October 9, 2013

OG Ferrarina: Kid-Sized Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa


This is not a drill.

I don't know what it is, exactly, but a drill it is not.

This is a kid-sized Ferrari 180 Testa Rossa that was apparently sold as a "Ferrarina" by none other than Luigi Chinetti, the racing legend who became Ferrari's first dealer for North America.


It looks utterly extraordinary. I mean, it should, right? Because 250 Testa Rossa? What is this, 1958? '58? But it's more. It just looks right. How is that possible? Those front wings are just killing me, they're so great. And they were making it at the time.

It's been coddled and restored somewhere, obviously. Does it run? Who knows? But in that condition, it must. The cockpit consists of one lever and a wooden steering wheel.

The auction catalogue text is apparently still in the works, so hopefully any details will be forthcoming. The web is no help. The name "Ferrarina" appeared in the mid-60s as the winking nickname of the Giugiaro-designed ASA GT, which received chassis and engines from Ferrari, but not the horse. This pint-size Testa Rossa must predate that.

Anyway, what might be the world's greatest kid car awaits you in New York City, RM Auctions @ Sotheby's on November 21st. There is no reserve price, so leave the amount on the check blank.

HOLY SMOKES UPDATE: IT SOLD FOR $126,500. THIS IS LITERALLY THE FERRARI 250 GT OF KIDDIE CARS NOW. I mean, yeah, technically it was that before but now, too!

Ferrari 180 Testa Rossa Children's Car, no reserve, 21 Nov 2013 [rmauctions via dt kidcar guru dt]


The best that we can hope for is that two hedge fundies get into a bidding war and impoverish themselves, each trying to add this to their collection, to be displayed in their Westchester county garage-mahals.

The best that we can hope for is that two hedge fundies get into a bidding war and impoverish themselves, each trying to add this to their collection, to be displayed in their Westchester county garage-mahals.

I was going to delete the duplicate for you, but garage-mahal is a coinage worth repeating.

I'm looking into what exactly happened, but the dueling hedge fundies is a good guess so far.

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