June 24, 2009

DTQ: What Hot New Baby Name Would YOU Choose?

This was in my comment spam this morning:

Hello , This is Hunter from newmart company,if you have any question or need our price list ,please do not hesitate let us know Look forward to receiving your reply Best regards, Hunter Quanzhou Newmart Baby and Child Products Co.,Ltd Building 6,Zhongyuan Mingcheng,Quanxiu Road,Fengze District,Quanzhou City.,Fujian Province,China. P.C : 362000
Now I have a grownup friend named Hunter, I'm pretty sure 99% of the world's Hunters are still under four feet tall.

We rarely get the chance to choose our own names. So if you were, say, entering the witness protection program, or doing Fujianese export bizdev or porn, what name would you choose?

And while we're on the topic, to what extent are the names we choose for our kids the names we wish we'd grown up with?


If our baby is a boy, he will be Hunter Gavin C. Is he doomed to a tiny little spambot?

Seriously though, I like that name and I would have been OK to grow up as a Hunter (if I was a boy). Growing up as a Morgan, when that was not a "trendy" name, suited me just fine. I turned out OK and I really like my name. (Thanks Mom for watching Morgan Fairchild and copying her name :p )

We did an old school thing with our son and named him in honor of his grandfathers. My wife's father's middle name is Iban (Spanish of Ivan) and my father's middle name is Joseph. He was named Ivan Joseph. For us, it wasn't anything like that (what names we wanted as a child). We also looked into the popularity of the names as well and tried to stay away from the trendy names.

I grew up as Amy - one of a bajillion born in the 1970s. I'm now known by my middle name, Abigail - which is, of course, being given to a bajillion baby girls born right about now.

Should I ever enter the Witness Protection Program I will insist on being known as Hepzibah.

And Morgan, I think your little Hunter will be fine. Jeremy, our kids have family names, too. It's one way to stop arguing about whether Emily is too common or Callixto too unusual.

we like our own names - neither freakishly unusual nor ten-a-penny, classic, dignified and easy to spell - so tried for the same for our kids...

Chuck Norris or maybe Clint Eastwood

Our first born was supposed to arrive jan 1, 2001...(01/01/01) I gave serious consideration to naming him Uno, or One (Primo sounded too Guido-ish)...he ended up being born a few days early.

Let's compose a whole classroom full of "aidens"

The Chinese kid would be madein
The Hilton kid would be staydin
The used car salesman's kid would be tradein
The gay kid would be sashaydin (gaydin is too easy)
The preacher's kid would be praydin.

I was named when Caitlin was a very unusual name, in the early '60s; it wasn't until the late '80s, early '90s that every other little girl in the supermarket seemed to have that name. According to Baby Name Voyager, it peaked at 70 but if you check on all the various spellings, it's been way the frick up there for a while. Anyway, I still really like it (this spelling anyway) so I wouldn't change it. Oh, and for some reason, my nickname has always been "Kate." There's no real reason but I can't stand "Cait."

Our kid is named Thomas Gilmore T. We had lots of family names on the list (Thomas wasn't one of them) but I think what finally clinched it was the great alliterative sound of Thomas, and especially Tom, with his last name, which begins with "T" and has two syllables. I like the way it sounds like a guy who's All American & in a Nancy Drew book. He is not likely to actually become an All American. Our reasoning was also a lot like becster's.

The Gilmore came from my grandmother's maiden name, not the Gilmore Girls. Although technically, I guess my grandmother WAS a Gilmore Girl.

Growing up my name, Heather, was everywhere but until I met my husband and started using the Turkish version, Funda, I never wanted to be called anything else. Using Funda online helps to distinguish me from the hoards of others who are my age with the same name.

My own girls have Turkish first names and classic English middle names.

The only "modern" names that I still feel nauseated about are Naveah (or however people are spelling Heaven backwards these days) and very definite boy names (like James!) used on girls. There are of course all those names with which people are trying to be "unique" which of course don't bear mentioning.

i think shanequa is coming back in style! how about those 80's names?

My name, Elspeth, and my best friend's name, Sheahan, were and still are uncommon names. At the time, i hated my name: no one could spell it or pronounce it correctly. Many people wanted to abbreviate it to El or Elsie (blech); someone once said it was difficult to pronounce because it had too many syllables (yes, two is a lot). Needless to say, that guy didn't get a second date.

Now, I love it. I don't have to explain which Susan or Sarah I am when I'm at work, and people remember my name.

The weird thing was that there was a girl in my class named Elspeth, but she went by Beth until after high school. Years later, we both work in the same industry but thankfully on opposite sides of the continent.

That said, I'd never name my kid Elspeth.

Although I didn't name my kid what name I dreamed of having, mostly since in the 70s i had questionable taste, we did choose a name for our daughter that was memorable, not completely uncommon, and that was really easy to pronounce and spell. Sadly, we should have named her Foolproof, since people still get her name wrong.

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