March 27, 2008

Awesome: Lower Back Tattoos By Toys R Us


What's this? Tramp stamps for sale in the Stickers R Us machine at Toys R Us? I smell a comprehensive cross-platform blitzertunity!

Apparently, so does Disney. That other options I can make out are Hannah Montana, Clubhouse Disney, and Stitch.

Lower Back Tattoos Now Available at Toys R Us [cockeyed via waxy]


Looks like Hannah Montana's time is up. Her stickers are already on sale, 50% off.

Just what I was looking for! Now I can dress up my grand daughter and take her round wally world (wall mart), kmart, dollar gen, meijers, etc and show her off with all her temp tattoos and show these trailer trash types just what they look like.

unfortunatly, those types must think it is a great look as they all seem intent on having them.

ahh the unwashed, uneducated masses. need we start eugenics once again? oh ya, hittler also thought it was a good idea. but then we need more meth heads running round killing people (nasis).

or would a better education system that doesn't care if your feelings get hurt, and you are grade based for advancement, but you honestly LEARN, be a better solution?

course, with all our public school systems only allowed to teach state sanctioned material, not what the teachers should know and teach, you get people who don't comprehend and are passed only cause they don't want to hurt feelings...

Gee, crash, and you come off as such and educated and enlightened individual with your lack of punctuation, grammar, misspellings, and references to Hitler and Nazis. And it's so classy to refer to "types" of people, effectively stereotyping groups of people based on what kind of house the live in. Good job!

I'm just here to point out the irony of:

you come off as such and educated and enlightened individual with your lack of punctuation, grammar, misspellings

Carry on

great are they going to sell brats outfits too, I don't want to drive to wallys for the matching clothes.

[as in Bratz? -ed.]

Great, a toy store for children actively advancing the slutification of little girls.

The educated moralist writes:
ahh the unwashed, uneducated masses. need we start eugenics once again? oh ya, hittler also thought it was a good idea. but then we need more meth heads running round killing people (nasis).

The two-tattoo sporting pagan corrects:
Ahh the unwashed, uneducated masses. Need we start Eugenics once again? Oh, yeah, Hitler also thought it was a good idea. But then, we need more meth heads running round killing people (Nazis).

It's never a good idea to judge a person by appearance, race, or religion. You will often be found wrong.

[the citydwelling snob writes: this is why I don't go to Toys R Us. -ed.]

Crash must be a product of the same public school system he berates.

Then Issac making fun of his punctuation & grammar can't type a complete sentence !


What, no fireman's pole...? Wait, that's in the Dora section

"It's never a good idea to judge a person by appearance, race, or religion. You will often be found wrong."

Um...more accurately, judging a person by race, religion or appearance you'll find you are OFTEN correct, and SOMETIMES wrong.

Seriously, go read some social stats.

[was this posted on fark or something? -ed.]

I love it when a reply thread is funnier than the progenitor story. So as to save my poor computer from any further coffee induced trauma, could you all please enable spell check, its like wearing glasses - you will look smarter than you really are.

However, such a tactic will not help crash(sic) much, as he will only go from being borderline retarded to stupid.

Remember kids; Good spelling, punctuation and syntax make the flames burn brighter.

Ed: Yeah, you got farked ;).

[Well, I guess it could be worse. At least I'm not Hitler. -ed.]

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