Stardate 63293.1
We have come across Star Trek Onesies at Thinkgeek, which show signs that the Gerber Childrenswear Company has apparently abandoned its claim on the Onesie copyright on this M-Class planet.
The Starfleet Academy cadet Onesie shows the pre-2372 logo with the gramatically corrected latin motto ["Ex Astris, Scientia"], which locates its design as after 2368, when TNG: The First Duty took place, and which featured the infamous "Ex Astra, Scientia" logo.
Admiral Doctorow noted on BoingBoing-9, the red Onesies are for expendable babies who won't last an entire episode. And I would add that the blue Onesies are cut very short, for the sexy yeoman/nurse babies.
Star Trek Uniform Onesies, $16 []
Couldn't help commenting on the sheer awesomeness of star trek onsies! :-)
FYI - None the pics come through on your RSS feed. at least for me in google reader.