Praise the Lord, and pass the Cirque du Soleil extras, people: the Bugaboo Bee music video is now online, and a chance to see the Bee in motion is the least of its offerings.
Whether it's too [check all that apply] Matthew Barney, Christina Aguilera World Tour '06, Super Bowl Shuffle, or Moulin Rouge or not enough, you have to admit one thing right up front:
This is the single most important stroller promotional video in the history of the world.

Also, that dude in the taxi needs a belt. I can see his drawers.
Coming soon: the cover version performed by 1,500 Philippine prison inmates.
Bugaboo Bee Film [bugaboo.com, thanks to julie in marketing for the deep link]
Wow. And I thought the quinny zapp vids were over the top. This sets a new standard.
I just checked the price of the Bugaboo Bee at mystroller.com. List price is $600 but it on sale for $530. Wha?
[that's BS. the announced price is $529. That site's "regular prices" are totally made up; you'd have to be an chump to buy from someone trying to con you into thinking they're giving you a deal. -ed.]
At $600, I'm waiting for the 2nd generation iPhone stroller.
A very cute video. Well produced. No wonder the stroller is so spendy. Its all about marketing.
Bugaboo, the stroller for all kinds of dads -- short dreads, business casual, sagging, you name it -- as long as they have the money.
Pretty cute, nonetheless.
[yeah capitalism, -ed.]