Category archive: about daddytypes

September 4, 2017

Notes From The Last Day Before School

"Libraries are the greatest buildings on earth...I want to learn about Plato." "I have some good Play-doh recipes." "Plato. The philosopher."...
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May 16, 2017

Baby's First Mall Hangout

Oh things are quiet around here, obviously. Maybe it's the world we're living in right now. Coupled with the fact that the kid is in 7th grade, and I am so far out of the new dad demo, it...
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February 23, 2017

Look At Where We Are. Look At Where We Started.

One day you're checking into the hospital with your soon-to-be-no-longer-pregnant wife and your go-bag and an extra landline phone in case you need to do an interview Mark Wahlberg about his World Trade Center Memorial Competition entry, because cell...
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February 6, 2017

The Top 10 Humidifiers To Get When Your 9yo Has Croup

It's 10 o'clock on Saturday night, and your 9yo is making agony faces like a telenovela diva and barking like a seal colony because she's got croup. What are the best humidifiers to buy so your kid, and by extension,...
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November 16, 2016

The Overshared Generation

Oh hi. Of all the posts about all the browser tabs in all the world, this is the one that brought be back to Daddy Types. It's an issue that goes to the heart of my idea for this blog,...
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July 5, 2016

Sucre Daddy Types

I think the blog may have a new mascot. Hmm. []...
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June 19, 2016


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March 25, 2016

Identified Area Man Pushes Bugaboo Buffalo

How do you know when your dadblogging days are numbered? When you realize that eleven years into it, you're still fighting the same pink nursery-as-good-parenting-as-lifestyle-real-estate-porn hegemony-and getting bullshit copyright infringement threats for critiquing the content, substance, and system behind...
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March 17, 2016


I looked around the audience, and I really felt a sense of camaraderie with the other dads, like we knew at least we'd all dodged a Katy Perry concert....
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November 17, 2015

Should We All Aspire To Parenthood On Mark Zuckerberg's Terms?

Been feeling this a lot lately. Actually, since the beginning, but especially in a week I didn't post a single thing:Do I post too much? I whisper with friends. You'll tell me, won't you, if I ever cross the line?...
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October 31, 2015

Hairy Banana

Heather Armstrong gave a really thoughtful and classically unsettling talk at this year's XOXO Festival in Portland where she explained her experience stepping away from pro mommyblogging at Dooce. You should really watch it or, if you're in a...
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September 28, 2015

A Modest Parental Proposal

We're all Trumans now This has been weighing on me for a while now, the last several posts, and the meaning and relevance and viability of it all. And this, The Atlantic's thought piece on the economics of mommyblogging,...
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April 17, 2015

Epic Star Wars Dadfail

So I've already ruined the first kid by showing her Star Wars way too early, and she freaked out at the spooky cantina scene, and has never come back. K2's more into it, though. I believe in Rod Hilton's...
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March 9, 2015

RIP Sesame Street Animation Pioneer Jeff Hale

There was a time when Sesame Street's classic animation sequences were hard to find, and when finding the details of their creation were even harder. In the early days, Daddy Types spent an inordinate amount of the kid's naptime...
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December 28, 2014

Amazing Stokke Tripp Trapp Anniversary Edition High Chair For Sale

The greatest version of the greatest high chair in the world is for sale. Proceeds will go to charity. You should buy it. 2012 was the 40th anniversary of the Stokke Tripp Trapp, designed in 1972 by Peter Opsvik....
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December 23, 2014

I'm Thinking Of Making The Senate CIA Torture Report Into A Boardbook

Gotta tell you, the CIA onesie, coupled with multiple stories like this about Melville House making a trade version make me want to adapt the Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Torture as a boardbook. Maybe over the Christmas break. Maybe...
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December 16, 2014

From A Dad Who Wears T-Shirts In The United States

From Cleveland Browns' Andrew Hawkins' statement to the media yesterday about his wearing a Tamir Rice & John Crawford t-shirt on Sunday, as reported by ESPN:As you well know, and it's well documented, I have a 2-year-old little boy....
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November 20, 2014

The Home Office

"Oh, you got a new kitchen sponge." Said K2 with an offhand and chatty tone that sounded, not at all like a child, but like a work colleague, making banal and slightly awkward conversation with the recently promoted admin of...
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October 20, 2014

Adorable Dutch Urchins Wearing Garbage, By Ed Van Der Elsken

Halloween costume production has kicked into high gear around the DTHQ; ideas were locked down weeks ago, followed by concept, design and shopping, and this weekend, sewing/construction. [Legolas and a poofy ballerina witch, btw.] But the point is, this...
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September 21, 2014

Spanking Is About You, Not The Kid

We sat the kids down and talked to them about spanking this week, and why we don't spank them, and why some parents--a lot of parents in the US--do. [Spank their own kids, obv, not ours.] We explained that most...
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August 23, 2014

Little Old French Baby Clothes

We spotted a little stack of nice, plain shirts pour bebe In an antiques store outside Cavaillon the other day. They're just cotton and tie in the back. Some had little crocheted collars, but otherwise they were pretty simple,...
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August 22, 2014

How You Say Meltdown?

I know everything is a phase, every single thing, but holy crap, when is this phase gonna end and how could whatever comes next be any more exhausting?...
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August 12, 2014

Cool French School Desk In Provence

I spotted this very petit school desk in a brocante in Sault, while trying to find a cheap pair of scissors so the kids could go gleaning lavender from the just-harvested field we passed. The desk had a little...
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August 9, 2014

DT A Week In Provence

It's a little quiet around here while we are on vacation, visiting family in Provence. Posting will be light, the submissions queue will grow a bit, and hopefully kids all over the place will be well-behaved and sleeping as they...
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August 6, 2014


here is a picture of the kid's goldfish, which is deciding it might die the day we leave for France:— gregorg (@gregorg) August 6, 2014 It's like, Oh, it's gone! laying in the corner of the tank, but then...
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July 24, 2014

Family Vacation As Parenting/Comedy Lab

We are back from the competitive, comparative parenting petri dish that is my family's annual gathering on the Outer Banks. And we survived. It is truly fascinating to watch a dozen+ cousins growing up in clumps and waves and to...
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July 22, 2014

Two Candles

You know how the one grandmother in Sixteen Candles opens a box of donuts with a knife and goes, "Voila, breakfast is served!" This is the prequel, only with naptime. The grandparent who winds the exhausted toddler up together stays...
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July 21, 2014

DT Outer Banks Report

That Point In The Family Vacation Where Two Of The Twelve Cousins Open The 3,800-Piece LEGO Death Star On The Coffee Table...
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June 30, 2014

You'll Never Guess The Corporation That's Shamelessly Melting Your Heart

So we took the kids to the movies the other night, a non-trivial event for them, because srsly, what would they ever go see: 1) some too-loud, dumb, animated fart-fest full of Gen Y culture references they know nothing...
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June 13, 2014

This Would Have Come In Handy This Week

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A Campaign For The Bloggerfather

Longtime dadblogger Oren Miller of Bloggerfather was recently diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. A group of his friends, fans, and readers have already raised nearly $10,000 to help with medical and family expenses. You can join your support and...
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June 7, 2014

From Three To Two

It's a gorgeous, clear sunny day here. And as we go about our busy weekend, I'm constantly pulled back to thinking about Eric Meyer and his family, who are with their daughter Rebecca on what will likely be her last...
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April 19, 2014

Do You Want

Email me. We'll figure something out....
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April 18, 2014

Ima Let You Comment, But

I have temporarily disabled comments on Daddy Types, so if you have a comment or response to a post, please email it, or hold it for a little while. The last week or so I've heard from folks having a...
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April 3, 2014

Sometimes It's The Little Things

Seriously, ever have one of those days where you feel like your greatest accomplishment is finally loosening the kid's impacted ear wax? Or not stepping on that Cheerio you almost didn't see? Because until right before bedtime, when I taught...
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March 9, 2014

Much Ferrari So Not Bad: Ferrari FF With Booster Seat

It's right there! Behind the glare! Can you see it?? No, of course you cannot. But it is there, I swear. We pulled into McDonald's in McLean, VA yesterday afternoon on a post-Girl Scout cookie run, and parked next...
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March 4, 2014

Kevin Young Reads Poem About Miscarriage In His Poetry Voice

Writer Kevin Young was on NPR Fresh Air today talking about his new book of poetry, Book of Hours. It sounds like it's largely associated with the unexpected death of his father, and then becoming a father himself. Young also...
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February 26, 2014

Dadtown & Z Girls

Dark Roasted Blend's got a huge, motley, but all-around entertaining historical survey of WTF kid photos, check them all out. But the one that hit me is right here: a dad from the 70s taking his kid on his...
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January 26, 2014

DT Advertiser Shoutout: Macmillan Kids Book Sweep

It may be coincidence, or it may be because Daddy Types' readers are great connoisseurs of bedtime reading, but all the ads on DT this week are for kids' books from the Macmillan family of publishers. A big shoutout...
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December 10, 2013

Sophie's Choice (2013)

Oh no, the last bit of inorganic milk filled the entire sippy cup! And so I'm left filling the other cup with organic! How do I decide which kid gets the inferior milk?? DON'T MAKE ME DECIDE THIS, CRUEL...
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December 9, 2013

Dad Lang Syne

Jason and the Existential Why of Christmas:The first of a new kind of holiday for us. I thought of the Winter Solstice: in the face of days that had grown colder and nights that had grown longer, people huddled together...
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November 26, 2013

Goldieblox Is The Larry Flynt Of Our Generation

image: Oh boy, it's gettin' real in the Goldieblox vs Beastie Boys media arena. Felix Salmon has an awesome column on Goldieblox, not as an empowering girl toy pioneer, but as an archetypal disruption-obsessed Silicon Valley startup.:Under what...
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November 25, 2013

Thanksgiving Hunger Games

So we have survived the first night of ruthless competition for grandparental attention, only five days and nights to go. Anyone taking odds on when the first cartwheel- or backflip-off-the-sofa-related injury will occur? Will someone get strung up by her...
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September 26, 2013

I Think You're Gonna Need A Bigger VICKS Logo

Honestly, I think if the Vicks logo had actually been this big I might have noticed it before we bought these things. K2's been fighting the first cold of the school year, the kind of thing that happens when...
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September 3, 2013

DT Road Trip: West Virginia Badonk-A-Wagon

Wow, after 13 years of blogging, I might be due for one of those, "Sorry, I haven't updated in a while" posts. We went on a kid-free roadtrip this weekend in the least-wired region of the United States: the...
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August 27, 2013

MAK Daddy Types

So I knew that MAK in Vienna was doing a DIY exhibition, the first ever, as far as I could tell, based on Victor Papanek & James Hennessey's groundbreaking DIY bibles, Nomadic Furniture, but I admit, I'd lost track...
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August 15, 2013

Black Plate Special: Cherry Chevy Malibu Wagon In Utah

You never forget your kid's first classic car photo shoot. We are in Salt Lake City for a little grandparent facetime, and this sweet California black plate Chevy Malibu wagon merged onto the freeway next to us, and then...
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They Grow Up So Fast

Except when you're trying to get out the door. Not to be all Dave Barry about it, but srsly, what is up with that??...
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July 25, 2013

Something From The Comments

Just spotted this LOLZ story in the comments on an older post:Today, I went to the beach front with my children. I found a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said "You can hear...
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July 19, 2013

Mountain-Dwelling Japanese Have One Word For Kids Sled. And Box.

I don't know why, I guess it's because I didn't watch enough [any] Grizzly Adams when I was a boy, but I just assumed that in the olden times in the mountains of Japan, when the snow fell thick...
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Since 2004, Daddy Types has been published by Greg Allen with the help of readers like you.
Got tips, advice, questions, and suggestions? Send them to:
greg [at] daddytypes [dot] com



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