A little while back at Ikea, we found a binful of cute cloth masks--we got a bee and a dog. I think they were like $3.99 or something.
And I've always said that the only way to compete with a low-cost, mass-produced, disposable global behemoth like Ikea is to go totally handmade, hand-felted, hand-dyed, made from your own hand-sheared sheep and hand-picked plants. And cute.
Yes, that's what I always say.
Five different limited edition animal masks by Amelia McIsaac, $36 each, at Kalon Studios [kalonstudios.com via publicists]
Looks great, I like it.
Funny, My wife made a pair of felt goggles for the little man today. Not quite as detailed as these ones though. The lad is pleased as punch with them.