May 2010 Archives

May 31, 2010

Mountain Buggy, Kid, Survive Australia's Second Favorite Contact Sport

When they're not watching footie [i.e., rugby with less gentility and tinier pants], Australians pass the time either rolling strollers down sloped platforms into the path of oncoming trains, or watching CCTV footage of same. Last week, it was...
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May 30, 2010

Cochlear Implant Activation Videos

Over the last decade, maybe, cochlear implant technology has progressed to the point where it can produce significant impacts early in a kid's language and neural development. From the fascinating, if sometimes overly snarky discussion at Metafilter, it sounds...
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1930s Ur-Bobux

I was about to call these 1930s kids shoes ur-Robeez, but then I remembered that Robeez knocked off Bobux. Either way, they have a little ur-LL Bean boots thing going on there, too. And wooden buttons. Too bad we...
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A New Yorker In New Bern

Getting ready to go to the beach as soon as the kid wraps up her kindergarten finals; I can't believe it's ending so soon! But considering we already missed the AACA Grand National show in New Bern a couple...
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May 28, 2010

FX Artists' Kids Always Have The Nicest YouTube Videos

What, you want the guy who made that awesome Ninja Unboxing video for the Japanese release of Google's Nexus One to just throw up an iPhone video of his kid blowing a giant snot bubble? I didn't think so....
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Sarah Palin Had A Creative Playthings TV Camera Truck As A Child.

When Creative Playthings was struggling for relevance in the changing toy market of the mid-1970s, it seems corporate parent CBS had some suggestions. ["1. Less wood, more plastic!"] But there were also some cockamamie toys that look like they...
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May 27, 2010

Chick & Clack, The Car Guides

Except for Dan Neil's occasional musings on the ability of minivans to turn you into a DILF, reviewer [and dadblogger!] Dave Thomas is one of the few car guys I've ever seen who takes a dad's-eye view of things:...
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Won't You Help?

Poor DT reader Kristen can't go back into her favorite Williamsburg thrift store because the late model Creative Playthings washer/dryer set is still there, taunting her with its early 70s era styling and its $50 price tag. Won't you...
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Seekin' Hide: American Indian Doll & Cradle

Speaking of antique craft and materials, check out this Nez Perce toy cradleboard, c.1880, which is coming up for sale at Heritage Auctions on June 11. It's only 9.5 inches high, perfect for Indian kids' little beaded hide dolls....
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May 26, 2010

Point Chair, By Sally And Peter Nencini

Wow, I can't get over how awesome this is. British designer/artist Peter Nencini and his needle-wielding wife Sally were commissioned to make a chair for a one-year-old boy based on Harry Nilsson's 1971 album/story The Point. [Which was also...
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Holy Smokes, The Nook Pebble Mattress!

So a couple of weeks ago a publicist friend--and seriously, while they're probably the most professionally hyperfriendly population on earth, I can count on one Simpsons hand the number of publicists I'd actually consider calling a friend--a publicist friend...
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May 25, 2010

You're Tired! Trump® Kids

Turns out May is See What Elaborate Kid-Related Amenities Are Being Offered At Trump® Hotels Month here on Daddy Types. The much-reviled Trump SoHo Luxury Hotel is set to open now! soon, and the Trump® Kids offerings are ready...
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May 24, 2010

Andrew Wakefield Saga Now In Comic Book Form

Didn't think it'd be Dr. Andrew Wakefield Day around here, but, you gotta blog about Darryl Cunningham's 15-page vacctivist saga comic book when you find it: Also, the publisher of an autism treatment-related book with a foreword by Jenny McCarthy...
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Andrew Wakefield Has Given 4,000 Brits The Measles

Dr. Andrew Wakefield has been deregistered in the UK, the medical equivalent of being disbarred, in part for the spurious and manipulated research paper he published in 1998 claiming that the MMR vaccine was linked to autism. The decade-plus long...
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May 23, 2010

DT Friday Freakout: Lost Edition

I don't know if this means anything to anybody, but my 2-yo just woke up from a nap asking if she could keep playing with her giant Playmobil island with the hairplane crashed on it. And in other freakout news...
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May 22, 2010

Enzo Mari Pities Your Coloring In The Lines

You know I'll go to the mat for Enzo Mari anytime, anyplace. And I would love to find some vintage copies of his awesome Drawing Cards sets, too, like the one Michael recently posted at his blog, Stopping Off...
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May 20, 2010

Antonio Vitali Doll Chalet On eBay

Looks like the high end real estate market for dolls is beginning to rebound. I haven't seen an early 1950's Antonio Vital doll chalet like this on the market for a while, much less one that already has a...
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Raising Arizona

Huh. Who'da thought that the Kids Love Spanish pre-school summer camp in Scottsdale AZ wouldn't have filled up immediately this year?...
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Who Wears Huggies Short Shorts?

I'm sorry, did Daisy Duke just wake up from her nap and need a change? Not only are Huggies jeans-print diapers wrong for being wrong, they arrive [at DT, anyway] on the very day the NY Times declares limited...
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May 19, 2010

How Can It Only Be 8:15?

Holy crap, it's like the Strepocalypse around here. We've all been sick in turns and stuck in the house together since Saturday, and we are now officially driving each other crazy. And amidst the chaos, there are the conference calls...
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May 18, 2010

Bing, MegaBing

Wow, how hard must it suck for Microsoft to traipse in and name their also-ran search engine after your adorable, troublemaking throwback boardbook bunny? Pretty hard, I'm guessing. Ted Dewan published the first of his ten Bing Bunny books...
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Roller Buggy 2.0 Keeps On Rollin'

When we last saw Valentin Vodev's prototype for the Roller Buggy at London Design Festival in 2006, it simply had adapters for installing your favorite Maxi-Cosi car seat where the scooter's hood ornament would go. Now [or sometime between 2006...
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Geek Dad Still Keeping The Geek Moms Down

Sorry this outrageous scandal got stranded on my iPad. It's really too important to ignore. That Ken Denmead, he's got some balls. Turns out Denmead, who edits's project blog Geek Dad, is perpetuating our society's oppression of women by...
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May 17, 2010

Disfarmer: The Richard Avedon Of Cleburne County

Mike Meyer, small-town, Depression-era, proto-modernist photographer, changes his name to Disfarmer? Is this story real? Why am I only hearing about this now? These photos are absolutely fantastic.In the 1930s a tornado swept through the Heber Springs [Arkansas] valley...
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An Ode To DT's Advertisers

With her Vincents lined up in two neat little rows, K2 made a volcano sign from the tip of her nose: Achoo! Quick! Shield my lava cake from her nasty spray! I'd just earned it retweeting Domino's all day. Thanks...
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L'il Inappropriate Books

This comes so close to my Daddy Types Master Plan for World Domination, I'm tempted to send a San Jose SWAT Team to Comic-Con this year and scoop up all the copies of Josh Cooley's forthcoming book, Movies R...
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May 15, 2010

DC Wants To Be Brookln So Bad

Kid-free bloggers complaining about babies in bars. Stroller bans in twee local hangouts. Message board flamewars over family grocery runs on the bus. Just one train ride to Manhattan! All they need is a sex shop with a changing table,...
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Orale, Vatito! Lowrider Stroller Mod

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May 14, 2010

Introducing The Dodge Grand Caravan Syriana Edition

For SUV drivers, it's leaving the pavement. Someday. So what are the ain't-never-gonna-happen fantasies of that ease people into the life-changing purchase of a minivan? These new commercials from Dodge will make you regret even asking the question. [via...
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May 13, 2010

Club Peguin X E*Trade Mashup

Even if it was a tangential reference in an entirely other post, we have mentioned Disney's $700 million purchase in 2007 of Club Penguin, an online subscription game world for kids, started by four dads, before. Mostly, because it was...
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Bulgogische Motoren Werke

There is much car pic goodness to salivate over at Bulgogi Brothers, but is there a reason that the oddball hoon station wagons are what stand out for me? Like the apparently bahnstorming Opel Insignia OPC Touring? Or the--seriously, are...
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The Dad Who Changes Diaper Brands Changes The World

From Brian last week at Rebel Dad:Dear Pampers, This evening, I received the following note from you: Hello BRIAN, Happy Mothers Day! Thanks, Mom for all that you do. On this special day, check out the tribute that Pampers has...
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'A Real New York City Kind Of Challenge.'

First off, mazeltov to Chris and Michelle, the proud new parents in the NY Times story about what their designer, Kevin Dumais called "a real New York City kind of challenge," i.e., turning the 2nd bedroom/home office into a...
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May 12, 2010

Return Of The Return Of The Jedi Playground Equipment

Boingboing ganked the scan without credit--plus he called it an AT-AT, when it's clearly an AT-ST/Chicken Walker, duh--but the ad for the incredible Gym Dandy Scout Walker Command Center With Speeder Bike Ride backyard playset was originally from the October...
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May 11, 2010

Parental Leave Around The World

What does an American computer nerd living in Sweden do when the birth of his first daughter thrusts the reality of the world's most generous paternal leave system upon him? He crunches data to make interactive parental leave policy maps...
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Ritmo Wonders: Is It Possible To Sell Prenatal Music System Without Being A Lying Quack?

Look, don't think I don't believe fetuses can hear in the womb, or that I think it's useless or pointless to know this well-documented reality. Talk away! Sing, chat, drum along with the radio! Introduce the family! Enjoy! My...
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Daddy Back To Typing

Sorry for the blog radio silence the last few days. I had an extended family funeral to attend, and I was offline and rather busy. Then I was flying back today, and my plane had a stopover in Detroit. And...
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May 10, 2010

Massive Photobook Printing Roundup

After digital Jason Dunn had a kid, he went looking for a comprehensive review of the various photo book printing services online. And found out there wasn't one. So he spent six months test printing his son's book over and...
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May 8, 2010

The CDC's National Immunization Survey Will Probably Take Around 20 Minutes

So the other day, we're getting ready to go somewhere, and a surveyor called to say our phone number had been randomly selected for the CDC's National Immunization Survey [NIS], did we have any children in the house? When I...
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Oh, Great, We're One Of Those Toxic Flip-Flop People

K2 insisted on wearing her too-small fancy shoes last weekend while we were out of town, and they ripped up her heels pretty bad. So we put her on a remedial flip-flop regimen while she healed. I bought a...
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May 7, 2010

I Suspect This Will Be My Only Post About Babies

""Babies" is rated PG (Parental Guidance suggested). Breast feeding." [nyt]...
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Frank Gehry Getting Around To Designing A NYC Playground

Big news! Frank Gehry is designing his very first playground! The city has flagged $4 million for the 1-acre project, which will go in at Battery Park City, according to an announcement from the NYC Parks deapartment--dated June 7, 2007....
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May 6, 2010

Nestle Is NOT Amused By Enfamil's Sugary, Chocolatey Toddler Formula

Holy crap! Formula Freakout! I just read on Twitter that dadwagon had a new post about a Los Angeles Times article about the momblogger outrage over Enfagrow, Enfamil's new flavored [and sugar-loaded] toddler formula! Which went on sale in February....
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May 5, 2010

DT Antique Mall Roundup

Over the weekend we took a kidfree road trip to Lancaster County, and on Sunday morning, when everyone else was at worship, we went to the heathen haven of Adamstown, which is chock full of antique markets, which is Pennsylvania...
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Han Shot First

I am thrilled for Jennifer and Jeff, and I'm glad they're using the last few months of their blissfully undisturbed, kid-free time to create such epic pregnancy announcements. It tactfully conveys the nuances of their conception situation while putting...
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May 4, 2010

Swagger Wagon Is The New Gellin' Like A Felon

Holy crap, this is the world's most perfect advertisement. I am as powerless as a Toyota brake pedal before its seductive marketing charms. Too bad it's a minivan, not an actual wagon. Swagger Wagon [youtube via dt reader george]...
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Baby Recall Infographic

I know you read, and thus stay on top of all the latest baby product recall announcements, but many parents don't. So as a service to the children of those unfortunates, why not print out HugaMonkey's handy baby product recall...
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May 3, 2010


.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } McSocks, originally uploaded by daddytypes. The McDonalds in Gettysburg--and the KFC next to it, and...
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DT Friday Freakout: Tylenocalypse Edition

We left town early, and so we at least saved our own weekend from the gigantic )#($%ing freakout that is the massive recall of liquid infant's and children's Tylenol, Motrin, Zyrtec, and Benadryl products issued Saturday. Wait, Saturday? What the...
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The Decline Of Western Civilization

At least this guy Josiah didn't make and sell 98 Onesies in a weekend with this on it, but that's a damn flimsy hook to hang my hopes for the future of Our Country. Bieb Flag T-shirt [etsy via...
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May 1, 2010

The Changing Table That Saved The Union

.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } The Changing Table That Saved The Union, originally uploaded by daddytypes. Spotted in the visitors...
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