February 22, 2008

Fun, New SWINXS Encourages Fitness, Robotic Subservience


When I first saw SWINXS on Engadget the other day, I thought it was just another of those RFID-enabled, programmable gaming platforms that purports to encourage physically active play while secretly conditioning children to the idea of taking orders from a computer that monitors their every move.

But then Minor Details points out that it's an RFID-enabled, programmable gaming platforms that purports to encourage physically active play while secretly conditioning children to the idea of taking orders from a computer that monitors their every move from a company run by Eduard Zanen, one of the co-founders of Bugaboo.

I've met Eduard, and I like him, so now that I may have an in, I, for one, welcome our SWINXS overlords!

Swinxs lures your children outside, tricks them into "moving around" [engadget]


It'd be even better if you could download different voices, say, Rip Torn: "If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball."

Please make the green go away. I'm tired of seeing that green on children's products.

[green is the new orange! -ed.]

"conditioning children to the idea of taking orders from a computer"

Heh. As if the rules for board games hadn't already conditioned them to mindless obedience to illogical printed rules/laws.

Brillant idea to get the kids out and about, I love the concept for getting the kids involved when their bored on the 5th day into the holidays.

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