A special collection of news stories from the worlds of parenting, health and science to ruin your weekend all at once: it's the Daddy Types Friday Freakout:
- Breastfeeding gets your kid more friends and improves his social mobility for no reason that researchers are able to identify. [nydn; abstract & study at archives of disease in childhood]
- Through some anxiety-inducing anecdotes, we learn that taking some anti-anxiety drugs and anti-depressants may cause some fetal heart defects, which may or may not be a greater risk than the known conditions and complications untreated depression can cause. [BBC]
- Breastfeeding is so awesome, Venezuela nydn]
- Is Venezuela's parliament really considering a law mandating breastfeeding and banning baby bottles? Or are they actually just considering adding fines for Big Formula and health centers who violate the formula marketing regulations put in place in 2007? Actual reporting is scarce, and freakout reblogs and spin are so confusing! [nydn; venezuelanalysis]
- From 1999 until 2009, elective early C-sections scheduled to coincide with the launch of your new fragrance or reality show were Hot. But now, they're not. Instead, the CDC reports that more exclusive, natural C-sections, happening when you actually need them, are a thing. Probably because of Twitter. [nyt]