January 11, 2008

DT Retail Scoutabout: January Is Baby Sale Season

Who'd have thought that January would be a big sale season for baby gear? Don't we have babies and need stuff at a pretty even clip year-round? Whatever, hop to, there's sales afoot:

  • I assume you already know about Modern Child's winter clothing sale from their ad on DT. Well, the discounts just went from 50% off to up to 65% off. If any of those hand-felted clothes by Nicola Edeler are in the right sizes, I might jump. Of course, once you put the kid in a handmade felt/organza dress, you're kind of obligated to take her somewhere other than the Denny's just off the Delaware Turnpike.

  • Vincent Shoes, also known as Awesome Kicks of Sweden, is having a winter shoe sale. If any of you western US people are feeling like it's still winter, or if you can buy ahead, or if you're just heading to the southern hemisphere in a couple of months. Another DT advertiser, btw.

  • DT advertiser Sparkability--am I sensing a theme here?--seems to have an inside track on awesome Nurseryworks sales, and Right Now is no exception. Selected color and pattern combinations are ready to ship at like 40% off. Crazy.

  • The awesomely stocked, London-based, Little Fashion Gallery is having a 30-50% off sale on clothing as well. It's worth a visit, if only to see prices that remind you of the good old days when the pound was $1.50.

  • There's a clothing sale on at Olie Bollen, some steep markdowns on Tea, Catamini, etc. Did you know Olie is spelled with one 'L'? Did you know they've advertised on DT, and yet I still mis-typed it twelve times over the last two years? At least I always cut&pasted the links right.

  • And finally, for the moment, early DT advertisers and inspiration Modernseed is having a winter clothing sale, too. Lots of Small Paul. Must be part of that whole 10 Grain colabo deal. The Monkey just wants to be your everything.

    Anything else on sale?


    I just found some awesome deals on baby clothes at http://www.sandboxcouture.com. No fuss, no muss online shopping for my kids is great!

    Lots of stuff on sale at B&M Target stores -- strollers, pack 'n' plays, carseats, etc. Will vary by store. Also toy clearance in stores.

    Found a great baby clothing store and baby furniture store in Carmel Indiana. They are Carmel Baby Boutique in the center of Carmel. They have the best baby clothes, and shoes I have yet to see. They also offer cribs, changing tables, and Dressers. My wife and I are going back this weekend to get some more items. They have a website www.carmelbabyboutique.com not everything is on the website, but it may help give a idea for a shower gift, and items you may want.

    Thanks, Todd

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