May 25, 2007

Vegan Cupcakes Solve Like Five Parenting Problems At Once


What if you had the key to perfect parenting, idyllic childhoods, world peace and the end of industrialized corporate farming right in the sidebar of your blog?

Because there's a whole category of Vegan Cupcake links on the award-winning weblog, what the hell does a vegan eat anyway?

Some folks might think it's been Vegan-Bashing Week around here; truth is, I for one am totally down with non-stupid parents of any dietary persuasion. But here's a tip for any Vegan propagandists out there: delicious-sounding recipes and sexy food shots are a lot more effective than pseudo-documentaries about cow stomachs and cupcake discrimination.

Dude, cupcakes!

what the hell does a vegan eat, anyway? [winner of a 2007 Editors' Award For Online Excellence from The Morning News]


If your kid goes to a daycare where a) you can bring in homemade food and b) there are egg or milk allergic kids, you can be the Best Parent Ever by bringing in vegan cupcakes so that every kid can eat them. They are easy to make and use mostly ingredients you can keep around forever! We are so not vegan, but we love love love vegan cupcakes.

I like gawking at Vegan Lunch Box:

I've been meaning to purchase her cookbook. Check out those pictures!

What kind of a blogger posts a picture of a cupcake like that with no recipe? I crawled all over that site, they have a dozen tasty looking cupcakes, and not a single recipe. Bloody vegans!

[i know, I was thinking the same thing. nothing but vegan cupcake porn-ed.]

delicious-sounding recipes and sexy food shots are a lot more effective than pseudo-documentaries about cow stomachs and cupcake discrimination.

ah, you've stumbled upon our evil vegan plan! ;)

The recipe for the cupcakes shown above ("Chocolate Cherry Cupcakes") is from "Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World" by Isa Chandra Moskowitz (which we helped recipe-test for the book).

As part of the testing agreement, we can shoot pretty pictures, but not share the recipes (it's available at Amazon and other bookstores).

thanks for the linkage...


I have been staying out of the Great Vegan Debate, as I am a closeted vegetarian who works on a beef and tomato farm (mmm, beef and tomato...)and really have no opinions on the matter. Vegan cupcakes are the bomb! I made some for Squeak's 1st birthday and everyone liked them, even Grandpa Meaty McMeaterson.

I have to say, Isa Chandra Moskowitz is the queen of vegan food porn. check out her website:

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