November 21, 2006

I Was Not Aware That October Was SIDS Awareness Month

All I can figure is that someone from the crib bumper industrial complex must have deleted my email announcement from someone in the sleepsack industrial complex.

Anyway, kid sleeps, rests, and hangs on his back. No loose or puffy bedding. Might you consider a sleepsack-like wearable blanket like the kind from the innovative Halo Innovations that keeps your kid warm and covered and keeps bedding away from his face?

First Candle/SIDS Alliance
SleepSack from Halo, $20 [amazon]
The TAG Bag Sleep Sack [two words] has little tags that won't be of interest at all to your kid, I'm sure, $CAD50 []


Just wanted to give a little personal blurb on the sleepsack. I've got a couple and LOVE them. One is the Kohlr Baby TAG Bag you mention, my son loves it, but then again he really loves textures and between the tags and the fleece is a happy little clam. The other I like is one by Grembo for the summer a nice hemp blend. Sleepsacks have been great for us because we like camping and it makes transporting the bedding a snap!

Thanks for the reminder about the need for SIDS awareness. Two other things to remember:

- the AAP recently recommended the use of pacifiers, which seems to reduce the risk. One theory is that it keeps babies in a somewhat higher state of arousal. There is a summary and useful recap of risk reduction techniques at

- it is important, as more infants go into childcare settings, to ensure that child care providers (and babysitters, etc.) are aware of the SIDS risk reduction techniques. A 2000 study by Dr. Rachel Moon found 20% of SIDS cases in childcare, when the expected proportion should have been 7%
The theory is that some providers were unfamiliar with the Back to Sleep campaign and putting infants to sleep face down, despite the practice of the parents.

Lesson 1: talk to your child care provider, find out what she (or he) knows about SIDS and SBS, give explicit instructions, and make sure those instructions are being put into practice.

Lesson 2: they're called risk reduction techniques because sometimes it doesn't matter. I met a mother recent who lost a 2 month old to SIDS, even though she was backsleeping with a pacifier.

However, you gotta try....

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