April 15, 2008

Bookhou Felt Kids Chair, From Canada


I am a sucker for industrial felt. Spread last week's pad thai onto a giant sheet of inch-thick, grey felt, and I'd eat it with my hands tied behind my back. [Actually, I think that's actually a Joseph Beuys sculpture, so I'd probably archive it instead.] Anyway, point is, I'm probably not the most objective source of information on industrial felt-covered projects.

Like John Booth's very simple-looking bent ash kids chair for Bookhou. Awesome. I wonder if you could do the same for, say, a mini Bertoia chair, in case you were wary about getting entangled in the whole Canadian hardwood lumber brouhaha?

Felt Chair by John Booth for Bookhou Furniture, 220CAD, which is what, $US440 these days? [bookhou.com via minor details]


Is the industrial felt thin enough to be the pad on the drop-down IKEA changing table?

I agree, that is a comfy looking chair. But how do you clean it -- won't felt just suck up anything you spill on it, spongelike? (Maybe it's synthetic fiber felt so it won't?)


You can get SAE felt in any thickness you desire, down to 1/16" and under (see mcmaster.com). Not sure a changing pad is an ideal application though (wool is very absorbent and itchy).

I've seen these chairs that are made of what looks like a felt laminated with other layers of some thermoset plastic. THe felt is the structure of the chair itself, made possible by the hard set of layers. Its as strong as wood. Im wondering if you've seen this, and what is the material is that makes the felt harden like that? im guessing there some fiberglass and resin set in the middle of felt layers...

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