September 2, 2008

Aprica For Fendi Bib, 4,416 Rupees


Vogue India did a photoshoot using average--or as the World Bank likes to call them, "destitute and living on $1.25/day"--Indians to model luxury brands, including this $100 Fendi logo bib, part of the Aprica X Fendi collaboration collection posted on Daddy Types last April.

[Disclosure, Vogue India is a corporate sibling of Cookie Magazine, which has advertised on Daddy Types. Also, Fendi is owned by LVMH, and Aprica was bought by Graco, none of which has advertised on DT; I just thought I'd point out the connections.]

Vogue's Fashion Photos Spark Debate in India [nyt]
Wait, that's 5,078 rupees! Aprica for Fendi Two-Layer Zucca Canvas Bib, $115 []


Just reinforces how out of touch the fashion industry is with everything but itself.

Don't worry: they let the kid have the bib at cost.

This actually strikes me as a really cutting social commentary--juxtaposing the burgeoning luxury market in India with abject poverty that engulfs so much of the population. Too bad Vogue India didn't intend it that way.

"Don't worry: they let the kid have the bib at cost."

Considering the kid made the bib, it was the least they could do.

This is bullsh*t plain and simple.

As someone who has been to India, I can tell you that the abject poverty that many children live in is something that after experiencing it, no "first world" parent would ever forget it.

Here's an example of an everyday kind of experience. We went to a village. There were people sitting on the side of the road making banging rocks together. They had carefully grouped the rocks by side and were banging them against each other. Those not banging rocks didn't even blink an eye at the rock bangers.

There are so many stories I won't burden people here with, too sad all of them.

I'm with Bobbini on this. If the intent had been different, these photos could have been a commentary on poverty, wealth, materialism, etc. Had I seen the images without any background, I would have thought that was what they were going for. After reading the article and Vogue's statements however, I'm more than a little grossed out.

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