December 6, 2007

Merry Krishna! Ghee Happy T-Shirts Make The Perfect Holiday Gift


I've been a fan of animation artist Sanjay Patel's take on Hindu's greatest deities and heroes since he first published his book, Little India, in 2005. [The book was greatly expanded last year and published by Penguin as The Little Book of Hindu Deities: From the Goddess of Wealth to the Sacred Cow.]

Now, just in time for the big monotheistic holidays, Patel is releasing four exclusive t-shirt designs at San Francisco [H]indie toy emporium, Super7. Because what could be better for Christmas and/or Hannukah than a t-shirt with an adorable Kali, Ganesha, Shiva, or Krishna on the front? [Note: yes, that's a rhetorical question.]

Too bad you weren't reincarnated as a kid or a chick, because at the moment, there are no mens' sizes.

Ghee Happy t-shirts in youth sizes [YS is maybe 4-6, YM is 8-12yo] are $20/each, plus a karma-draining $8 per for shipping. Yow. []
Get The Little Book of Hindu Deities: From the Goddess of Wealth to the Sacred Cow for $11.20 at amazon [amazon]

Previously: Hello, Kali: the cutest Hindu mythology book ever
Dad's little Hindu deity book reincarnated as a Penguin


how is it cute to see religious characters made into silly little caricatures on t-shirts ?? i don't get it !! have you ever traveled to india ? know much about these gods ? ignorance sure is bliss ...

[how much do you know about the whole point behind Sanjay's work, which was intended to make the Hindu pantheon and culture more accessible to diaspora Indian kids and their parents? The fact that my kid knows who Ganesha is is due almost entirely to her Little India book. And her Hindu finger puppets. -ed.]

ignore the above comment - i did not mean to rant. having a bad day :)

[too late ;) -ed.]

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