August 13, 2008

Karmazing! Little India Kali Plush Doll By Leeanna Butcher


See? Not everyone riffing on Sanjay Patel's awesome little Little India Hindu deities is knocking them off. Plush artist Leeanna Butcher went to art school with Patel, and he recently asked her to create this plush incarnation of Kali, Goddess of Death. And it's as adorable as a doll dressed in skulls and severed arms could be.

And before you ask: yes, they're looking into producing some, but no, it's not available for commission or sale right now. Best comment on Leeanna's site so far from a parent who hasn't seen Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom: "I'd like to buy one! My daughter's name is Kali."

More pics and details: Kali Goddess of Death plush [leeannasthread via boingboing]


"Best comment on Leeanna's site so far from a parent who hasn't seen Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom: 'I'd like to buy one! My daughter's name is Kali.'"

Alternately, maybe this mother actually did some research and knows Kali is a lot more than a "Goddess of Death"

It's not a lack of research that drove the joke/comment. If Kali and Thugee have a beef with Spielberg's and Lucas's inaccurate portrayal of them, they should get a better publicist.

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