January 30, 2013

We're From Department H And We're Here To Help


Reddit users are sure this is a viral publicity stunt, but I think it's clear that it's just gotten so hard for people at this Toronto Home Depot to find someone to ask a question, that a kind-hearted dad and his trusty sidekick have decided to take the customer service situation into their own hands.

I know a good dad when I see one - reddit user resgestae [reddit]
Department H [wikipedia]


My skepticism stemmed from the quality of photography: the sharp focus, fast shutter in low light, the depth of field. This wasn't taken with a phone, and what are the odds that someone was carrying their DSLR around a Home Depot? Then again, I have hauled around 7 pounds of camera in order to capture my family in everyday situations, so...

But, I still vote guerrilla marketing campaign. We'll see the full commercial this spring.

Yeah, the guy talks about his DSLR setup in the Reddit thread. It is a very valid question.

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