July 11, 2007

Ooh La La! 80's Beach Stroller From The French Riviera?


What better way to celebrate Bastille Day than by buying an insane, vintage beach stroller from the French Riviera, courtesy of HM The Strollerqueen?

According to the eBay description, that's what this is, "Made in France, Les Ateliers," a stroller from the 1980's, made for a beach club along the French Riviera. Which would explain the mad, angular design, the Bauhausian color scheme and the giant balloon sand tires.

But then, wouldn't a black stroller made out of a grilltop sear little marks in petit Marcel's skin after it's been sitting out in the sun for five minutes? And where's the sun canopy? And those tires look like the stock photo wheelbarrows in the UK-produced Dorling Kindersley My First Boardbook series. I happen to have lived on the Riviera in the mid-1990's, and I don't remember seeing any Grace Jones-lookin' strollers in any of the beach clubs I went to.


Les Ateliers is a reference to L'ENSCI - Les Ateliers, the national industrial design university. It's the other name on the label, Ateliers Reunis Caddie that's the kicker. Caddie is a giant equipment manufacturer to the hospitality, medical, and retail industries. They make housekeeping and grocery carts [which is obvious from the design]. Could this stroller be the long-lost poussette concept study for some Starck-era grad student's senior show? If you know for sure, eBay sellers are standing by to accept your $410.

result: no bids

1980's Modernist French Baby Stroller LES ATELIERS, ends July 15th, opening bid: $350+$60s/h [ebay via the hrh strollerqueen]
Previously: at least 1990's freakshow Jordy's sweet French stroller was a burn-resistant white


This is extremely reminiscent of a child's torture device made by Amsco (for dolls) in the 40s and 50s. There's one on eBay right now:

Amsco Doll Cart

It's, in turn, a copy of similar ones used for children, not dolls, back when shopping carts were new.

Yeah, different take on the wheels, but still . . . Nothin' new under the sun (so to speak) in strollerville.

[first the Queen, now the Dean. thanks for the tip. -ed.]

Here's a link to a modern version:

Beach Stroller

Note the front wheel. The new one's not exactly great aesthetics-wise, but that seat has to be a lot more comfortable. Now that I've been reminded of this one, I'll do a post on it in the next day or two on GearAbility.

Oh dear,it seems that my little boy can break it with one hand in a minute.
Also how can a child can fit in that, very uncomfortable.

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