January 30, 2008

Seawater Spray Cures Colds, Says Seawater Spraymaker-Sponsored Researchers

Now that cold medicine's been criminalized, only criminals will give their kids cold medicine. I'd meant to point last week to the NY Times science blog, where Dr. Alan Greene, some hippie doctor with a Green Baby book to promote, who was giving personally branded answers [according to "my rubric, my Greene Ratio..."] to reader questions about children's health.

His suggestion for treating cold remedies in the face of imminent toxic threat of decongestants: honey, dark chocolate, vaporizers, drops, and nasal saline. [Seriously, all these doctors who are now unequivocal about the dangerous risks of cold medicine, what were they telling patients two years ago? Can we go to the tape?]

Anyway, I was reminded of it when I saw this just-published study from Czech researchers, which showed that kids who used saline nasal spray made from the Atlantic seawater got better faster than those who used plain old decongestants. Wait, who only used decongestants. The spray kids used decongestants, too. [Guess they're not banned in Czech yet.]

The study was funded by Goemar Laboratoires La Madeleine, the makers of the Physiomer nasal spray used in the study. The Greene Ratio's off the charts on that one.

A New You: Dr. Alan Greene on Parenting and Children’s Health [nytimes]
Seawater spray cures kids colds-Czech researchers [reuters.com/article/latestCrisis (heh)]

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