June 16, 2009

DT Monday Mommy Mailbag: On Tuesday

Wow, it's Tuesday, and I completely forgot to do the new Monday Mommy Marketing Mania Mailbag or whatever! I guess parenting really throws off your estrogen levels or something!

Hi, Leave it to the minds of moms to solve some of the biggest challenges of parenthood! I thought you might have interest in these fabulous brand new parenting solutions - all mom invented.

Happy to send photos, product sample, information, etc.
Let me know. Thanks!

Every mom has been there - digging through the diaper bag for a darn wipe. Now, there's a stylish new bag company that makes motherhood more fashionable - and a bit easier...

For the latest must-haves for moms--including VersaPurses, decorator bibs, insideout Underoos, and umbrella/cooler/party wagons--keep on reading!

Kristi G introduces the G-Mom Collection. This three style handbag line features the patented 'EZ-Wipe System' - for one-handed wipe access, making diaper changes, sticky finger and messy mouthes [sic] even easier to handle. The collection includes: The Grab & Go Clutch, VersaPurse and Everything Tote. Kristi G has terrific colors and patterns. www.kristig.com

Wow Baby introduces its Bibs N Burps line. These stylish modern bibs (in an array of colors and patters) are stylish and completely organic. But they are also uniquely functional. This line features Wow Baby's patented DriBaby Bib Liners. These disposable liners ensure that no spills land on baby's clothes. Just peel off the back and stick it behind any bib. It turns any soft bib into a waterproof bib! DriBaby Bib Liners will keep baby dry and their clothes clean and free from drool, food and drink stains that occur because they provide a water-proof barrier between the bib and your child's clothing. www.awowbaby.com

Moms of toddlers will love this - there's a revolutionary new product that makes potty training a breeze.
Potty Pony Pals is innovative training underwear with animal graphics on the inside of the garment. It comes with a DVD that shows toddlers how to watch over their new potty underwear and keep the 'pal' on the inside - dry - brilliant! www.pottyponypals.com

Who will your child be today?
A new line of adorable t-shirts encourages good character with its innovative 'bee' design. Bee-Tees are t-shirts that teach. Each one is adorned with a bumble bee image and a saying - bee unique, bee patient, bee good, bee yourself, etc. The line enables children to carry out their spirit and helps encourage positive character. It gives parents the opportunity to discuss character issues as they are helping their child get dressed in the morning.

Two moms have invented a new product that makes outdoor adventures more manageable.
The Shade Wagon is an innovative carriage, umbrella, storage, outdoor station - all in one! It features a sturdy wagon (can carry 800 pounds), all terrain tires (think sand!), heavy duty umbrella, MP3/Ipod Speakers, holders for beach bags/garbage bags/totes, straps for carrying chairs, and a fold-down feature that turns the wagon into seats.
Great for trips to the beach, sporting events, parades, water parks, camping/fishing and more.


Did you see the retail on that Shadewagon? Eeek.

I saw the Potty Pony Pals product on ABC the other day. I bought the set and used it on my daughter. She responded well and is nearly finished potty training and did not even know that was what we were working on.. She was just having fun with it!!

Very Happy

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