Creme Anglaise is the atelier of Toulouse-based ebeniste Jocelyn Costis, who specializes in making kids' furniture, often from upcycled, slightly overworked salvage wood. This rocking chicken, for example, or my personal favorite, the crescent-shaped cradle that perhaps was once a deck, or a shipping pallet.
On a completely unrelated note, I can't help imagining thie classic Jean-Paul Goude commercial remade with "Ebeniste!"
Jocelyn Costis | Creme Anglaise [cargocollective, thanks dt reader sara]
Oh man! That moon rocker is amazing. I'll be making one this holiday break for sure. The kid is going to be so stoked. Thanks so much for sharing! (Clearly beyond excited, sorry. And also apparently OVER CAFINFRRTED!)