2014 Update: He licked the table. And he still got the muffin. #ofcourse #winwin— Jeff Chu (@jeffchu)...
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April 28, 2014

DTQ: How Much Crunch Berries Does It Take To Fly To Africa?

I was flying back to DC yesterday and a very nice young mom and her 16-month-old son lap babied in my row. Then the middle seat was open, so we all relaxed a bit. I wished there had been...
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March 24, 2014

Cheetos, Doritos, Baby Carrots: The Top Three Things Baby Carrots Are Not

In a shocking, exclusive report from Huffington Post, which they copied from imgur, where five months ago user SassyPants had LOLCATS'd the animated GIFs from a Buzzfeed post about an industrial trade group's 5-year-old PR video, baby carrots are...
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March 21, 2014

DT Friday Freakout: Helicopter Edition

The DT Friday Freakout is here to ruin your weekend with a roundup of headlines from the worlds of science, health, parenting, politics, and France: An Indian couple in a rough Northern Paris suburb is being investigated for child neglect....
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March 17, 2014

There Is Still No Better Breast Pump

Speaking of It Doesn't Get Better, the Times asks, "Shouldn't the Breast Pump Be as Elegant as an iPhone and as Quiet as a Prius by Now?" Yeah, no. Considering how recent the iPhone is, and how rare design talent...
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February 22, 2014

Would You Could You On A Plane?

Two tweets, from the same company, less than 24 hours apart. This is why so many women struggle with #breastfeeding.— Kelly Kautz (@kellykautz) February 21, 2014 I totally get Kautz's point here, which goes right to the heart of...
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February 7, 2014

Wine Sippy Cups Exist

There are days when I wonder why I keep going with the new dad angle, and then someone will tweet about wine sippy cups, and it all makes sense again. The lids are colored Merlot and Party Pink! Stroll...
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February 6, 2014

McDonald's Shows You How The Canadian McNuggets Are Made

Daddy Types has long taken an editorial interest in the contents of McNuggets, which are an occasional part of K2's occasional McDonald's diet. Now we see that McDonald's Canada has invited us into Cargill's chicken factory, to see the...
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January 31, 2014

If Not Breastfeeding Is Illegal, Only Criminals Won't Breastfeed

Breast is best, in fact, it's so great, that the United Arab Emirates' legislature, whose members are appointed by each emirate's ruling monarch, has decided that every child should be breastfed until the age of two. And so they passed...
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January 19, 2014

Les Jeux d'Enfants Cookbooks By Michel Oliver

I lost this link, and then I just found it. Which is awesome, because this 1966 book, La Patissierie est un jeu d'enfants/Mkaing French Desserts & Pastries is Child's Play, written and illustrated by Michel Oliver, who was then...
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January 14, 2014

Papa Types Support Breastfeeding In Church

Ohoh, Pope Francis, while baptizing 32 infants in the Sistine Chapel:"Some will cry because they are uncomfortable or because they are hungry," the Pope said. "If they are hungry, mothers, let them eat, no worries, because here, they are...
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January 10, 2014

Organic Milk A Capitalist Tool

Did you ever wonder why organic milk had such longer shelf life than inorganic milk? Did you think it was because it was organic? Yeah, well, it turns out it's because it's ultrapasteurized instead of regularpasturized. And so it is...
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January 7, 2014

What This Blog Post Suggests To Replace The War On Bottle Feeding With Will Astound You

"Breastfeeding: Was there ever a golden age?" asks the BBC headline, because the answer is obviously no. "We talk about the golden age where everybody breastfed, and that age never happened," says Suzanne Barston, author of Bottled Up: How...
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December 29, 2013

Peanuts Better, Says JAMA

I stumbled across this amazing study this morning--literally, since I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night, and it was in USA Today: ladies, just eat more peanuts during pregnancy, and our country's long peanut-free nightmare might be over.pregnant women...
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December 10, 2013

You're Wrong, Person On Cheeses

I don't know how New York Magazine gets their numbers, but they are wrong about how many kids are named Cheese. The Babycenter survey data they show is only for boys. And on BabyCenter's own site, there have been eight...
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Sophie's Choice (2013)

Oh no, the last bit of inorganic milk filled the entire sippy cup! And so I'm left filling the other cup with organic! How do I decide which kid gets the inferior milk?? DON'T MAKE ME DECIDE THIS, CRUEL...
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November 26, 2013

Wienermobile Say Drive Safely This Thanksgiving

Whereas the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile fleet and the activities of the HotDogger teams of newly minted marketing/PR majors who pilot them has been an area of investigative focus at DaddyTypes, and Whereas, that includes that one time in 2009...
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October 23, 2013

A Brief History Of Breast Pumps - DRAFT

Aah, Autumn, when the young journalist's heart turns to thoughts of, "Wait, how exactly did we become a world where people are mailing each other breastmilk after meeting on the internet? I bet I can get a 1,200-word backgrounder out...
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October 22, 2013

Why Buy The Breast Milk On The Internet, When You Can Get The Salmonella For Free?

Breast milk obtained online, whether through informal markets or donations, was found to have pathogenic bacteria and other contaminants. These include staph and salmonella, which can pose a significant health risk to preterm and medically compromised newborns. Who, if...
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October 9, 2013

Apple Care

Note to self: do NOT spill breast milk on your computer! Note to baby: Sorry. Steve Jobs ate your lunch.— Nina Simon (@ninaksimon) October 9, 2013...
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September 16, 2013

DT Friday Freakout: Monday Makeup Edition

Yeah, the weekend was pretty shot, even without this assortment of headlines from the worlds of health, science, education, and parenting. So let's just this once ruin your whole week, or if you remember some of these from last week,...
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September 8, 2013

DT Friday Freakout: Sonic Hedgehog Edition

The DT Friday Freakout was delayed a couple of days to rope in one more shocking article about how smoothies are killing us all. Let your weekend-ruining begin: Eat food, not a lot, mostly parents'. A Scottish study finds toddlers...
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August 22, 2013

How Free-Range Is Free-Range Enough?

So I can see how it'd be very useful for a kid to be able to get their own cup of water at the fridge. But the dispenser doesn't have a drain. And I can see how it'd be nice...
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August 9, 2013

Brazilians' Funniest Home Videos

Tricking the kid with a Kit Kat may work once or twice, but the only longterm solution here is Limited Edition Mashed Pea & Chai Kit Kats. Available at a food merchant near you. Also, this video is totally...
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July 31, 2013

Chinese Parents Prefer Foreign, Non-Poisonous Formula

If only Big Formula could sell two cans of formula to everyone in China... China's Search for Infant Formula Goes Global [nyt]...
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July 22, 2013

Don't Think About C-Sections When You Cut That Gender Reveal Cake

Heard from a member of the DT Executive Committee that the post with the crowning baby cake is gross. Yes, dear, you are right, I am sorry. So in order to push it farther down the page and out of...
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June 28, 2013

DT Friday Freakout: Breast Friends Forever Edition

A special collection of news stories from the worlds of parenting, health and science to ruin your weekend all at once: it's the Daddy Types Friday Freakout: Breastfeeding gets your kid more friends and improves his social mobility for no...
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June 10, 2013

Booty Maker Joins Orphan Brand Conglomerate

Robert's American Gourmet Food Company, the maker of Pirate's Booty and other Booty snacks, has been acquired by B&G Foods, a New Jersey conglomerate of totally random, orphan consumer brands that have been shed by much larger conglomerates. So this...
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