January 24, 2009

Wondertime's Up

AdAge reports that Disney has smothered its adorable 3-year-old parenting magazine Wondertime in its crib. Ad revenues grew 20% in 2008, and circulation was around 400,000--very advanced for its age. But apparently, the company doesn't believe in happy endings anymore--or even in putting the magazine to sleep in the woods for a couple of years until some advertising Prince Charming comes along to break the spell. [disclosure: Once upon a time, I used to be a suit at Disney.]

Disney Gives Up On Wondertime [adage]


so disappointed to hear this news. wondertime is the parenting magazine that i enjoy the most. i find its content thoughtful and interesting (and not "same old, same old") and i like their layout and design as well.

I agree, it's one of the better parenting magazines.

I'm so sorry to hear this. This is the only parenting magazine I read.

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