December 16, 2014

From A Dad Who Wears T-Shirts In The United States


From Cleveland Browns' Andrew Hawkins' statement to the media yesterday about his wearing a Tamir Rice & John Crawford t-shirt on Sunday, as reported by ESPN:

As you well know, and it's well documented, I have a 2-year-old little boy. The same 2-year-old little boy that everyone said was cute when I jokingly threw him out of the house earlier this year. That little boy is my entire world. And the No. 1 reason for me wearing the T-shirt was the thought of what happened to Tamir Rice happening to my little Austin scares the living hell out of me. And my heart was broken for the parents of Tamir and John Crawford knowing they had to live that nightmare of a reality.
This is exactly what I think about. No parent should ever have to fear this.

Browns WR Andrew Hawkins on wearing protest T-shirt: My heart was in the right place [espncleaveland via tpm]

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