December 4, 2011

O Multivan, O Multivan, Du Kannst Mir Sehr Gefallen!


O Multivan, O Multivan
Wie ziemlich deine Plätzer!
Von fünf Kindern zur Abholzeit,
Zu vier Exekutivearbeit!
O Multivan, O Multivan
Wie ziemlich deine Plätzer!


O Multivan, O Multivan
Du kannst mir sehr gefallen!
Wie oft hat schön zur dein Website
Photos von dir mich hoch erfreut!
O Multivan, O Multivan
Warum kannst nicht hier kaufen?


O Multivan, O Multivan,
Der Routan mich erkranken.
Dein Marke fur ungünstigkeit
Gibt billig Mutant jeder Zeit
O Multivan, O Multivan,
Warum kannst nicht hier kaufen?

[Note: if you actually speak German and spot any errors, please let me know. And if you work at VW, then get to work on this, please. The Mercedes Sprinter needs a little competition.]

Volkswagen Multivan [ via dt reader dt]
VW Multivan Business []

Previously, and related, at least in the sense that it's something I'm inordinately pleased with myself about, which very few people will get, find amusing, or even notice: Dost thou so hunger for this Sirch ply high chair? Yea, my liege


I'm a German native speaker, and there are a few lines I don't understand at all... Got an English version?

Not really, I tried to keep as close to the original lyrics as I could.

Here's how I'd translate it:

O Multivan, o Multivan,
How pretty are your places [seats]
From five kids at pick-up time,
to four executives working

O Multiavn, o Multivan, [this verse relies a lot on the English lyrics]
You give us so much pleasure
How oft have beautiful on your website
photos give such delight
Why can't I buy you here?

O Multivan, o Multivan,
The Routan sickens me.
So inappropriate for your brand
this cheap mutant always is.
Why can't I buy you here?

Viano, dude. MB needs to ditch the passenger Sprinter and the moribund R-class and bring us the Viano.

[fwiw, when dt sent along the link to the EUR88,000 Multivan Business, it was as a federalizable, parkable, luxe alternative to the UES custom Sprinter crowd. But we can work on a parody German Christmas carol about the Viano next, sure. -ed.]

You were really close here.
What you said was:

Warum kannst nicht hier kaufen?

Why can here not buy (direct translation)

I think this might be better

Warum kann Mann hier nicht eins kaufen

Why can one not buy one here.

Ok maybe this instead...I changed the last lines again... Hope you don't mind. It was fun, good job by the way.

O Multivan, O Multivan
Wie schön sind deine Sessel!
Von fünf Kindern am des Abholzeit,
Zur vier fur Exekutivearbeit!
O Multivan, O Multivan
Wie schön sind deine Sessel!
O Multivan, O Multivan
How pretty are your seats (the pretty you used was more like "pretty much")
From five kids at pick-up time,
to four executives working
O Multivan, O Multivan
How pretty are your seats

O Multivan, O Multivan
Ich hab dich sehr gefallen!
Wie oft Schau Ich an euer Website
Photos von dir mich so erfreut!
O Multivan, O Multivan
Warum kann ich eins hier nicht kaufen?
O Multivan, O Multivan
I love you very much!
How often do I look at your site
The photos make me so happy!
O Multivan, O Multivan
Why can't I buy one here

O Multivan, O Multivan,
Der Routan es Kotzed mich an.
Die design ist so gemein
wie immer schäbige Mutanten sind
O Multivan, O Multivan,
Warum kann ich eins hier nicht kaufen?
O Multivan, O Multivan
the Routan it makes me want to puke
The design is so vulgar
like all shabby mutants are!
O Multivan, O Multivan
Why can't I buy one here

LOLOLOL, shabby mutants. this is awesome. I wondered about that "pretty," but didn't want to check it and find out it was wrong.

now to tighten a few of those lines a little to fit the original's syllable/beat count

Your grammar might not be perfect, but I like the flow of your original. I understood exactly what you meant.

I say roll with it, and if you get any questions just say "it's Schwäbisch".

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