September 28, 2007

Gawker Hates On Cheese-Snobbing Alternakid

gawker_hates_kids.jpgIt's hard out there for a kid, yo.

When Gawker's Josh mocked Neal Pollack's cheese snobbery by calling Elijah, his little cheese snob-in-training, names, Neal was understandably pissed. I mean, what's the point of offering up an easy target for ridicule--by, say, blogging about how he teaches his kid to gorge himself on the most expensive samples at the cheese counter--if people are just gonna flame your kid?

For our part, we've avoided these kind of problems by teaching our kid to say, "It's just Brie," whenever she breaks out the Brillat-Savarin. Unless she's in France.

Intro to Turophilia [epicurious]
Elijah Pollack is going to be a horror [gawker via dt reader neal. (hey!)]
"I Hate Your Kids" t-shirt, $20, adult sizes only, obviously []


I always chuckle when my daughter prefers the cheddar that is 3 years older than her. My wife calls me Wallace and my daughter Gromit. Take that, Gawker.

it's been farked now. 20,000+ views and counting. should reach much, much higher if my experience being farked counts for anything.

I don't care how much you hate neal pollack, this is just a new low.

[I think Josh gets a traffic bonus, though, which helps push it down even farther. -ed.]

I'm glad Gawker hasn't found my blog yet. My daughter will only eat some Prosecco-washed Italian sheeps milk cheese from Ideal on the UES. Maybe I can have Neil over for a playdate some time.

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