Finally, a perfect use for Twitter. DT reader Ben is documenting his 3-year old daughter's words of wisdom in less-than-144 character bursts. Here are some samples, nearly at random:
"Astronauts don't ride motorcycles. They fly in the sky. They come like Santa Claus and Easter Bunny and bats." 08:00 AM June 15, 2008 from webHm, judging by that last one, I'd say Ben's daughter's getting the hang of the web PDQ.
"I want to watch music. Because I want to know what's in the music." 07:36 AM June 15, 2008 from web(I'm writing this down.) "Don't tell your work." (Why not?) "Because that's not good information for them... I don't have any underwear on." 08:51 PM June 14, 2008 from web
ben_yes's Twitter []
Love it. Hopefully he is printing out his tweets for her baby book.