Congratulations to the Chris Martins, who had their baby boy over the weekend in New York.
On the strict advice of their nanny "not mak[e] him the kingpin" of the house--and just in time for Passover--they've named him Moses.
Well, I know what I'm getting him...
Gwyneth Paltrow has a boy [people via cbb]
related: Chris Martin writes a song [called "Moses"]
Tonight on ABC! An ALL-NEW The Ten Commandments: "A Moses plagued by inner turmoil" [nydn]
What happened to "Capone"?
Guess "Capone" wasn't as "clean" and "Biblical" as Moses, or Apple.
Moses the song is actually pretty catchy. Unfortunately I don't have the whole thing memorized, so I'm doomed to have "nuh-nuh Moses...da-da-da-da-da" running through my head for the rest of the afternoon. Thanks Greg.
[just give it a couple of days, I'm sure it'll come back to you... Because until Braddy Types launches, Moses is all you'll be hearing about at the supermarket checkout line. -ed.]