March 6, 2007

Puzzle Place Setting Teaches Kid Where The Fork Goes. In Europe.


Fresh outta school Dutch designer Wendy Boudewijns won the Red Dot Award for her Puzzle Dinner Tray. Everything fits together like a puzzle, and most things have those little red knobs on them.]

"At Royal VKB, we like our children to become familiar with the correct table setting as early as possible," they say. Personally, I like our children to learn how to handle utensils well, and besides, Alfredo Haeberli's tray set is actually in production.

Puzzle Dinner Tray for Royal VKB [ via mocoloco]
related: Sweet Juniper Butter Knife for Kids, by Alfredo Haeberli, $150


The fork is the only setting that is correct, by U.S. standards of course. I've never seen any country place the utensils across the top like that.

Even in the US, that's where the dessert spoon and fork go in semi-formal settings.

Wait, where else does the fork go? I've only done it there, even on non-formal Tuesday night dinners.

And the spoon on top is for dessert--that's the place it goes when you set all the silverware at the beginning of the meal.

[I think they're actually in the right spots, just offset for esthetic effect. -ed.]

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