From the way she and Jan Kaplicky divvied up the projects post-divorce, it looks like Amanda Levete got one of Future Systems' first, widely published projects: the 1994 Hauer-King House in Islington, London.
It's so funny, I remember totally eating these images up back in the day, but I swear, I never registered all the kids' detritus. Now, of course, it's all I see.
And with all those surfaces and open floors, it also looks noisy. Awesome, but noisy.
I look at it and all I can think is how many times a kid playing under those windows would slam their heads into the--holy cow, are those Window Quilts??--brackets.
I'd also say it looks like a sauna, but how long did they have to wait in London to get a day sunny enough to light up the interior for those shots.
Here's the front, more or less, today. No worries about roasting in there, I guess.