I was very disappointed to find out that BHC wasn't a full hour of those dancing, costumed chihuahuas like in the preview/teaser. *That* I could have watched for a long time. What they actually filmed was far less interesting.
Me too, I LOVE Chihuahuas!
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*Throw up in my mouth*
Does it matter? I mean, isn't it ALWAYS a fun Twitter party when moms talk about Beverly Hills Chihuahua? Isn't that why they made the sequel?
I was very disappointed to find out that BHC wasn't a full hour of those dancing, costumed chihuahuas like in the preview/teaser. *That* I could have watched for a long time. What they actually filmed was far less interesting.
I'm just hoping they give away free chihuahuas and I don't want to miss out.
Me too, I LOVE Chihuahuas!