June 30, 2011

Holy Moley, Evel Knievel Shortster MINT IN BOX

Anyone remember back in 2008, when I asked everyone and no one in particular, "How many Evel Knievel tricycles do you think are still out there?"

Well, it's taken almost three years, but we finally have an answer: AT LEAST ONE.


After he left a comment on that earlier post about his memories of getting an Evel Knievel Shortster trike for his 2nd birthday, I emailed DT reader Melton. Who said he'd commented because he'd just been cleaning out his dad's garage, see, and there in the bottom of a cabinet was a second Shortster, unopened, in the box.

This is what the Internet was invented for, people. Our Cold War forefathers knew that, in the event the Communists in the USSR and Red China tried to bring down the global financial system by attempting to cast doubt upon the Good Faith and Credit of the United States of America, God- and Capitalism-loving consumers would need an electronic communications network resilient enough to trade gold bars and/or Glenn Beck TV subscription credits for awesome, stars&bars daredevil toddler ride-on toys from the 70s.

Or something like that. I'm just trying to accurately capture the momentousness of the news of this Shortster discovery. It'll probably be on eBay in time for the Fourth of July.

Previously: Evel Knievel tricycles and other highly collectible novelty vehicles


Is that during the years AMF owned Harley?

AMF is probably most well known for making bowling pins and bowling supplies, and for owning Harley-Davidson Motorcycles for a time.

Early in 1951, Junior Toy was sold to the American Machine and Foundry Company (AMF) in New York City. In this deal Junior Toy Company merged with Cleveland Welding Company (producers of Roadmaster bicycles) under the umbrella of AMF. After a few years, the plant in Hammond was closed down completely.

AMF continued to produce tricycles with the Junior name. Then tricycles with Junior AMF, and later simply as AMF tricycles.

In 1993 Roadmaster acquired Flexible Flyer and in 1997 Roadmaster was bought out by Brunswick, and became part of the Brunswick Outdoor Recreation Group. Roadmaster continues to produce tricycles today

i just bought a shorster today i can send pics if interested i may sell it. not sure though.

can any one tell me the value of a complete amf shortster. thank you.

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