Spot The Bugaboo Knockoff used to be just fun, but let's face it; Bugaboo's original, innovative design has been around for almost eight years now, and on the market for six. The company has something like 30% market share in the Netherlands. At some point, I think we can all recognize that the Bugaboo Frog has been stroller designers' defacto reference point for years now.

Which goes a little way to explaining how a stroller like the Joolz Bloom can come into being. It shares some design DNA with some other new, post-Bugaboo strollers just hitting the US market, the Micralite Toro, and the Bloom Soho. [Yeah, how pissed are those guys, by the way? They announced a year ahead of Joolz. Of course, the Quinny Buzz guys have to be wondering about the Bee thing, too. When is someone gonna call a stroller the Barracuda or the Deathstar or something? Come on, people.]
Joolz is a new premium brand from the Dutch company, Firstwheels, which has made the lower key Bug/Mutsy competitor City Elite stroller for a couple of years. Firstwheels rolled out Joolz last year at Kind+Jugend, the CES-meets-ComicCon of the global baby industry.
What's interesting is that the Joolz also takes cues from the Stokke Xplory's off-the-street, closer-to-dad seat position, too. Kind of makes me wonder if a Gecko and an Xplory got snowed in at some Arctic stroller testing track in Dec. '05, and they had to huddle together to conserve bodily warmth. If you know what I mean.

The Bloom's own design features are worth noting, too; the single-piece fold, solid extendable handle and height adjustable shoulder harness, all appear on the Bee. Which kind of makes me wonder just how much influence the domestic Dutch market has on the strollers these days. Is Holland to strollers what Germany is to autobahn-storming cars? It would explain the whole cupholder problem.
Joolz has a rainbow of standard fabrics, but they also offer custom-sewn seats using upholstery fabric from the UK outfit, Designers Guild, in case you need to get in touch with your inner Gwen Stefani.
Has anyone seen a Joolz in person, or do you have one, even? at EUR549+149 for the bassinet, they're in the popular upper-middle range for the EU market, which means they should have the engineering, finish, and solidity of Xplorys and Bugs. Unless it's made of freakin' Adamantium, I couldn't imagine buying an $800 rig sight unseen, even if Baby Dump would ship it.
Also, how pissed are the Bloom Baby guys right now? I mean, day-um.
Joolz Bloom [my-joolz.com via mark]
Joolz Bloom Ivy Orange, EUR529 [babydump.nl]
Oh I made that mistake. Bought a Mutsy 4rider site unseen. The beast is huge.
Then I bought a silver cross pop. Not a beast but just an umbrella stroller.
Blame it on a growing online shopping problem and the need to stand apart (I should be spending my cash on therapy but what fun is that?).
Have I learned my lesson? no.
I am now looking for a stroller to take travelling and this lovely Bloom could fit the bill. Mostly cuz its not a Bugaboo.
Any idea of dimensions and weight?
[yeah, caveat emptor on that composite photo. I tried eyeballing it to get the 4 rigs to come out roughly the same size, but I already know the Bug's too big and the Toro's too small. -ed.]
Ummm . . . I like the look of this Bloom, and the foldability. A truly collapsible Xplory is my dream buggy. (Or would that be "Bug-gy"?) But am I missing something? The website appears to be useless.
I'm with you, Heidi -- I want to know how big this rig is, and how heavy. And if that footrest extends.
[it does extend lengthwise, I forgot to point that out. The Bug Bee seat extends for more thigh support, which the kid in the Bloom pic seems to need quite a bit. Also, good point on the Xplory -ed.]
I have to give the Mutsy 4rider Light it's due next to the BB. It's rugged, has a great brake, easy handle adjustment from short mom to tall dad (or vise versa), handles curves and rough terrain like a champ. (Packed sand, grass, potholes in sidewalk, hills of San Francisco)
A smooth ride. The seat is higher up, so no back breaking lean overs.
There is no suspension system like the BB, but I find that the little guy sleeps well to the rocking.
We test drove more strollers than cars! I found the Mutsy felt sturdier than the BB.
Plus no one knows what it is, so you look extra savvy!
Thanks for the great site btw..
Ooooh, I am getting excited now. I like the way this baby folds and really like the orange.
Don't get me wrong I love my Mutsy but there is no way I am trecking that baby around the globe. I have already given up on trecking it around to get my savvy fix. Shopping on 4th Ave with it is like driving a Hummer through Chinatown. If you haven't splurged for the Funseat - oh do so. Makes me feel not so bad for not buying the little guy his own peddle Audi.
And ya sure, the BB is the standard but there are SOOOOO many of them out there. I think I even saw a commercial featuring a mom holding an umbrella over her kid in a BB. What does it say that I have no idea what the ad was for but know that stroller from a mile away?
Anyways back to the Bloom. specs...need those specs. Maybe I will be fabric shopping for my custom stroller. Okay - that is really insane.
Heh, heh --
"I think I even saw a commercial featuring a mom holding an umbrella over her kid in a BB. What does it say that I have no idea what the ad was for but know that stroller from a mile away?"
There's product in those ads? Glad I'm not the only one who can't see the forest for the strollers!
I love this stroller. I want!
I can tell you that the Bloom is a little more or just as heavy as the BB Frog. The bassinet is longer than that of the BB Cameleon, but other dimensions I don't know yet. I am one of the persons Joolz has selected to be an ambassador for their Bloom. A great system. We get the stoller for a reduced price and are the first ones to wonder the streets with it. The stoller (we choosen a Cosmo Silver one) should arrive at the end of this month. So if you want more info let me know. I will be happy to let you know.
(I started a Hyves for other Bloom ambassadors and fans to share their experiences. But it's something typically Dutch (and in Dutch).
{typically Dutch indeed. In America, the ambassador technique is used to market liquor in bars, not strollers on streets. awesome. -ed.]
I was just about to shell out more on an Xplory than I spent on my first car when I found out about the Joolz Bloom (which I can't buy in Australia -- have to ship it from Europe). My big question is -- is it better than the Xplory?! If money were no object, which one should I buy? Probably the major factor -- which one has the higher ride height (both seat and bassinet)? Anyone know? Many thanks for any useful info.
[if money's no object, buy both and see which one you like better. There are definitely strollerphreaks who subscribe to that philosophy. No one knows what the Joolz is, because it hasn't been released yet, and the company doesn't respond to media requests for information, so the detailed specs you're looking for are as yet unavailable. If time is an object and ride height is a priority, just go for the Xplory. -ed.]
Do any of you have a Bloom? I'm wondering if the seat ends up being too tall for bigger kids, who on other models would be able to get on/off on their own. I believe the Xplory has adjustable height, but this one seems to be fixed. Is this a potential problem?
As any one in Australia gone and imported the Bloom Yet???
it's been since August since last posting...
My other pram i'm looking at thanks to Pram explorers on this site is the Icandy Pear!!
I thinking its heavy however it fits 2 little people. Wrote to the company asking if they have any idea on exporting to Australia. No reply.
Feedback for Joolz Bloom test driven in Oz fantastic.
Just took delivery of a red Joolz Bloom. Went through Babytrader.eu. There was a special so the pram (stroller) with bassinet and diaper bag and shopping bag (good for a few cans of soda?) cost $1050 U.S. delivered to Kentucky.
If you've ever put together IKEA furniture you know what the instructions are like. Took me two hours- I am a freaking general/hand surgeon!
Solidly constructed, powder coated aluminum. Turns well (the Quinny Buzz turns better, but is lower)
The bassinet is huge. Worth it for six months. I may let the tyke sleep in it all the time...I may be kidding.
It's slick. My fellow...well fellows at work called it the Ferrari of strollers. It's like, if I gotta push it I may as well look good. Wonder if I could pass off a wagon Audi RS4 on the wife?
I will post pics. It took about 3 weeks to get here from Amsterdam. My program coordinator called and said I had boxes from..."Amsterdam"...ominously as though it was from house of hashish or something.
It's nice. It's a stroller at the end of the day, but it puts the tyke higher, it's not a danger bugaboo (too plentiful in Philadelphia). Plus it'll surprise my wife at her baby shower.
Sure I won't see another one in Louisville, doubt I'll see one in Philly...maybe NYC?
Here a the best photos ofthe bloom I could take.
The stroller is up and waiting for the baby to arrive.
I can't imagine that no one Stateside has purchased one of these and posted design specs for the rest of us. I've looked and can't find anywhere. Does anyone know the height/weight folded/unfolded?
Weight is 11.9 kilos (26 pounds). Dimensions - don't know.
I am in the US and ordered a Joolz from Europe. I LOVE THIS STROLLER!
where did you order this stroller from?
How are you enjoying it?
do you have teh dimensionS?
Does it work well in a city - if you live in a city?
Stephen, where did you order this from? My husband and I have been thinking about getting one but are skeptical since we can't see it first. If you have any info on how to get one, it would be much appreciated! :)