September 16, 2007

Ausgezeichnet! The Bugaboo Car Seat??


Here's a picture from the just-ended Kind+Jugend expo in Cologne that seems to show some Bugaboo Bee-matching infant carriers.

Either that, or Bugaboo and its car seat-selling expo neighbors drove around Cologne at night, stealing wood from construction sites, then built a halfpipe so big, it took up both their booths.

But wait, here they are again! And not a halfpipe in sight. Takata, the first name in Japanese car seats. Holy smokes, are those forward-facing car seats Bugaboo, too?


Let's take a closer look: Bugaboo-style canopy, with Bee-style buttons. So it's losable, but not hideable. I guess it's the brand. Those blue components are the shoulder belt attachment points. Hmm, there don't appear to be any ISOFIX/LATCH elements visible. Are they in that big, flat, clean storage compartment on the back? Unlikely [you'd have to drive with that thing open all the time, kind of defeats the purpose.] Maxi-Cosi's compartment on the Cabrio definitely was a nice thing to find, but it felt a bit like an afterthought. This looks more integral, the next step.


The seat fabric looks really tight, definitely Japanese-style finish, which is, on average, even nicer than EU-spec Maxi-Cosi. Don't even get me started on those Japan-only, $1000 Aprica J-Puff Marshmallow rigs with all their taut, breathing, neoprene mesh...

But hey-o, what about these big, forward-facing seats? The colors and fabrics seem to match, but there's no Bugaboo logo. And though I'd show those sweet seatbacks off all day, they don't look like they'll be riding on any Bugaboos anytime soon.


Speaking of riding on a Bugaboo, These car seats are clearly not just for the Bee. Here's one on a new Cameleon. Looks like they replaced those twisty handle height adjusters with more Bee-like buttons. Good move. If that helps the Cameleon handle stay even like the Bee's, even better. Looks like the setup still requires adapters, though.


Snap judgment: looks awesome and expensive, especially because you'll have to pay euros for them. My bet is, they won't make it to the US before your kid gets his license.

[images via k-j]


What's the Bugaboo differentiating factor that will justify the presumably big premium? Is it just nice fabrics and a slightly cleaner shape? Man, the car seat market is such a no win proposition, I would just leave it be.

[by reskinning a model from a premium Japanese mfr, I'd say Bugaboo agrees with you. -ed.]

It does look like they changed the Cameleon's Height adjustment knobs to the Bee-style snaps. That's nice. Also, they went with the black label on the safety strap like the Bee's. I wish those car seats would come to the US. They look amazing.

I just bought a freakin' Mico. What're you doin' to me, man??

[this'll be for kid #3, don't worry. -ed.]

I like the infant car seats but I really think the toddler ones seem kinds poor. Like a Chicco Zenith.

I was in a baby shop today (in northern Germany) and saw a new Cameleon chassis. The new design for extending/retracting the handlebars looks really good, and is easy to use. Also, there are buttons instead of sliders for flipping the handlebars from one side to the other.

We've learnt to be very careful adjusting the height of the handlebars on our Cameleon; they've gone wonky at times, making it impossible to adjust the seat. I emailed Bugaboo about it and they were very helpful (offered to replace the chassis altogether), but then we realised we just need to ensure the handlebars are even.

also, do check the State Child Restraint Requirement before choosing the car seat. It varies with different states.

Is it possible to order this bugaboo carseat? If so, where?

its not a storage compartment, its a flap to reach in and adjust the lumbar support, so you can change it when your child grows.
perhaps next time you could actually approach them and ask about the product. thats why exhibitors go to trade fairs, to try and educate people about it so they will buy it when it is launched. no point in taking photos and guessing.
and FYI, the other car seats are not bugaboo ones. the clue is in the labels on each car seat. the bugaboo ones said 'bugaboo by takata' on them.

this photo came from the k+j press office with absolutely no identifying information on the subject or the product. It was part of a series of posts that tried to deduce what was going on in the photos, thus the exaggerated speculative tone. Sorry this was not made clear on every photo in the series, with the result, apparently, that it annoys folks who surf across it 15 months later. Sorry.

And if the tags were working properly, you would see that this is the first of several posts discussing the details of the Bugaboo Takata car seats as they were introduced to the market. So again, apologies.

Believe me, if I had hauled by butt all the way from the just-ended ABC Kids show in Las Vegas to Cologne, I would most certainly have chatted up the folks in the booth. I know them well. As it stands, this post was the first place to break the news--such as it was--of the Bugaboo Takata car seats, so excuse me again if it looks a little rough in retrospect.

Hi, please tell me what other car seats besides the Takata ones can be adapted to a bugaboo cameleon, or if Takata is selling now in the US?
Thank you very much,


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