December 8, 2011

Gingerbread Geodesic Dome Kit By Scout Regalia


Look, I'm as stoked as the next guy for a gingerbread geodesic dome. And while I was gonna grouse about how Scout Regalia's $25 dome kit is pretty much just two pieces of cardboard, and how, really, the gingerbread panels aren't structural, but are just icinged onto the cardboard armature, let's face facts: the likelihood that you'd actually build a geodesic gingerbread dome without this kit are pretty damn close to zero. So Scout is doing the Lord's dome work here.

I will say, though it looks OK in the picture, that I kind of which they'd stopped decorating it about halfway through the video. It's like a kid's unexpectedly brilliant drawing, which they proceed to color in, because they don't know when to stop.

Scout Regalia Gingerbread Geodesic Dome Kit, $25 [scoutregalia]


The only problem is that the cardboard isn't edible. Maybe you could make an armature structure underneath out of candy cane trusses instead.


Sweet! What will those SCI-Arc kids think up next?

But point taken, "Home, home in a dome, where eclectic nonsense is nil" seems to have been overlooked here.

"It's like a kid's unexpectedly brilliant drawing, which they proceed to color in, because they don't know when to stop."

That is probably the truest thing I've heard in a long time. Sometimes I feel like the grinch for wanting to snatch my kids' drawings away from them before they turn their little Cy Twomblys into nothing more than schmaltzy over-decorated Schnabels. Other times I distract them before they can overfill the composition and I switch out a fresh piece of paper. ;-)

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