March 2010 Archives

March 31, 2010

Anorak Now Available In Indie Toy Format

Finally! England's awesomest--and awesomely expensivest--indie kid's magazine is now available in a toy! Each 3-inch high polyurethane resin version of Anorak will be handmade to order by Matt, so allow around 10 days to ship it out. Also, important...
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'Just A SAHD'

You ever wonder if there's a stay-at-home dad somewhere who doesn't sit around eatin' cereal all day and TiVO-in' the fourth, drunken hour of The Today Show so he can watch it after The View? There is, and his name's...
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March 30, 2010

Flimsy Slats Not Just For Cribs Anymore! Evenflo Recalls 180,000 Stair Gates

We have no stairs, so unlike, say, the global pandemic of umbrella stroller finger amputations, the recall Friday of 180,000 Evenflo wooden Top-of-Stair gates feels a little far from my own parenting experience. But 142 reports of broken or...
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What To Expect: Being Mistaken For The Messiah

Not quite sure which is freakier: a food activist/author/dad-to-be getting mistaken for the Messiah after going on The Colbert Report, or being in a religion that has you looking for your Messiah on Comedy Central:Because he matched the profile, hundreds...
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March 29, 2010

250 Creative Playthings Maple Blocks On eBay

Usually, a big set of Creative Playthings blocks like this comes out of a church basement preschool, and they're kind of gnawed on and gnarly. But these maple blocks look surprisingly clean and ready--to get gnawed on by your...
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Sanjay Patel's Ramayana Was Born In A San Bernardino Motel

One of my earliest favorite discoveries made while writing Daddy Types was Sanjay Patel's awesome Little India, his beautiful retromodern illustrated primer of Hindu deities. Patel, whose dayjob is at Pixar, first published Little India on his own, then...
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March 27, 2010

Ferrari Plush Steering Wheel, &c.

From cutrate car seats to baby-sized pit crew jumpers, Daddy Types has long documented the hilariously tacky crapitude of Ferrari's licensed merchandise. No car brand I can think of has such a chasm between the autos themselves and the...
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March 26, 2010

DT Friday Freakout: The Nanny Edition

It's been a busy week here in DTHQ, but fortunately, there's still time to ruin your weekend with breaking news from the worlds of science and parenting: The folks at Princeton have published a study showing that high fructose corn...
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March 25, 2010

A Little Monkey, Chased By The Nazis. We Have To Help Him. This Is Curious

I've been kind of interested to see "Curious George Saves The Day," the Jewish Museum's exhibit of the work of H.A. and Margret Rey, but now after reading Edward Rothstein's review in the Times, I'm a bit confounded, too....
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Hold That Thought: DT Comments Are Temporarily Disabled

Hey DT readers and contributors and commentors, As many of you have noticed, comments are currently disabled on the site. I had some problems with spam attacks yesterday, and I've been working with my server provider to get them going...
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This Week's Greatest Children's Book Links Of The Year

Dadwagon has located The Strangest Children's Book of All Time, a 1980 Tibetan refugee's tale of psychoanalysis, as imagined by Richard Scarry's Wall Street Journal doppelganger. Meanwhile, 10 Zen Monkeys claims to have found The Most Depressing Children's Books Ever...
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March 24, 2010

Brown Stoner Gets Results On Bed Stuy 'Jail' Playground

The timeline on the story of this ill-advised "Jail" playground structure in the middle of a Bed-Stuy housing project is complicated, so please try to hold your weary cynicism and/or jawdropping outrage until everything's settled, m'kay? On Sunday, Monifa...
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A massive Mongolian sand storm has descended on Beijing. The AFP's Liu Jin captured this sweet photo of a dad, packing his kid with a blanket and a mask. More photos and the story: Sandstorms sweep into Beijing []...
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After Reports Of 3 Deaths, Infantino Recalls 1 Million Fugly Slings

Whether 'tis nobler to suffer the slings and--uh, no. It is not. The CPSC, Health Canada and Infantino just announced the recall of one million slings in the US and 15,000 in Canada [so few!] after reports of three...
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March 23, 2010

The Dad Presides: Once-Uninsurable Dadcentric Clan Goes National

Wait, so you're telling me that Jason of Dadcentric's 6-year-old kid can't get insurance because of a common pre-existing condition when he was two? That's an outrage! Someone oughta do something about that! And not someday, but this year! Get...
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PR-my Of One: The Mamas & Papas Urbo Assault Vehicle

Here is the new Mamas & Papas Urbo stroller, a shiny all-you-mini-um travel system that is just a couple of machine gun turrets shy of Shi Jinsong's Na Zha Strollers Of Mayhem. Here is a commercial for the new...
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March 22, 2010

The Mothering Magazine Babywearing Agenda Is The CPSC's Babywearing Agenda

I haven't mentioned the CPSC's recent baby sling advisory notice, partly because I figure the hippieparentblogs have it well in hand. But then DT reader Sara forwarded the official response from Mothering Magazine, a longtime supporter of the babywearing and...
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March 21, 2010

You Say Donald Judd Photocollage, I Say Donald Judd Dollhouse Schematic

Donald Judd bought 101 Spring Street, a 5-story cast iron loft building, in 1968. He raised his family there and used it as a studio and office space until his death in 1994. The Judd Foundation is closing the building...
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March 20, 2010

Kent Rogowski, Bears, Have Issues, Need Hug

The reaction among Teddy Bear Artists to Kent Rogowski's Bears series, which consist of portraits of abandoned teddy bears turned inside out, runs the gamut from to . But if there's one thing they can agree on, it's that...
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March 19, 2010

It Appears That Chicken McNuggets Are Extruded.

.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } how McNuggets are made, originally uploaded by Jake Pierson. This McNugget mold is apparently hanging...
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DT Friday Freakout: Glow-In-The-Dark Edition

Wow, Spring is springing on the East Coast, about damn time, too. What alarming/depressing/overdetermined/freakout-y parenting news could possibly ruin this weekend? The study that showed that good, involved dads hurt working moms' self-confidence, for one. It's because of some outdated,...
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Kids Threadless T-Shirts Are All Ten Bucks Til Saturday Morning

I'm stoked that Threadless, everyone's favorite crowdsourcing t-shirt cult, is celebrating their 10th anniversary by selling all T's, including kids' for just $10 each. [Order by Saturday morning, 3/20 at 10AM CT!] But I'm also kind of paralyzed by the...
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Dads Are Not People, Too

DT reader Cecelia writes in a panic: "Celebrity Baby Blog is People!" When the history of pro blogging is written, Danielle and Celebrity Baby Blog will stand at the peak. She correctly identified the most powerful active ingredient in the...
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March 18, 2010

Happy Birthday, Happy Meal!

The other day, I put on a blazer I hadn't worn for a while, and found a bloated plastic bag of moldering apple slices from a McDonald's Happy Meal. I actually found it somewhat comforting, because I'd remembered hearing about...
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Rockapulco, Baby! It's DT Spring Break 2010!

It's the first day of the kid's kindergarten Spring Break and first--WTF, people? Not to be all China about it, but seriously. Two weeks of vacation in March? What next, three months off in the summer to bring in the...
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March 17, 2010

The Lagonda Wagon Is For Sale.

And at EUR199,900, I suspect it might be for sale for a little while. True, it's the only Aston Martin Lagonda station wagon conversion in existence. And it was done by Roos Engineering, Switzerland's Aston Martin masters, in 1998-99...
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We Are The Easy Bake Oven Generation

Regular readers of Daddy Types, who know better than anyone just how fascinating and insightful I am, can appreciate it when I say that I am, without a doubt, the least interesting thing in Adweek's in-depth article about [not]...
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The Word 'Stroller' Appears Ten Times In The Archives Of Spin Magazine.

The earliest appearance of the word--which probably didn't cross my mind ten times in the 1980s and 90s--was in February 1986. The last was September 2005. Of the ten, four involve poor women, including two mentions of black girls with...
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Quirky Canada Has Own Laws, Stroller Theft Ring-Bustin' Dads

Toronto really IS New York, only cleaned up. If you lived in New York in the 90s, and you had a bike, it would get stolen regularly, and so you'd have to go down to Alphabet City and "buy" it...
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March 16, 2010

Knitscape 2.0

Wait, 1978? Didn't we just come through the craftiest era since the invention of macrame? Why has no one knitted an awesome landscape play blanket for a kid born in the 21st century? Which would mean updating it, by...
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More Blogger Baby Names Released To The Wild

In case Tina's crowdsourced Swiss Miss list didn't help you, Jason Kottke has made his and Meg's unused baby name list available. It's solid, but pretty boy-heavy. Does this mean uberbloggers are still hoarding their lists of girls' names? Or...
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Overimagined Necessity Is The New Mother Of Invention

No idea why I thought of this right now: Adults who become parents are usually challenged by their new role, with its responsibilities and anxieties. New parents also face previously unexplored values and attitudes that surface suddenly upon the birth...
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March 15, 2010

Froebel Who? Herzog & deMeuron Condo Model Blocks On eBay

You know how Frank Lloyd Wright said he became an architect because his mother gave him Froebel blocks to play with as a child? Well, guess what, everybody played with blocks as a child Frank, what else ya got?...
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Pesci Di Mari, Polpo Di Mari, Mammiferi Acquatici Di Mari

Since I only obsessively tracked down the info, dates, and materials for all the editions of Enzo Mari's iconic 16 Animali puzzle, I don't know which edition of Mari's sequel puzzle, 16 Pesci, has been obsessively photographed, up close,...
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Ahh, Spring: Birds, Flowers, Marilyn Neuhart Dolls At Auction

I'll admit it, when it comes to writing about some seemingly basic new parent topics, I feel a bit burned out sometimes. It gives me a new-found appreciation for the folks who write parenting magazines and have to come...
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The San Francisco Treat

After being chased out of all the bars in Brooklyn by an angry, drunken, kid-free mob, Dadwagons' Matt Gross and his daughter head to the mean, steep, junkie-filled streets of San Francisco. Which they love! And food's so cheap! And...
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The Window To The Soul

I'm not reading it, and I've really got nothing to add on the topic, except to say that I will be totally unsurprised if Rielle Hunter hasn't timed her GQ article to the launch of her momblog. Otherwise, the...
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March 14, 2010

Hah, Guess Who's A Flu Zombie Now?

After a sleepover at Grandma's and a breakfast of [apparently] nothing but raspberries? Who do you think had her Exorcist powerpuking moment all over Grandma's white upholstered living room? It was truly spectacular. Unfortunately for the kid, it was followed...
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March 12, 2010

Cabbage Patch Doll Portraits By Andy Warhol

The list of "baffling things that happened in the 1980s which I was completely unaware of at the time" has grown by one: Andy Warhol was commissioned by Roger Schlaifer to make portraits of Cabbage Patch dolls in 1985....
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I'm A Flu Zombie Today

Barely made it in the door yesterday, now I'm a quivering, aching blob of pain. And just when I think I couldn't possibly feel worse, here is a headline from the Daily Telegraph Korean couple let baby starve to death...
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March 11, 2010

Majority Of 2010 Births To Be Minorities

Unless you've been wearing your white, pointy hood backwards, there's no new news to see here. I just wanted to write that headline. Minority births on track to outnumber white births []...
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Game Changer: CPSC Chairwoman Gives JPMA 'One Chance'

"Let's be frank - your seal of approval was on many of the recalled cribs in recent years." Wow, have you read the speech CPSC Chairwoman Inez Tenenbaum made Wednesday at the Juvenile Product Manufacturers Association "Washington Summit"? It's nothing...
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Shh, No Questions. You'll Scare Them Away

The NY Times has breathless, slightly dangerous account of traveling into the exotic, unwaxed, third world-y wilds of babywearing. Well, technically, they just visited some basecamps on Park Avenue and 7th Avenue, Brooklyn to meet some intrepid adventuresses. And considering...
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March 10, 2010

An Apple A Day Keeps The Gulag Away

Something something something eat an apple, kid something something healthy, something something strong something something crush American babies' heads something something. If you can come up with a better translation for this piece of c. 1967 Commie Red Fruit...
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New York, New York A Helluva Town To Debut The Honda Accord Tourer, AKA Acura TSX Sport Wagon

See, Mercedes? This is how we like our auto show ruminations about slick, compact Eurowagons coming to the US: delivered to my inbox as a date-filled press release. Acura announced Monday they will unveil the TSX Sports Wagon at the...
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Mathowie's iPhone Apps For Kids

It might look like I'm slow to finally link to Matt Haughey's recommended screenful of iPhone games for kids. But really, I was just waiting to see how long it would take his commenters to mention Pee Monkey, the best...
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March 9, 2010

Electron, Stroller-Pushing Robot Of Glorious Soviet Union

I'm not really sure what to do with this 1967 photo of a 7-ft tall robot from Kaliningrad named Electron (электрон), except to put it next to the other photos of wacked out, homemade, backwoods, Communist robots with strollers....
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B Patient? Frankly, B Skeptical. Mercedes B-Class 2.0 To The US

Woo-hoo! Finally! America is getting the Mercedes B-Class, the sporty, luxury car designed specifically for young, urban families! Oh, but not this one, the next-gen B-Class, slated for 2011. And even then, not really. Here's how Autoblog really nails...
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March 8, 2010

This Sesame Street Licensing Project Is Brought To You By American Apparel

Abby Ca-freakin-dabby, Zoey, Elmo, Big Bird? Three of these things belong together--in a dump. I thought the whole point of Sesame Workshop licensing their IP to American Apparel was to put hipsterish old school characters and artwork into the mix....
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Off Beat Artist & Son: Jim Dine For LIFE Magazine

Yale Joel was clearly LIFE Magazine's go-to guy for photographing artists in the 1960s. Google's archive of LIFE photos has several dozen outtakes from a 1960 photo series called Off Beat Artist, which featured Robert Rauschenberg, Claes Oldenburg, and...
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March 7, 2010

Vintage Ikea Kids Table & Chairs By Karin Mobring

I've been low-grade fixated on the idea of vintage Ikea kids furniture ever since I found the "Kid Size" exhibition organized by the Vitra Design Museum. I've been keeping an eye out for any pieces to turn up for...
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March 5, 2010

DT Friday Freakout: It's What's For Dinner Edition

Lots of scary food news to freak out over this week, enough to make the idea of eliminating every scrap of food in coach sound downright safe. If only there weren't 5-year-olds flying all the planes: Our American Toddlers are...
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Star Wars X Goodnight Moon Mashup By Noah Dziobecki

The Force is strong with this one. Noah Dziobecki made this awesome, Star Wars-themed Goodnight Moon parody for a friend's kid's first birthday. But there is another: Noah's a dad-to-be himself. And there could be yet another. Because you...
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There's A Party In Las Vegas! Yo Gabba Gabba Movie In The Works

So Entertainment Weekly gets the leak that Juno director Jason Reitman is involved in a Yo Gabba Gabba! movie. Considering that truly awful kids' TV shows like Dora The Explorer and Rugrats are shoveling out long-format TV specials and even...
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March 4, 2010

Go See Helen Levitt's In The Street This Month.

Photographer Helen Levitt, who made New York City's kids one of her most enduring subjects, died in March 2009. As a tribute to her work, Laurence Miller Gallery is screening Levitt's urchin-tastic 1940s short film, In The Street, through...
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Ooh, Chouette! Vincent Mathy Livres De Jeunesse!

You know how some kids just have to have their blanket, or their bear, or their favorite sweat sock with them, or they go completely boneless and mental? I just realized that I'm like that with a browser tab...
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March 3, 2010

Read A Book Means Tell A Story

It's funny what sticks in kids' heads. But somehow, on Sunday, K2 overheard me describing for her big sister a sculpture I saw this weekend, and it's been non-stop, "Read the book about Daddy's friend Jamie again!" ever since....
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Why Not... A Robert Gober Nursery?

I've always loved the cute-but-unsettling evocations of vestigial childhood memories that adhere to the incredible, hand-made sculptures of Robert Gober. And it continues to surprise me that no one has ever licensed Gober baby furniture--actually, that doesn't surprise me...
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Tykes On A Plane!

Someone get these mother#$%in tykes off the air traffic control mic directing these mother(*#$%ing planes! Eh, er, actually, it sounds more like a classic work/school scheduling mess meant an ATC controller at JFK had to bring his 5-year-old kid to...
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March 2, 2010

One MILLION Drawings! Rhoda Kellogg Childhood Art Archive

Between 1948 and 1966, early education and development researcher Rhoda Kellogg and the Golden Gate Kindergarten Association of San Francisco compiled an archive of over one million drawings by children aged 2-8. In 1967, she published a reference collection...
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Drinkin' & Drivin' The Dadwagon

So awesome, and yet so reasonable! CNN has a great story about Dadwagon's own Matt Gross, whose adorable 1-yo daughter is apparently harshing buzzes in bars all over Brooklyn. I'd clicked the article open and was going to read it...
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The 10 Sippy Cup Day

The wife's at a conference all week. In Hawaii. And she just knew I knew about the professional development day. Of course, I knew about it. When I got to kindergarten dropoff and saw no one else there. And we're...
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March 1, 2010

Chavtastic Leopard Print Bubble Dress [?]

Because one of the biggest milestones in a chav toddler's life is when she pulls herself onto her feet using her mom's stripper pole. "With deep pockets little girls love [to stuff full of fivers]" Leopard Print Bubble Dress,...
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Ado Blocks By Ko Verzuu

Alright, now that I bought them, I can post about these incredible blocks designed by Ko Verzuu in the 1940s and made by ADO, the Dutch toy and furniture company run by and for the mentally disabled community patients...
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'My First' Graffiti Coloring Book Is Actually My Third

So many graffiti coloring books, so little time to meet with Axe body spray's agency about their rad, new muralbombing campaign. Kobie Solomon is the Detroit [Area] artist whose "My First" Graffiti Coloring Book is the latest entry in...
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