June 3, 2008

Whoops, More Store Closing Sales At Babystyle

babystyle_closings.jpgThat's what this blog needs: secret shoppers. One of Chris Moseley's blog operatives has learned that the North Park, TX location of Babystyle is set to close, making it the seventh store to close as part of the company's Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization.

I expect the wails of mourning will be drowned out by the ruckus of a store-wide clearance sale; no one can outshop a Dallas mob, especially when there's babygear involved.

Anyone else hear of other Babystyle locations set to close? Drop a comment or an email with the news.

Update: Whoa, that's fast. As I was posting this, DT reader DP passes along word from a friend at the company that babystyle is closing another six stores. If you count the Cadeau store in NYC, there are 16 stores left. At the moment.

Update Update: Alright, I looked it up in the court filings. In a petition dated June 4th [today!], Babystyle says it's closed seven stores already, not six, and is pulling out of the East Coast altogether by asking the court to add Short Hills, NJ to the list of NY and MA stores it has tapped for closing. [I think both the Westchester/White Plains, NY and Glendale, CA stores are in the process of closing now. Anyone?]

Though it's gotten permission to close and liquidate seven more stores [not including NJ], the company says it plans "to continue operations at the following stores for the time being: Santa Monica, Burlingame, Scottsdale, and Santa Clara."

From what I can tell, the only stores babystyle has not sought permission to close are Manhattan Beach and Newport Beach; Bellevue, WA; Denver; one store in Scottsdale; and Cadeau's NoLIta location.

Bye-Bye Babystyle [moseleyworld]
Previously, hey, I got a scoop, too: Whoa, babystyle files for Ch. 11 bankruptcy


Was in BabyStyle Burlington MA closing down sale on Sunday, wanted to pickup a Quinny Zapp for $150 but they only had orange left. Sales girl told me they are only keeping CA and internet stores open.

wow, NP is my store. That sucks since they are the only place in Dallas I can find Tip Toey Joey shoes for my daughter. I love their sales too.

[if you love a thing, and it goes bankrupt, it was never yours to begin with. -ed.]

Glendale's gone. I went this past weekend. Empty. Not even a sign up saying that SM store was still open or anything.

I guess this explains why their Registry has been such a pain lately, not that it was ever a dream to work with. Half the stuff online is "seasonal" and mysteriously unavailable right now. I just pulled down my Registry altogether.


I hope they dont close the one in our town.

I called NP last night to see if they had a Maxi-Cosi infant seat in stock, she said yes but that they are not having a sale and they are not closing the store.. hmmm. Did they forget to tell their employees?

just came back from Newton, they are closing at the end of the month. 20% off the store, no more bugaboo's, or orbits.

They are closing all the east coast stores, except for Cadeau New York. Both of the Scottsdale stores are making their numbers so I guess until it get's really bad they will keep both open...but personally I think the closing of one will definitely profit the other one because they are about 15-20 minutes apart, and won't split the whole of metro Phoenix's business into 2 stores.

Also the Distribution Center is in LA and it's cheaper to just ship to the West coast!

Actually, at this time the Short Hills, NJ store is NOT closing, so there is still one store on the East Coast to shop with.

Do you know of any more California stores that will be closing?


As of September 2008, Babystyle Short Hills (NJ) and the Cadeau in NYC are open and will remain open to serve the East Coast. The company was bought by Right Start and they don't expect any major changes to Cadeau or Babystyle -- good thing for all parties involved because they'll have more gear and other products at all stores.

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