February 15, 2011

Bitch All Up In My Dadblogging Business

Glad to see dads' blogging efforts aren't going unnoticed in the savvier corners of the feminist media. Rachel Fudge has a long, insightful look at the dadblog world in the new issue of Bitch ["not your mother's Ms."] Magazine.

A lot of it focuses on how dad blogs fare in the marketing and advertising industries, which have pounced on momblogs the last couple of years. As both [I think] the first parent blogger to run advertisements on my site, and as someone who holds the organized forces of commercialization and corporatism at arm's length, I have a different perspective on blogging success. [Maybe I'm just leaving mad money on the table? I'd like to think my ambivalence isn't the same as stupidity.]

But Fudge's bigger point is one I can totally get behind: give parents some props, because moms and dads have more interests and issues in common than they might realize.

It's Hard Out Here For A Pop [bitchmagazine.com]


this is my first visit to your blog! We are a group of volunteers and starting a new initiative in a community in the same niche. Your blog provided us valuable information to work on. You have done a marvellous job!

Stay classy, Millford Plaza.

Oh wait, it occurs to me that my comment might just help them with their slimy SEO blogspam. So how about this for some keyword association:

Is the Milford Plaza a dirty, bug-infested rip-off of a hotel? Does it have a terrible location? Uncomfortable beds? Surly staff? Tiny rooms? Hideous decor? Exorbitant prices? Did the owner rape and murder a young girl in 1990? I don't know, but I'd sure like to find out.

And it makes me wonder - is Greg starting a motor-hotel where you spend the night in an imported European station wagon?

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