October 28, 2007

Sweet DIY Slot-Together Cardboard Play Kitchen

Toy Kitchen 2, originally uploaded by annam42.

Very nice. Anna, a craftblogging mom who knows what to do with a boxcutter, hacked this sweet, slot-together play kitchen out of cardboard. The design was inspired by Momoll's awesome--and awesomely priced--slot-together kitchen made of birch ply.

If you already have a round cake pan for the sink and a Velcro tab for the cupboard door, and if you spray paint it whatever color you have on hand, the cardboard version could be about 100% cheaper than the $600 $450 Momoll original.

There aren't plans or instructions yet, but there's a preliminary sketch, and photo of the disassembled pieces in the flickr set.

Toy Kitchen is finished! [fortytworoads via baby toolkit, thanks dt reader eric]
an in-process post: What I've Been Building and the genesis of the idea [fortytworoads]
Previously: Please Sir, can I have some Momoll?


Wow... I've had something like this in the back of my head ever since I saw the Momoll one; nice to see someone go out and prove the concept. The cake pan for the sink is a nice touch; I wonder if my daughter would mind if I borrowed her sink when I want to make quiche, though?

I'm thinking of foamcore instead of cardboard, although cardboard might slot together more nicely...

FYI, the Momoll kitchen is $450 here:

Thanks so much for posting about my little toy kitchen! I just wanted to let you know that I wrote up an instruction manual for it, which is now up in my new Etsy shop - fortytworoads.etsy.com. $7 vs $450 - you decide :)

I had been looking for a kitchen for my son that is not pink . . . I had not seen the Momoll but at that price I would have kept looking. Target, the minor Satan to some, has released a pretty trick wood play kitchen for $99 USD. Microwave, sink, range, fridge, shelves and even a little chalkboard all in one unit (and it's blue!). One note, the assembly went smooth but was very long and tedious, like getting locked in an Ikea overnight with a box cutter and an screwdriver. Comes with a couple of pans and cooking utensils.

sweet! now i know what a certain little someone is getting for christmas. thanks for sharing!

Wow... I've had something like this in the back of my head ever since I saw the Momoll one; nice to see someone go out and prove the concept. The cake pan for the sink is a nice touch; I wonder if my daughter would mind if I borrowed her sink when I want to make quiche, though?

I'm thinking of foamcore instead of cardboard, although cardboard might slot together more nicely...

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