June 1, 2011

The BabyBjorn High Chair Trilogy

When it came to launching their new high chair the marketing folks at BabyBjorn knew two things: they wanted the chair's designer, Jakob Wikner, a new dad himself, to be involved, perhaps as a way to enhance the brand's association with design. And they wanted to try on this YouTube thing, maybe get a little viral thing going. And so, once the product was locked down, the iterative campaign design process was begun:

First, in 2010, they shot a pilot in Wikner's house for one kroner:

Then in March 2011, they staged "The Story Behind the BabyBjorn High Chair" in a test kitchen of some sort, and shot it using lush HD, with the occasional retro lens flare FX laid down onto the insert cuts:

It's worth noting that this is the first time Wikner confirms that the high chair is not, in fact, really that high. It is tabletop height. Also, the inclusion of several #highchairepicfail shots greatly enhances this video's sense of drama and emotional engagement.


And finally, this month, for the announcement of rig's temporarily exclusive US retail partner, BabyBjorn enlisted the digisocial gurus at Electric Artists, who in turn invited some New York Influencers to take part in "BabyBjorn High Chair Launch Event." Oh man, just stay with it until the last shot. SO CUTE!

And this, my friends, is how to--wow, $300? That's Bloom territory. I realize it has more moving parts than the [simple-seeming but admittedly awesome] $100 BabyBjorn bouncy chair, but this has so many Antilop notes, I was going to guess about $150, $199 tops.


$300 is outrageous. This chair does seem to fold up nicely but it's not bringing anything else to the, uh, table. And that flop-down tray is nice in the video when it's clean with nothing on it. But one day (actually many days) that tray is filled with plates of food, crumbs, and a pool of water or juice and you've got to get the kid out of there in a hurry and...well this just isn't going to work out well.

The $100 for the bjorn bouncy chair can be chalked up to its awesomeness, not its complexity.

Kids climb out of their Stokke seats because they don't require shoulder straps like they do in the US, you have to buy them separately and add them on. Which is exactly why I want a European Tripp Trapp- I hate our straps :)

Yep, I'm scratching my head on the price too.

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