August 10, 2011

What, Because FugBath™ Was Taken? FunBath™


You know, I always thought the point of spending several thousand dollars on a bathtub was that you only did it once a generation. Or once a housing bubble, or once a refi.

Whatever it was, you weren't supposed to drop $2,200--or as we used to call them around here, 2BU, Bugaboo Units--on something that's designed to be useless in just a couple of years. And that doesn't seem to have a resale market to speak of. And that isn't a giant, cast acrylic piece of fug.

Because the only way you could begin to justify the buy, I'd think, is if it were somehow an undeniably awesome piece of design, beautiful, innovative, and compelling in and of itself. Which, well, is pretty much the exact opposite of the American Standard FunBath™, a massive cover & frame set-up that temporarily converts one of your many normal tubs into a slightly taller, slightly shallower, and much, much fuglier kid tub. For "toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarteners."


The $1,800 "customizable" [aka plain] FunBath™ is the still pretty evil lesser of the three options [the "boy's" solution is a fire truck.] Seriously, if you're gonna drop this kind of coin on a kid's bathroom project, find an artist to paint a non-Disney, non-Viacom design on it for you. Or better yet, spend it on an awesome custom tile job.

American Standard - FunBath video and image gallery [ via aunt annie]


Similar thinking to my reaction to the Pottery Barn (and other) catalogs that manage to grab my attention on their way to the trash. Do these people really expect you to redecorate your house ever season?
Interesting how the FunBath is one of the pricier offerings from American Standard. Is this the real value or are they generating the war chest for child-related litigation that is sure to arrive sooner or later.

Or get them to build a hydraulic system so you can raise and lower your bathtub at will.

BUs? We measure in units of Swiss Lamps, in honour of the fee levied by a hotel in Interlochen as a consequence of our newly walking son knocking over a floor lamp and breaking the shade.

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